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AuburnRose May 2015
You're with me through everything,
love, hatred, anger, lust, care, sympathy.

You give me life, so much life,
Yet I use you selfishly.

I hurt you,
I hurt you because I want so many things.

I want to eat a cheeseburger,
feel the delicious goodness slide down my throat.
Every burger makes you weak.

I want to love him,
even though he won't love back.
You ache and ache,
trying your best to keep me together.

I ignorantly take in hurt from people,
because I want to feel,
you wither away slowly,
like a tree succumbed to winter.

But maybe because I hurt you so,
you blossom and grow,
because you fill your vase with not only water,
but poison and honey.

And it is best to feel everything rather than nothing.
I feel sorry* for those people worried more about their grades than their lives

I feel sorry for those people who worry more about the answers rather than the beauty of those unanswered questions of life

I feel sorry for those people who gives more self worth than appreciating the beauty of caring for welfare of others

I feel sorry for those people who cant enjoy life cause they are too worried about the future and are stressing about their past rather than living today

I feel sorry* for those who cant control themselves and give in to anger, pain, guilt and sadness than feel free by forgiving, being happy and be kind

Yes, I feel sorry for myself sometimes
Harly A Quinn Apr 2015
We talk about
like it doesn't

We talk about
but we don't
know it

We talk about that
over there, but
she didn't do a

And then we have the audacity to
laugh it off
like it's
no big deal

That's all we do now
laugh and talk

Maybe we don't
what we're talking about

instead of pretending to have the
we should get a feel
take the pain we've inflicted
upon others

And maybe just maybe
we'll get how
big of a deal
it really is
Maryrose Alarcos Apr 2015
You hurt me
But I endure the pain
You bring me trouble
But I always make things work out
You ignored me
But I didn't care
You made me cry
But I wipe up all the tears
You left me
But I'm still holding on
And if you ask me why?
It's because I don't want to lose you
It's because you're too precious
It's because you make me happy
It's because I love you
Call me selfish
Call me bad names
I don't care
I won't care
Because all my life
I've been so selfless
For my own good
So now that this happened
Can I be selfish just this once?
And give us another chance
Going through so much emotional (fandom) problems atm....
If you're an EXO-L, you would understand.
Charlie Apr 2015
I have adored you since the first day I saw you, with your hair redder than a sunset.
I didn't know your name, your age, even your grade, but you were so intriguing and from that moment on, I saw beauty in a different light.
So when the other girls said they loved you, I let them.
I let their words wash over me knowing that I could never be girl that you would choose first, why would you?
When those girls touch you, I hope you get butterflies and smile and feel good about yourself because you're beautiful, you're wonderful, you're infinite.
When she touches you on the dance floor and you don't smile, push her away, slap her in the face, tell her that you do not want her.
When you shine on that dance floor like radiance and hope and new sunshine, keep shining.
Don't ever lose that light.
I love her too much to handle this
tap Apr 2015
If I were to
collect all the stars
to fashion them into a necklace,
you would slap me on the head
and tell me to return them.

If I were to
steal the moon
and turn it into a comb,
you would toss it back into the night sky
right where it belongs.

I would never be able to
turn the sun into a ring.
I would burn myself before touching it.
But I know you'll berate me,
scold me,
while leading my blistered palms
towards the sink.

I do these selfish things,
steal the treasures of the sky,
thinking that they would make you happy.

I forget that you smile
when you share these treasures
with seven billion other people.
Nicole Shaw Apr 2015
They use me everyday in every single way; Abuse my friendship and basically ruin it. You run your life on the letter I ; You're selfish and rude and sometimes I wonder how I can even stand to look at you. You take without asking like its no big deal, you lie to everybody and yourself because of your own fear, you ask for advice to ignore it and try the wrong thing twice. You live your life trying to be a social butterfly only to become a bigger ******* then you could even realize. Your ego is horrible! If someone seems like they have done more then you, you damage yourself to prove how much more you can do. It's not like I don't love you but sometimes I really want to hurt you; hurt you like you have hurt me. I wish you could feel the pain in my heart and the tears that sometimes run down my face..... Maybe if you could feel the real pain that you cause not only me you would grow up and actually become good company.
this is from the heart and written about an actual person. I really do hope one day she can change.
bc Apr 2015
If I could, I would wrap you up in a box and send you away along with all the feelings I once had for you. I would keep you away, put you in my attic so I wouldn't have to feel this way anymore.
*******. ******* for walking around, acting as if I meant something to you.
How dare you? How dare you waste my time? I was good to you. I gave you my all, and yet you had the audacity to spit it back out and tell me you don't love me.
You destructive creature. You destroy everything in your path. You monster. You never loved me. I was your accessory. I was your hype man. My only purpose was to make you look good.
You are a phenomenal liar. You actually had me going when you said that you loved me. You are amazing at making something so fake seem so real.
I have this box in my room. It's filled with all the laughs I shared with you, the I love you's, the late night conversations, the butterflies I felt the day you asked me out. Take it. Because they no longer belong to me.
You tell me that I've changed. That you miss the old me. What you don't understand is that I lost the old me so long ago that I don't even know who she is anymore. She is out there somewhere. She is wondering. She is lost. She has no home.
Why would you make me believe that you could be my home?
I hate you
but I miss you
and I still love you
Why don't you love me back?
What did I ever do for you to treat me like this? Take my memories because I don't want them anymore.
If I could, I would cry the memory of you out of my system. I would pick myself up and take myself to the hospital, attach myself to the nearest IV and drug myself up until I forget about the way you kiss me, the way you hug me, until I forget you ever existed. You see, as I am writing this I'm curled up underneath my bed sheets with a white flag sewn to my heart because I have given up. I give up. I surrender. I have nothing left to give to you. You took it all away the day I fell for you. I landed face first. Debris flying everywhere, yet, you selfish monster, you made me pick everything up on my own. You never even attempted to catch me. You never even tried.
Brittany Wynn Apr 2015
It takes an unbridled spirit to selflessly help another in need,
so don't you dare believe that you found your *** of gold
without my rainbow.
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