My dearest friend,
I wish more people understood you
You have kept me company all these years
Your rich, bitter-sweetness has shown me depths,
Shown me that sadness should sometimes be embraced
That you are nothing to be feared
You have taught me unique lessons,
Alternate perspectives
That I never would have considered
In any other state of mind
Allowing me to appreciate the beauty
Within the past
Reminding me
That sometimes "where it's at"
Isn't always where we're at
In the present
Maybe I look for you too much
In books, in films, in art, in people
Maybe it's because
You have kept me
For so long
When people leave,
You are present
When others are present,
You are often still here
With me
Do I over identify?
But in the end,
You have stayed my closest friend
Thanks for the company