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Blossom Dec 2016
You're sorry you say?
Now have pity for me?
I laugh in your face
I know what I see
You've heard of my past
And now you feel bad
But you still used to judge
Used to make me feel sad
Don't come to me acting
Like your sympathies are true
You want to feel better... right?
*I hope guilt consumes you
tired of everyone around me being fake... my female friends, cousins, grandparents, im so tired of everything
Macy Opsima Dec 2016
I told myself to write forever so that you will find every word that I've included in my poems about you in every place you'll go. For the past few months, the air around me lingered with nothing more but the memory and essence of you. It haunted me for so long & I don't think I could ever get rid of your essence completely. Every night I struggle with the hand of guilt that chokes me and the only way for relief is for me to admit vocally that everything that happened between us was all my fault. There were countless nights that the image of you runs tirelessly in my brain, keeping it awake. And just like the poison that you are, you release the dangerous chemical that makes me believe that I'm not tired yet. I struggled to get you off of my system, I struggled so hard that I found myself at the edge of the rooftop. The things that I wish I had said echos in these four walls, bouncing back and forth but unlike the normal echo, the volume increases the more it hits my ears. For days, I did nothing but destroy my body because I thought I wasn't beautiful enough for you. It's always my fault, isn't it? I guessed I charged up too much negativity in me that it radiated out of my skin.

I've grown a friendship with the moon and the stars from the countless nights I spent hating myself. I hope the night lingers in your daylight and I hope the sun never bother to shine your way. I hope love and romance hurts so bad that you'll spend the rest of your night drowning in the thought that you'll always feel cold for the rest of life. And if someone did wrap their arms around you at night, I hope they'll be gone the next time the moon rise. I hope my words gets plastered at every wall you'll set yours eye upon and I hope each line chokes you until the only way out is to verbally admit that you were also wrong. I hope the clouds will never be in your favor and even if they did, I hope the sun while shine so bright that you'll finally see your wrongs. I hope love walks away and slams the door.

I write these stuff so you stop listening to only yourself. I write these stuff so you hurt and you learn. This is your torture.
Lady Bird Dec 2016
a cry for help and solitude
trapped isolated loneliness
tares in the depths of pain

crying for the past and new
deception despair and hatred
echos in the heart with fear

crying for the lies amd truth
spreading and sparkling light
never letting revenge take over
I kissed him last night.
Then he kissed her this morning.
I will **** him now.
Kai May 2015
Your words stung me like a bee,
For when you lied to me,
You told me "I love you",
but your eyes told a different story.

I cant wait till i get you,
Cant wait till i bite my fangs on you're  neck,
For you're  life i will wreck,
The girl you were with you have to check.

I cant wait till i get you,
Cant wait till i punish you,
you're girl will be in danger,
For her life you will wager.

I wanna see your expression,
When i see your girl,
I will give the first impression,
A sleeping beast in a sheep's skin,
You made a very bad sin,
For cheating me with someone else? Oh you were wrong.

I will get you.
Devin Ortiz Nov 2016
I understand that hatred of my enemies
I have felt the creeping parasite in my veins
The boiling blood which erupts in chest
Due to the ill of men, and their ignorance

I know why they hate me so, evil as they are
Poisoned words overflowing into my tranquility
Heartbeats choking agianst the toxic aroma
Conflicted struggle between vengence and justice

I hold fast vindictive appetites, for patient truths
An enemy with many faces, carved from lies
Can only be slayed with a revolution of knowledge
This wealth of mind, is the preservation of peace
Monique Clavier Nov 2016
you have not held anything close to your heart since that night.
you hellhound. you dog of war. you *******. you absolute fool.
when did a knife to your throat become your hail mary?
when did the blade become your prayer?
justice, oh, they talk about justice
and it makes you want to laugh
there is no justice in this world, only
this gun in your hand is the reckoning that you have needed for years.
you are his punishment.
(and, for all your sins, is he yours?)

A city that radiates happiness,
A people of class and heritage
A Nation that has seen its station
A World of black and white.


A fire burning amidst the waters
A river flowing through
Children of the ancient ones
A world of black and white.


A people that prefers hate to love
A revengeful and boastful heart
A people that read more, yet less sense
A world of black and white.


The trueness of hate itself
The scandal of ignorance
The product of callousness
A world of black and white


Be love or bliss defined
Be the city upon the hill
Be the fighters on bended knees
We can be Great again

Only if we shun hate and accept love

Professor Marylyn-D©
All right reserved
Only if we shun hate and accept love
LifeBeauty13 Nov 2016
You thought you couldn't injure my heart
and that you could get away hurting me by your cheating dart
But you were so wrong cause I am ready for a fight
I am so much stronger with amazing might
Revenge is my name and I am ready to take you down
I am not crazy, my mind is incredible and sound
Cheating guys are all the same and you never change
with your dog like personality and your mange
You rack up your numbers saying this is what makes a man
I promise you Mr.Dog you will get yours,you will be ******
I will find a real man,I will be respected and greatly loved
Only thing you will find is your many diseases and your doctors hand gloved
What you sow you will reap.And not all guys are cheaters,their are some good ones out there.(just have to find them)
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