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Jeff Bresee Mar 7
What happens when you finally decide
to change what you’re doing and swallow your pride?
Is it like when the fog clears away
and you find where you stand?
Or is it more like the unveiling of art,
struck by what you see yet unsure in your heart,
because it is nothing at all
like what you had planned?
For with resolution comes new eyes to see,
and new understanding of how things can be.
Yes, new faith that changes the path
of what lies ahead.
For everything’s different the day you decide
to follow your heart and let go of your pride.
You’re no longer a prisoner…
but rather a free man instead.
Grey Feb 27
The war between,her,me and she

Funny a tale I tell you

"Her" was me a minute ago

So malleable, gullible
Easy to stir

But "her" was happy
Holding unto a dark mural

"Me" is I now

Lessons from "her"shaped me

To let go of steam
From others action

That some ain't -
Worth fighting for

"She" is my future
The all control
I want to be

Some war ain't-
worth fighting for

I'm letting go of "her",
"Me" in progress
So that "she" can live
Jeff Bresee Feb 26
Nothing can stop the unquenchable fire,
fed by the flame of the deepest desire.
Born of a purpose, intent that is true
in the one who's determined to do what they do.
One who believes it can always be done.
One who won't quit till the battle is won.
One who gets up every time that they fall.
One who dreams big, regardless how small
they may seem in this world of confusion and doubt.
No, nothing can stop one who's figured it out –
that the universe bends to the purpose and fire
of the one who holds true… to their deepest desire.
Syafie R Feb 5
When you left, the door stood ajar,
Unfinished, like a quiet scar.
I’ve since repaired it, polished the ****,
A mark of care, a touch of resolve.

So when you pass that open door,
Know this—
"I’ve completed what you ignored."
Now filled with steps I took with care,
A grand closing, just for you,
"right there."
Joshua Phelps Jan 19
I thought you were an ally,
but walls divide, and I

don’t see a way around
this tonight.

You can’t avoid the fallout,
because being dead inside

isn’t a good reason
to sidestep

when you told
all those lies.

Just look me
in the eyes,

tell me it was worth
bleeding what was left of me

one last time.

I know there’s
the devil in the details,
but as far as I can tell,

I’m over it, and
I’m done seeing red.

Live your own
life in sin,

because I won’t live
my life with your regrets.
Nachiyobe Tiza Dec 2024
The weight of your words..
Keep me up at night...

You point,  
The edges of your fingers cut sharper than any knife,  
Slicing the space we used to fill with laughter and light.  
Your hands are inert,
Hungry for heat,  
Yet instead of reaching, they hover,  
Like ghosts in a room where warmth has fled.  
Each sigh, a boulder,  
That drops into the stillness and  
Unfurls like tangled weeds,  
Choking the garden of us.  
I wonder, do you think love flourishes in the shadows of blame?
Do you think it's fruits bloom where bitterness breathes like an old memory?  
Yet, here I remain —  rooted,  
Waiting for you to look up,  
To step out of the darkness,  
To meet me, halfway..
In that golden sliver of effort,  
Where silence can wrap us in a cradle,  
A refuge,  
Not a battlefield.

The weight of your words..
Keep me up at night...
But the hope in my heart...
Give me just enough to stay another day.

-realness and rhyme x Nachii
Alkia Dec 2024
I just want to layout on top of a straight line to mourn over my past life that I left behind. The new beginning has waited for me for so long that I thought pride would have come over me, even though that is not the case, no matter the circumstances of your past life, it will always follow you to your new life. It never escapes your new beginning, no matter how happy you are, the moment you layout on top of a straight line it all comes back to you.
TonyNoon Nov 2024
It was always about the night.
Always about our attempts to
dominate enveloping darkness.

We pushed it back. Cave mouths
belched fire to warn those legions,
while candles carried us outside.

It was not rocket science which led
us from the dull realm of Morpheus,
but our increasing mastery of light.

We danced at all hours under lasers,
while neon tried to win our favours,
but unforgiving darkness is forever

alert to the smallest crack in resolve.
We are upstarts. Any hint of deference
will draw the wind towards the candle.

Tony Noon
Jack Groundhog Nov 2024
The king of what was stands in silence
and surveys his sunsetted realm.
His spine is straight in stiff defiance
of the twilight of the kingdom he’d helmed.

On a plastered pedestal high he stands
surrounded by the waste of his times.
Carved into it, once acclaimed in his lands,
was his name, now covered by vines.

The pale sheen of low sun as winter nears
casts shadows across his etched face.
Its grooves grow deeper year after year —
he’s the gnomon whose shade this sundial has traced.

He takes no note of the thorny brambles
that have entangled his fixed stony feet.
With flinty gaze and wrapped in a mantle
of granite, he keeps watch through storms and sleet.

Now stripped of his titles and even his name,
the proud king of the ruin’s still there.
For while the long night has broken his fame,
still he stands, marked by his unbroken stare.
A “gnomon” is the marker on a sundial whose shadow marks the passage of time. Inspired by a statue of a former king in the Orangerie of Sanssouci Palace.
David Hilburn Oct 2024
Now is, new isn't
Nothing but succinct...
Compare me to something besides wisdom?
Have you seen a care, without believing...?

Can seldom become an occult?
Impatience is mine, for sincerity, to a fault
Sweet Christ, am I a have's vivid salt?
Void is my name of you, until I select light for shalt...

Irony is an awakening source...
Simple futures, fruit like a question
Angel's of a feather, finish a lot with love's force
Answer's of chastity, haven't received my blessing

But beauty has...
An age to itself
Letting bother become your fascination
Is another question, of powers and their wealth?

When a tree makes a wish for you...
Is the world its lord, or should you clarify
An our of held lips, until harmony is due...
The truth of a voice, known as a miracle's vanity
yet to be, set to me, and let to we; is clarity good?
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