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JadedSoul Aug 2014
My friend, my LOVE!

You're asleep and I sit here looking at you.
Flipping through the pages of your past,
my heart bleeds for you
tears well in my eyes for you.

I've seen the things you have,
experienced it all,
lived it all - at your side.

You, my friend,
my dearest friend -
I've known you all your life

You show mercy,
even to the smallest creature
you fight for the weak and helpless

I just wish you could show yourself that mercy
show yourself the love and compassion
you so freely do for others

For you deserve it!
The stuff you've endured
the life you've had
and challenges you've faced,
would have broken lesser men

Now I lay you down to sleep
maybe to be released again
in the morning's early hours
when your defences are down!

For in the day,
you keep me locked behind our eyes
you cage me in our heart,
you silence me
and I stare in horror as you flog us
beat and punish us
and deal harshly with us
for stuff that hasn't always been our fault.

Tomorrow morning, reading this
please show yourself some mercy
you're not that bad
you might even be better than you know
even deserving of **love
from me to me.  From the me that is locked up, chained up and silenced, so that I can can deal with the world.  Restrained, so that I can pick up the sword and fight another day
e Jul 2014
Real life isn't always perfection
Often it's nervously bitten digits and cracked nail polish.

Real life isn't always photogenic
Mostly it's oily faces and adolescent outbreaks.

Real life isn't perfumed or pretty
Sometimes it's pit stains and bad hair days.

Real life isn't a page in a glossy magazine
Airbrushed and edited to curveless perfection.

Real life isn't about salads and diet coke
It's more like ice cream and pizza at 3 am and fat days spent in yoga pants feeling sorry for yourself.

Real life isn't always smooth sailing
Rather it's more like "I hate you" one minute then "I love you" the next then "shut up, go away" right after that.

Real life isn't fantasy
It's the 9-5 grind and knowing you'll never make enough to afford all the things you want.

Real life is never how you expect it to be
So when you tell me that I'm beyond perfect and that you don't deserve me . . .

What do you expect me to do . . . degrade myself so I'm imperfect for you?
Cheyanne Ntangu Jun 2014
The End.

I’m still wondering if you were the best thing
or the worst thing that ever happened to me
I wore a tough face, and yet I was bearing such delicate features
my eyes sung a song of pain and resentment

p.s. good things come to an end because better things come out of it, freedom.

I’m glad it’s the end.  

- by Cheyanne Ntangu
Gordon Warren Jun 2014
I came into the world, locked up in a death camp,
imprisoned for years with the same people.

This was my life, my only existence.
I knew nothing else except death and decay.

How much more can we all take?
The world is alien to people and peace.
When will we all wake up from our sleeping?
We can’t just go on in the same old ways.

For years, I was confined with pain all around me.
For years, I saw and smelt nothing but death.
For years, I was stepping over decaying corpses.
The mutilated remains of historical past.

We all spent years killing and maiming,
making peoples’ lives such a great misery.
We all just took whatever we wanted,
making people suffer for our own selfish greed.

But all this suffering didn’t affect me.
It was my whole life, my only real world.
No other reality came into vision.
This was my only true view of the world.

For years, I was subjected to pain and distortions,
which I accepted as nothing but the norm.
I believed that suffering would always continue,
that death and decay could never be stopped.

But in the outside world, I saw a new vision.
The real world around me was different and new.
I can now see a new life, a bright new reality.
A different life in a different light.

You see, I accepted it just without question.
I couldn’t see anything but despair and loss.
I thought we were powerless and had no future.
I believed it all for I knew no better.

Copyright: Gordon Warren (1981)
Pink Hat Jun 2014
Forty minutes at a station
Lasting an eternity
As I waited in anticipation
You a beautiful vision
Fulfilling our dreams of passion

Forty minutes at a station
Lasting an eternity
You arrived walking casually
Breezy and in a hurry
You stopped for me indifferently

Forty minutes at a station
Felt like an eternity
You told me the time of your departure
And an e mail to your employer
And  we had limited time together

Forty minutes at a station
Felt like an eternity
I wondered why you loved me
My mind's eye was forcing me to see
My love had been blind to your falsity

Forty minutes at a station
Was never an eternity
It was short and uninspiring
You were detached and unengaging
My love for you was withering

Forty minutes at a station
A lifetime of an education
To my curly haired beauty - should you read this then you would know that it turned out differently for us
I - Choose to forget,
Choose to remember
Things from my life's history
So as to think "That's [my] Life.", someday.
And what If, Life chose to forget me one day?
Shane Oltingir May 2014
If one compressed a smile into

A brew, a concoction, a molecular grin.

Would you trade what makes you who are ,

for the artificial kindness within?

If what once could flood a page with words

From tobacco clouds and whiskey rain,

Was that which sent you off, and into

The nether kingdom of Dante's reign.  

Would you become a soldier

For a life of Chemical Happiness?

I would sooner swallow my sadness.

For at least I know it is natural.
Mr X May 2014
Pain has its pleasure.
Tears have a reason.
My sadness I deserve.
And suffering I must endure.
Luis Montenegro May 2014
Life's not an about
It is that
Life's a "what"
The places where you live and die

We only sing for the good ones
Sometimes for the bad plans
But we forget about the grey times
Places in between the lines

The moment when the poles unite
The window where the worlds collide
A place where you run and hide
The starting point, the initial pride

No celebrations left to grind
No grievances either put to high
A resting land to ease your mind
No expectations or thoughts rewined

Learn to care for the one behind
You may fall on your own back
Run through places but leave a track
Come on back, enjoy the sight

You burn yourself with glory now
But be polite and don't pollute
We'll trust, no need to take a vow
Go fly but bring your parachute
Luis Montenegro May 2014
It's gravity girl
And you are the earth
Orbiting around your hair
Floating without despair
It's not falling, you see
Maneuvering through
I'm approaching the zone
Landing next to you
It's gravity girl
There's nothing left to do
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