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Happiness folds in on itself
like a piece of paper.
Copyright © JLB
18:12 BST
infinite mind May 2015
you get what you want
when it's too late
you bear the pain
and learn to move on
you realise it just isn't worth it
but the lesson is a lasting one I guess
an indentation on the body and soul
a lesson of patience and having faith in things worth waiting for
you don't always get what you wish for
but in time you will feel the love you strive toward
you will acknowledge the pain you did endure
and understand what it is you are living for
life is learning about what truly matters /
This was all stupid
All for nothing
If this is some kind of realisation
Then it isn't very nice
And you aren't being very kind
So instead of being destroyed
I should really realise
That this foolish wish less dream needs to end
Everything I thought of him
Can be thrown away in the bin
I have admitted I'm starting to move on
But when I say that it feels like
It won't actually be true
Sometimes I don't even know
If I want to end this here
But I do
Because I need this for me
I used to think this would be for him
Now I just want it for myself
I need to have my own life
Not be crowded with those thoughts
This so called realisation
Might feel weird right now
But even if it starts to hurt
It can't hurt near as much
I just feel foolish for all I thought
All it didn't come to be
Everything then now seems stupid
Pointless and a catastrophe
Yes sometimes I liked the pain
It became too much
I know I'm better off this way
I'm hoping this realisation will sink in
However I don't even know
If it's actually happening
You could call it
Looking through clouded glass
That you can't turn clear
Not yet but you're hoping soon
This does come with loads of things
What the final question is
Is if I've realised
Then the second would be
Why this even affected me in the first place
Well I guess we'll never know
Maybe it was my heads way
Of getting over past things
Well now that's done
Maybe this is too
But what if it's just another spiralling cue
Shalini Nayar Apr 2015
The whole drive I could not stop the stream,
Hot and urgent they let themselves go,
Gleaming like shiny babies in the artificial white lights.

The bald heads vacantly size me up as I arrive;
These ghosts have seen their share of streams
Till they have none left to reminisce.
They nod knowingly.

I hurry to the mirror to destroy any evidence and......I smile.

These tears have created the perfect smokey eyes.

(C) 2015 Shalini Nayar
LJ Chaplin Apr 2015
I never thought
I'd get off this high horse,
For my feet to touch the earth
And feel something,
No clouds to obstruct my view,
Throwing the rose tinted glasses
To the ground
And crush them into the soil,
But new realisations can be
Hard to deal with,
So I must take my time
To piece it together
© LJ Chaplin
Charlie Mar 2015
wonder came to my name like fairy dust
like sparkle
like the reflection of christmas lights shining through my grandmother's hospital window
she said i was an angel
it didn't change that she was a sinner
sadness has not left me since
like deep confusion
like taking other people's drugs and still waking up
like the boy that wanted every thing i had
he said my eyes were galaxies
he could never completely figure me out
dark rings around my eyes like jupiter and
smoke rings around my head because she was right
this is my halo
with eyes like galaxies and mouth like tinsel
with hair like sun rays and heart like falling
with a mind that has gotten me far
bruises on my body like kisses and
scars on my legs because he was right
this is my galaxy
with eyes like oblivion and mouth like wisdom
with hair like comfort and being like extraterrestrial
with a mind has gotten me far
this is the first time i've written about my grandmother's hospital stay in 2011.
Charlie Mar 2015
you were everything
and you ruined it
you're nothing now

Leigh Mar 2015
Eloquence has little worth in the steaming hearth;
Where the ropes coil and knuckles crack from the strain.
Others set themselves free and pirouette in the stream
Because they don't carry the ballast on their feet;
Their tongue;
Their nerve.
Rhianecdote Mar 2015
In the moment
you realise
you can't go
and comfort
that one person
when it feels
like the most
natural thing to do.

And you can't go
to that one person
for comfort when
they're the only person
you want to go to.
vea vents Feb 2015
There is a part of me buried within

Waiting for warmth and water

Awareness and sense.

She has remained hidden for some time

Waiting for my acknowledgement.

Others pass by with indifference

Stare all around but not within

Deposit dirt and dust from without.

I’ve found her much harder to see

The her that waits in silence, settled in peace.

When I come to know though, I see

That still, I am still here!

Still here;

In need of warmth and water

Still here;

With more sense and awareness.

And behind the dirt and dust

There lies a seed needing love to bloom.

There lies her needing my own to bloom.
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