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They love to say
we bring out the best in each other
that I bring out the best in you,
like that's the only thing I am good for,
the only reason I am in your life.

They smile
and point.

It won’t last.
Eventually, he will leave.
Even the moon goes through phases.

As if I’ll just
pack my bags
and leave you behind,

as if I could just
erase my entire existence.

I love how they think
you cannot think
for yourself.

your friends,
all the people around you.

They think they know
the truth
when they see me
half the time.

I understand
the concept,
the concern.

But even the moon
doesn’t fully disappear,
If you look closer.

Just because they don’t see it
doesn’t mean
I’ve left your sky.

Some things
are just meant
for you.

No matter
how much they point,
or try to pull you
to the side,

there is no hiding
from you
Lynn Mar 19
I  hear your shouts
And his screams
I hear his stammered apologizes
And frantic denial
What he did wasn't even wrong
He's just a boy
And you're a man
Why don't you understand
Your job is to help and not scream
What the actual yourself my Dadck do you mean?
You're a father
Not a Sargent
Why are you going off again
Hitting is not disciple
Stop unless you want him to grow up accepting it
So in his room when I hear his muffled screams
I wish for a time machine
To stop you from meeting mom
And save us from our inevitable fall
Your everything ends with our hurt
I love you
But your the fcking worst
Gideon Mar 8
Oil on canvas can show reality,
but truth will not be found in a realistic painting.
No, truth hides in expressions of
pain, fear, love, awe, and even hatred.
Such strong feelings rapture the viewer and rupture their heart.
Only feeling can convey truth.
To be creative is not to create. It is to feel.
Creativity is not a desire, it is a command
to represent what you feel in what you make.

Successful artists are rarely happy.
The depth of emotion necessary to create
riveting artwork is not often found in joy.
Creating truth requires shadow. It requires darkness.
It requires exploration into the deep and murky waters of the mind.
You do not reach mastery of art until you have achieved mastery of the self.
Success is not fame. Success is reaching and
recreating such truth, such beauty, and such pain
that you have depicted reality in its rawest form.
Kellonor Mar 6
The Calm Sea

When Magda died, all barriers broke.
No depression, no sorrow, just stillness.

Like the calmest sea, flat and dark,
stretching beyond sight.
I existed in my purest form, MYSELF.
No borrowed traits, no learned habits.
Just being.

Sometimes I envy that state,
but I know not to linger too long in it.

I only acted, every word, every motion,
a performance for the world.
Like a machine, programmed to react,
empty of meaning, void of self.

When something new arrived,
it never truly touched me.
Just a passing flicker in short-term memory.

I drifted further,
speaking less, withdrawing more,
except to the few who still reached me.

Then, the ripples came.
Subtle at first, but they grew,
stirring the abyss, reshaping me.

I gathered fragments of the past,
blending them with the present,
constructing a new SELF,
wiser, changed.

I struggle to recall what came next.
What did I feel beyond the void?
Only that I found love again—
deeper, truer.

It grounds me. It holds me safe.
Now, standing at the edge once more,
I wonder what memories will resurface.

This is not a will,
nor a testament.
Just words adrift,
like autumn leaves, restless in this October wind.

Left for the reader to unravel,
to find meaning or glimpse
into the corridors of my mind,
a reflection of this fleeting moment.

A glimpse into a mind meeting mortality,
facing fragility once again.

I do not yet know how I will bear it.
The womb that gives life,
that nurtures, shelters, loves unconditionally
how can I fathom its absence?

I understand now..
some beings never leave us,
we carry them always.

Yet in the fleeting moment of loss,
the weight feels unbearable.
An internal big bang
a collapse into that quiet sea once more.

One day, I will face my own mortality.
Soon, or in the distant unknown.
I fear it,
but I long for it too.
The beauty of nothingness calls to me,
whispering in the hush of the tide.
And sometimes,
I listen.
Written in a time when I dwelled in a dark corner.
It's Just a Hop, Skip, and a Jump to the Madhouse is available on  It's raw and gritty, powerful writing.
Maria Etre Jan 27
Does maturity
dress itself
just to fit in
while your
undresses it
silvervi Jan 24
My heart is crying loudly
I am ignoring it unknowingly
It has one million of words to say and scream

Why is this so hard
I am so disappointed.
Looking for light
And still not knowing what the point is.
Everyone is going to die in the end.
We all try to reach something special, my friend.

And till we die there is no correct measurement
To our life and it's success or our regret.
2nd October 2024, a search for meaning
She stands in the shower.
Running her wash cloth across
Her body.
the slow rise of *******,
the arch of hips,
the curve of a neck.
The day she's had
Swirls around the drain
Between the space of her toes.
All that's left is the smell of soap.
Against her skin.
Her washcloth is not as white as it was.
She lets out a sigh.
Letting the hot water crash
Against her body.
Ringing it out before 
Soaping up the rag again.
Her body becoming softer.
Erasing every touch, every stare
That isn't her own.
Vigorously scrubbing.
The remnants of soap drip
Down her legs.
I knock on the door before
Poking my head in to check on
She hangs her head out with a smile.
The smell of soap and water
Glisten off of her light skin.
Before she closes the curtain back,
I ask if she needs help washing her
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