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DearNaz Aug 2016
Dear homeless man on the side of the street
Begging for a dollar, a smile, or a treat
I’m sorry I looked away
I’m sorry I pretended like I didn’t see you
I need to shelter myself from the truth
I want to shelter myself from you
See I can never be a shelter to you
I could tell you there is rest
In the shelter of the Most High
I just assumed you’re probably high
I can’t handle the guilt of greed
So I blame you for panhandling
Now please let me drive by
Before I’m caught up in a drive-by

Dear homeless man on the side of the street
Begging for a dollar, a smile, or a treat
I’m sorry I looked away
I’m sorry I pretended like I didn’t see you
You’re in my blind spot
I cannot see you
If I pull up my blinds
Then I might spot you
So I stay in my dark room
Where I picture a world
Captured in imagination
And developed in reality
I stay in my dark room
I time travel with a flashback
I picture the world in just white
I picture the world in just black
So I expose the injustice
Until it’s black and white
Now I see the picture right
New Zealand culture,
a fragility,
tainted by violence.

Writers have examined,
the loss of Maori land.
Less common however,
is writing concerned with
the benefits,
accruing to white people
as a result of the acquisition
of this land.

Colonisation has provided,
Economic and social advantages,
to white people,
in contemporary New Zealand.

A hierarchy,
white Western culture,
sitting uncontested,
at its pinnacle.

The cultural capital that whiteness provides.
Unearned advantages at our disposal.
Live our lives with greater ease:
The ‘Justice’ System.
Institutional privilege.
A political separation.

The white New Zealand system,
designed for whites.
To get through school,
have good health,
get jobs,
get a little justice.
If the system was designed,
for Maori people
it would not be the way it is now.

Overrepresentation of Maori,
in every
New Zealand
social statistic.

The persistence of *******.
Society provides greater opportunities,
to white people,
by disadvantaging those who are not.
debilitating, racism.

Being oblivious,
sustains a belief,
in white superiority.

While factors:
socioeconomic status, gender,
sexuality, disability,
may impact the degree to which,
individual white people,
can access privilege.
On some level,
every white person,
in New Zealand
benefits from their skin.
Maori are made fun of for being benefit users. The title is a pun given all the benefits white people get.

Also this was a found poem from the academic article White Privilege: Exploring the (in)visibility of Pakeha whiteness by Claire Frances Gray.
Ignatius Hosiana Jul 2016
Sometimes I wonder why I just keep running
running to the future through this present and back to the past
running from the best, the fair and even the worst
running from anything, from everything, from nothing
I'm always running, while awake, and in my dreams
my feet flowing faster than the waters in the streams
I run shouting at the top of my voice like I got no choice
but not a single soul has ever heard all my silent screams
I'm always running away from the enemies and friends
from hate and love, from beginnings and ends
I'm running from everyone and sadly to no one
I'm running and I can't seem to put a distance in between
because I'm running from nothing else but myself...
I don't know when I quit the running... I can't tell when I'll be exhausted
but what I know is I'm running and running and running
I'm running in my mind heart and soul
you won't trace perspiration upon my face
and I'm running because my pathetic
life is one hell of a ******* race
Jane Bell Jul 2016
I love you
And you love me
Sounds like the perfect mix
But you do not
Love my skin tone
Or crippling anxiety
Or tears down my face
You love
My laughter
And smile
And attention
While I love every piece of you
You find problems I keep trying to resolve
And change
Just for you
I love you
And you love me
Just not all of me
If I could change these flaws about myself, god I would in a heartbeat for you
The Calm Jul 2016
This is America for Petes sake

Black lives don’t matter here

They say they’re being treated unfair

But they’re the one’s drinking up all the welfare

And we even pay for their health care

Poor black folk shouting black lives matter

But they don’t matter

The only thing that matters is the fat cats getting fatter

Build a school or a jail?

In a place like Baltimore, those black kids are already bound to fail

Let’s not forget from whence we hail

We came from abroad to build this house

This was never meant to be a game of cat and mouse

They don’t know their power, so they will never see their hour

Cause you see white people are only safe when those animals scared

White people are only safe when white people are feared

When black people are teared, and on their face is smeared the blood of their ancestors, on the altar that is prepared

The altar that was broken down when we ended Jim Crow

Since then look how low our country did go

But at last at last now again we can make America great

Now again we can end any debate , about what it means to be free

Cause when Trump is in charge I’ll tell you, you won’t tell me

When Trump is President you'll put your hand over your heart for the anthem, not take a knee

When Trump is President, You’ll be satisfied , you’ll lower your fist and you’ll be

You’ll be gratified, you’ll shut your mouth and watch your people die

You’ll watch them bleed like Alton Sterling,

You’ll stand there you’ll cry

And then you’ll wonder why,

why does the color of your skin decide whether or not you win

As you kneel before me thinking about your next of kin,

ready to feel these bullets in your body as your reality sets in

This country was never your own

We brought you here as slaves, you call out for a savior but

Abraham Lincoln is dead so you can put down the phone

Martin Luther King is dead so you can put down the phone

Malcom X is dead, you see,now you’re all alone

We’ve infiltrated your culture and now that seed has grown

As we watch you destroy each other and continue to postpone anything that looks like freedom

Cause you see freedom isnt free

We gained ours in 1776

Your ancestors were still in chains but here today you celebrate with me

Thinking that you’re free

But you will never be free

Harriet Tubman freed a thousand slaves

And she could've freed a thousand more but they were cheering for Trump in his rallies

Because they can’t grasp what it means to be free

And that mere truth is the key

So we won’t say their names

We won’t feel their pains

Cause this is the United States of America , and white is right, we still hold the reigns
The sad views of some Americans. The reality that some face every day. The Hurtful ideals that make some view black people as Animals. American culture to some can be something to be proud about. But to some, it is full of hurt and pain. This piece is written to express some things I've heard from white people whether on the news or to my face at my college in Southern Maryland. I hope it makes you uncomfortable. One can not grow in a comfortable place. Enjoy
Mark Lecuona Jul 2016
I need
to know that to defend the indefensible
is not to turn your back on your race
or what is right

I need
to know that to assume inerrancy
is to make yourself God
above all light

I need
to know that our hearts are the same
as are the fears we harbor inside
for our children at night

I need
to know that those whom we accuse
and carry a badge or a sign
are black and white

I need
to know that fear is not always evil
that a mistake is not intent
but in whose sight?

I need
to know that we must come together
for our world has been weakened
by the battle we fight
Mark Lecuona Jul 2016
On a tide-less shore
Ignored by a slumbering moon
The religion of the innocent
Howls at vacuous skies for guidance
Upon every braying sound
Stands the super-natural law
Believe in me
Descendant of moral decay
You stand with nature
Unknowing of yourself
Or the doctor declaring you unfit for life
You admire those who send gun-boats
And ignore those who hunger
For you have simplified the means of proof
Or further you require none at all
For as still as cut grass
It is enough that you may walk upon it again
In this way you may unencumber your mind
No obstacle to navigate
No foul smell
Only the fresh air of soft ignorance
Caressing your mind
For believing in very little
Allows you to believe in things great
Things you never witnessed
Not of God
But of this earth
To the detriment of all others
For what you were told
Was that sand is white
And black is night
Because that upon which you walk
And build castles
Is far greater than that which you cannot touch
And this you believed
Though in the heart of every child
Is a lantern
Waiting to be lit by love
To guide them to the gathering place
Where flesh becomes spirit
And white sand becomes brown as the tide rises
Waiting to be consumed by the ocean
To make the salt of the earth
If only you had a match
I was reading some quotes by some very arrogant old imperialist "wise-men" of the past and was a bit revulsed...
SassyJ Jul 2016
The butterfly flutters in the skies
looking for a mere complication
to a place where the sun smiles
below the daily mediocre waves
where all tunes same frequency
the multitude parades in lines
sinking in unproven priced lies
moving all along in a rollercoaster*

In upward current the levelled high
In downward demotion the trips
As we drool on the bonded chains
In upheaval of lame indecisions
Casting all there is and there is not
Must we sacrifice all we have got
The body that chooses to give and live
A soul in forests waiting to soar
A mind carrying more than it bears

On this holy ground that sink below
where faith is grass that withers
and hope is a rainbow that fades
The blooded paths painted in red
oozing confusion and utter misery
Shall we wait for the embellished heroes?
To teach us how to be and survive
Police bark and robots deployed to shoot
Civilians protest on injustice and inequality
we all beaker and peck the sainted patch

Humanity is our freedom and grace
a tapestry blended by colours and cultures
a oneness painted and screening liberty
The authentic texture of raw love and truth
tainted by patriotism and indocrination
Networks channel and harvest poor yields
whilst we beaker with heated controversies
*I, you, we all breath the same scented air
We are one.... the human race!
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