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Looking at this world with tears in my eyes... with sadness in my soul...
There's so much violence, so much hatred...
As if we were trying to make our own species extinct...
Some say the apocalypse is coming... but we are the ones making that happen...

Our ignorance and lack of understanding have become our worst enemies... They've transform our hands into weapons, made our eyes see the world with fear, and have filled our hearts with hate...
We have stopped wanting to learn... we have stopped asking questions... We let the media tell us what to think... walking around this world like zombies... Like blinded idiots... like two year olds throwing tantrums, not wanting to listen...
We just point fingers... and blame, not one, but all... Putting every single person in a box, categorizing them... generalizing ... believing in every single stereotype...
Not wanting to see that every single person is unique...
We might belong to a certain group, community, race, religion... but we are individual souls...
We were meant to be different... Different aspirations, different lives, different cultures, different colors... boring would the human race be if we were all exactly the same... Where would we get our different life flavors? How boring would we be without the mix of colors... without our different traits??
We were meant to be different... designed to learn from each other... to love one another in our differences...

We must stop putting labels on peoples' foreheads... we have to start by asking questions, by learning their stories, and by sharing our own...
We must teach each other love and respect, Start to pave a better world for generations to come... teach them that our differences are what makes this world such a colorful and interesting place... that's where the real beauty hides... that's the real life treasure...

But first, we have to learn to see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears... Throw away the guns and fill our mind with knowledge... that's the most powerful weapon that we, as human beings have.

Share the love, the wisdom... see the world with an open mind.
It's time to Stop the hate.
Deyer Jul 2016
To talk about race.
It ain't my place
to talk about murdering innocent people.
It ain't my place
to talk about chaos.
It ain't my place
to act in anger; it ain't my place.

It ain't my pace,
to heave headfirst into battle with a burst of hatred.
It's dated. Antiquated. Don't devastate the devastated.
It seems senseless to fight this menace
that is our own. That we have grown
using ignorance.

It ain't my place
to presume to know what anyone is going through.
So to you and you and you,
I'll take a step back before I raise and fire
the crack of a whip
that is born from hatred.
I refuse to take the bait
of the crimson painted faces
whose hopes are killed at the hands
of their brothers. I refuse
to fire back, bullets crack
at the community
filled with emotional action.
It's wasteful, and frankly faithful people
look to each other. So look.
The blood always runs red
Skin color makes no difference;
Why do you feel no regret
When your bullet sets the sentence?

I can't feel their grief,
I can't taste the fear,
But watching this repeat-
No ******* relief-
I can hear this endless ringing
Deep in my ears.

How can you not?
At least 136 souls dispersed
Among the dark beyond;
Their light turned off

But even after, you turn both eyes blind
Unless you're looking for reasons
For how it was their fault they died.
Now is the season for revolution-
Not homicide.
Big Virge Jul 2016
London Has Been Said ...
In A .... " City Guide " ....    
To Be A PLACE TO SEE ... !!!!!  
But You Should Recognise ...    
That ... Prices Are HIGH ... !!!  
Even For A Short Train Ride ... !!!  
EVERYONE Can Expect ...    
To See .... " Tolerance " .... !!!!!!!!  
Well There Are ...    
Quite A Few Ways To Define ... TOLERATE ... !!!!!  
It Can Mean ...    
Further Definitions INCLUDE ...    
To .....    
"Allow to be practised, without interference, or, molestation !"  
We'd ... Better NOT Mention ...  
School Education ...  
Or Problems Caused Because of Racism ... !!!  
Some DO TOLERATE A Foreign Face ...  
But NOT Always In ... RESPECTFUL Ways ... !!!  
Some Racists PRETEND That We're ALL FRIENDS ... !?!  
But Would NEVER Let A FOREIGNER ...    
.............. In Their Bed ............... !!!!!  
If Words Like THOSE Cause You OFFENCE .... !!!  
Try To ... " TOLERATE MATE " ... !!!!!  
Because I've Got MORE I .... NEED TO SAY .... !!!!!    
I Don't EXIST For You To Sit ...    
And Just PERMIT MY RIGHT To LIVE ... !?!  
And TOLERATE ... The Things I Say ... ?!?  
WHO TOLD You To Think THAT WAY ... !?!  
So MANY HATE A Darkened Face ... !!!  
And Seem To THINK That's NO DISGRACE ... ?!!!?  
And Is ... OKAY ... !?!  
How Can This Be ... EVEN TODAY ... !?!?!  
From .....  
NEW AGE SLAVES To ... Yesteryear ........................................    
MANY BLACKS Have Lived IN FEAR ... !!!!!  
of ... Facing ATTACKS That May Bring TEARS ... ?!!!?  
When MURDERS Come We Hear .... " OH DEAR ... !!! "  
While Words We Say Are QUICKLY CLAIMED ... !!!  
To ...    
"Deserve a place, penned in, and caged !"  
Where We're THEN TOLD ...  
"You're going to pay !  
Your wordplay we, won't tolerate !"  
South Africans KNOW ...    
How THAT ONE Goes ... !!!!!  
Mandela Was Sent To CLEARLY ROT ... !!!  
DEEP INSIDE A ... " PRISON Hole " ... !!!!!  
London Can Be REALLY COLD ... !!!!!!!!  
And CLEARLY Has ... NO STREETS of Gold ... !!!!!!!  
Unless You ENTERTAIN The ... " Corporate Fold " ...    
Well Wherever I Go .... !!!  
I Make It KNOWN By The Way I Move ...    
I ... TOLERATE Views From RACIST Crews ... !!!!!  
Who CLEARLY CHOOSE To Act Like I'm NOT In The Room ... ?!?  
But Let Them KNOW ...  
Be COOL And ... " Shrewd "  ...  
And Try YOUR BEST To NOT BE Rude ... !!!  
And ... DON'T Presume That I'm A FOOL ... !!!!!!!!  
And STUDY YES ... Your Daily News ... !!!  
BELIEVE In THIS ... !!!  
I KNOW About ... YOU ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
DON'T MESS With Me And I'll TOLERATE YOU ...    
And Find The Few Who ... CLEARLY Choose ...  
To ... SEE Me As A HUMAN TOO ... !!!    
Now Governments' View ...  
ZERO TOLERANCE Is The Best Defence Against Terrorist Sects ... !!!  
Whose Words THEY CLAIM ... !!!  
Clearly Suggest A Need For Them To Make Violent Acts ...    
But Surely This Will Cause PROBLEMS ... ?!?  
When INNOCENT MEN Become Victims of FALSE Arrest ... !?!  
And Then Are KEPT for ... " PUNISHMENT " ...    
And TORTURE Til' They're ... Almost DEAD ... !!!!!  
They Say TOLERATE But Then DETAIN ... ?!?  
Those Whose Words Spread ANGER And HATE ... !!!  
They ...    
CLEARLY Are Willing To TOLERATE ... !!!  
But Only Those Who DON'T Complain ...  
But The Ku Klux **** And BNP ... ?!?!?  
Have PREACHED RACE HATE Since The ... " Good Ol' Days " ... !!!!!  
But STILL EXIST ... EVEN TODAY ... !?!  
Does That Seem FAIR ... ???  
Do You ... REALLY CARE ... !?!  
LET THEM Say What They WANT TO SAY ... !!!  
A Pendulum DOESN'T Stop ... " Halfway " ... !!!!!  
These Double Standards FILL The Air ...    
What Makes Them Think TEMPERS WON'T Flare ... !?!  
The Air We Breathe WE ALL Should SHARE ... !!!!!  
I Hope You People ... Are PREPARED .... !?!?!?!  
Because HATRED NOW Is Climbing Stairs ... !!!  
Words Like THOSE AREN'T Meant To SCARE ... !!!  
But IGNORANCE ... May Take You There ... ?!?  
To THAT PLACE That's NOT SO GREAT ... !!!!!  
So TOLERATE Or ... " ACCOMMODATE " ... ?!?  
NEITHER Folks ... And That's NO JOKE ... !!!  
WELCOME'S The Word That Gets MY VOTE ... !!!  
Try WELCOMING ... With OPEN ARMS ... !!!  
And STOP These Fights With GUNS IN PALMS ... !!!!  
That May Just Bring ... MORE UNITY ... !!!!!!!!!  
That Helps MORE AGREE To DISAGREE ...    
And DISMISS ....................................... Negativity ... !!!!!!!  
I'd LIKE That Folks ... PLEASE BELIEVE Me ... !!!  
TRUTHFULLY  ... And ... HONESTLY ... !!!!!  
But CLEARLY Peace May Now Be Lost .......................  
To Society's Streets ...    
NO UNITY For Humanity ... !!!  
Those Who Choose To ... TOLERATE THAT ...    
Have Minds Now LOST And ETERNALLY TRAPPED ... !!!!!  
I'm A PEACEFUL MAN But I'll Be ****** ... !!!!!  
Before I'd Let Racists ... ATTACK ...    
And NOT Attempt To FORCE THEM BACK ... !!!!!!  
God Gave Me LIFE For Me To LIVE ... !!!  
Let Me Take You Back To My First Page ...    
TOLERATE Can Mean ... " ALLOWED To Exist " ...    
Those Who'd Like To See Blacks ... " LYNCHED " ... ?!?  
Does ... White Supremacy STILL Exist ... ?!?  
BELIEVE If You Like DISMISS If You Don't ...  
Slave Masters CLEARLY ... STILL Have HOLD ...  
of Many Blacks Who've LOST Their Souls ... !!!!!!  
Blacks Who Choose To Take Black Lives ...    
Are WORSE Than Racists Who Are WHITE ... !!!!!!!    
London Lights Do STILL SHINE BRIGHT ... !!!  
While Blacks STILL DIE From STUPID FIGHTS ... !!!!!!!!!  
"So, listen black, don't even try !  
Killing each other, is just not right !  
Whoever you ****, had a Black Mother !"  
Would You Want YOURS To LOSE You Over ...  
......... " POINTLESS WARS " ........ ?!!!?  
You NEED TO Take A ... PAUSE ...............................................................  
And HELP THE CAUSE .... !!!!!!!!!    
USE YOUR BRAIN And Stake A CLAIM ... !!!  
But ... HARD To TRUST ... !!!!!  
So Do Your BEST To ... RISE ABOVE ...  
Those Who CLAIM To ...........  
......... " TOLERATE " ........
The article I read started this piece, however, the black experience in England was the REAL Inspiration, by the time it was finished !
Carl Webb II Jul 2016
What is it about me
that stops you from seeing
the good in these bones, in this body,
in this skin so black
that it gives you heart attacks
to the point that you feel the need
to attack our hearts, our chests, our arms,
our backs with your weapons of hate.
"Please","stop", "wait"
are all foreign to you
when uttered by these big lips
on this black face.
Perhaps, that is all you see.
A black face.
But I encourage you,
better yet, I demand you
to expand your vision
and see through this skin,
yes, the one with all the melanin,
the one that you wish you were in,
and gaze upon my soul.
I am told by the likes of you
that my time is limited,
but we see different signs in the sky,
you and I,
for my ancestors tell me
it is time for me to fly.
So, once you unlock these chains,
or even if you refuse
and continue to televise my pain,
one day I will rejuvenate
and I will spread my wings
and I will fly.
Today I cried, my heart is rent
For somebody I didn't know.
And for the fact that, nowadays,
They say "that's just the way things go".

A man was slain without just cause,
An officer behind the gun;
And instantly, divided we
Debate justice, where there is none.

Regardless of public record,
The man was slain for not one sin-
He died because of ignorance.
He died because of his dark skin.

The officer might go to trial,
And just as likely, he'll go free.
And we'll be told "respect the cops,
They're here for their community."
Protect the community?  ****.  Legal immunity. Wholesale ****** without impunity.
Ignatius Hosiana Jun 2016
The race is good when you're winning
the dress marvellous when stunning
the sky's gorgeous when it's shining
the game when you're netting goals
equally affairs these days are about
how often a lad can afford the malls
Sitting here in class I am today, minding my business as they would say. I’m listening to the teacher teach but hearing only things left beyond my reach. Another whole day in this **** school so I can come out each night 'more-of-a-fool,' and would it behoove them all to know, I ain’t no dummy, no 'coffee-Joe'?

  …but then I’d have to get the chance, the opportunity provided to advance and the equal treatment they all receive that somehow has been lost on me. Why do I even come here? Why does my Mom insist on this? They don’t call on me, care about me, acknowledge me, it’s ridiculous. At lunch each day I gotta use my fists and even my own kind acts wicked, cause for the rest of them fighting is all that exists.

  Exists; having objective reality or being.

  I exist alright; exist if you call this a life, defined by ******, **** and monkey, or related to some stupid-actin’ ****** or some dumb brawler or that dude good at running but never ever seen as intelligent and cunning. The girls ignore me, teachers too, white guys hate me, what did I do? What did I ever do to them? I’m just like you, I just want some friends, want the chance in life to succeed, man shut up about being freed that **** happened a hundred and fifty ******* years ago, I’m just as sick of hearing about it as you are 'Bro.'

  They say I have rights, they say that it’s fair, they say there’s a chance for me everywhere, but everywhere I look that’s not what I see, I’m put-down and degraded cons-tant-ly, told that I should join the team, or passed over in conversations about some thing. Forced to be friends with thugs that hate but to them at least I can relate, for just like me they was excluded or marginalized when told that they are deluded; they’ll never make it anyway, never achieve their dreams, never have their say so why even bother when no one cares how you feel, when your dreams in life won’t ever be real, when you end up in the streets and all you got left is to steal, when its still,

“Go back to Africa ******!”

...they say with zeal and the vitriol an violence comport surreal, Helen didn’t hold this secret to reveal nor does rap, truthfully, with these problems deal? Cocooned by stares and ****-sure glares, because your own sports brothers hate your *** and make you just wanna ditch that class, so here I ended up on the streets, hangin' round on my crew’s beats, acting tough, street-cred and clout and there your 'momma-an-sister' out n’ about, while here I am a fresh drop-out and can you guess what?

Here we come to take her purse, I clock your mom’s mouth and shove down your sister but ***** you boy I could’ve done much worse, she could’ve lost her life and come home in a hearse!

  Is this the ****** ya’ll wanted to see? All filled up inside with hatred, cause I was told that I would never make it, from day one got no attention, spent half of high school in afternoon detention, training me for my future as a prison convict yet another sign our society is depraved and sick. Given no chance or help or just some praise, no moments to shine and no Happy Days, he’s just a gang-banger, a **** they say? My actions may be worse than your words assail, and well, that may be me and I may be in jail but here’s something from my Grand Momma, a little encouragement goes a long way to change this drama...

You see me on the street you better ******* run cause you already know what’s in my jacket son and my hoodie will be up so you can’t see my face since I already know what you think of my race.
I guess these are rhyming stories really. I grew up poor in rough neighborhoods and majority-minority schools. This piece is a tribute to tribulations of poor African Americans which I know all too well having grown up in their neighborhoods.
Ignatius Hosiana Jun 2016
the race to good leadership
is open to whoever's
brave enough to
pick that button...
Ignatius Hosiana Jun 2016
You can't have a medal
that's won unless
you're a thief...
I'll run another
race... I was to
late to win
you over...
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