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Big Virge Mar 2020
These Words Are Ones ...
On Which To ... " CHEW " ...

"Be careful what you do !
Be careful what you do !
If cops are in view,
and you're being pursued !"

Because ...
NOW They'll SHOOT Like ADDICTS Do ... !!!!!!!

INNOCENT YES ... Until GUILTY Is Said ...

But Be CAREFUL What You Do ...
When Dealing With The FEDS' ... !!!

Innocence CAN'T Protect Your Chest From BULLETS ... !!!
Cos' They FIRE At CHESTS Instead of At LEGS ... !?!

They SHOOT But MISS Arms ...
Instead ... They PIERCE HEARTS ... !?!

Their AIM Shuts DOWN Brains ... ?!?
In Similar Ways ... To Those Who DRUG TAKE ... !!!

But Make NO MISTAKE ...

They OVERDOSE Nowadays On EMPTYING Veins ... !!!
And Then Making CLAIMS Like ... They Were AFRAID ... !!!!

To ABSOLVE Them From Blame ...
When Juries They Face Have To Hear Them Relate ...

How ...

"Blacks made them shake, so that's why they fired !" ...

Well This AIN'T ... " The Wire " ...
Or ..... " Spenser For Hire " ..... !!!

Their Murders Are REAL And Now Phone Cams' REVEAL ...
How They FABRICATE ... Like Uniformed LIARS ... !!!!!!!!!!

From DUGGAN In London …
To US Cops FRONTIN' ...
About How Their Function …
NOW NEEDS MORE Than Truncheon ... !!!!!!

Be CAREFUL What You Do ...
Cos' Cops Now ARE Sumthin' ... !!!!!

SHOOTING Old Dudes EIGHT Times Like it's COOL ... ?!?

And THAT Is Some TRUTH …
That's RARELY Produced ...
INSIDE Their Courtrooms …
To CONVICT Feds' Accused …
of MURDEROUS Moves ... !!!

Because Their STATUTE ...
Is What Constitutes THIS Type of ABUSE ... !!!

That RUNS Institutions ...
Where RACIST Collusions …
Have LONG BEEN In Use ... !!!!!!!

BEFORE They Could CLAIM ...

.... " EQUALITY REIGNS " .... !?!

Be CAREFUL What You SAY ... !!!!!
Cos' THAT ... AIN'T The Way ... !!!!!!

Equality ISN'T Eight Shots In YOUR BACK ... !!!
Or FACING Gun Claps Just Because You're BLACK ... ?!?

Be CAREFUL What You Do When BLACKNESS Is YOU ... !!!!!
And THAT IS More TRUTH Folks SHOULDN'T Confuse ... !!!!!

This ISN'T Some Stuff Black People ... " MAKE UP " ... !?!

We HAVE To Be Cool When FACING White FOOLS ... !!!!!
Who ARE SO INSECURE That They'll FIRE Fa' SURE ...

... Just Because We're BLACK ... ?!?

So We HAVE To Be WISE When It Comes To Our Buys ...
Be CAREFUL What You DO If You're Black And Get LOOT ... !!!

DON'T PLAY That Your Cash …
Makes You GREEN and NOT Black ... ?!?

DON'T Buy A Backpack …
If Trains And Their Tracks Are How You Make Moves ...

BRAZIL Knows The Coup ...
About LONDON Cops Who LIE And Do WRONG ... !!!

Po' Po' Were The NEMESIS ...
of ... Jean Charles De Menezes' ... !!!!!

An INCREDIBLE ACT They CANNOT Take Back ... !!!

They Left That Man FLAT ... !!!
Cos' They CLAIMED That ... " He Ran ! " ...

And Was About To COMMIT A ... TERROR Attack ... !!!!!!

" BE CAREFUL " ... Should NOW ...
Become The NEW SOUND When Police Sirens HOWL .... !!!!!

Because They're Like ... WOLVES ...
Now HUNTING In PACKS To TERRORISE Blacks ... !!!!!

They NEED Terror Laws For Po' Po' ... Fa SURE ... !!!!!!!!!!

Because What's ...................... ignored .....
... IS TERROR They FLAUNT ... !!!!!

As If They Have Rights ... " Saintly and DIVINE " ... ?!?

To **** Who They Like ... UNLESS They Are WHITE ... !!!
OKAY Whites Die TOO ... But Like Asian Dudes ...

How MANY Get SHOT Just Like WALTER SCOTT ... ?!!!?

Well That's ALL I've Got For THIS ... " Mini - Play " ...

" Be Careful What You SAY " ...
PRE-DATES This ... Wordplay ... !!!

But BOTH Are In TRUTH  Poems That Give PROOF ...
That ORDERS And Moves Are REALLY NOT NEW ...

But That MODERN News ...
So We CAN'T Continue ...
To Let ... Being HUMANE ...

Or To ... EMBRACE These Sayings ...
YEAH Ones Like ... These TWO ...

" Be Careful What You Say ! " ...

And ......

" Be CAREFUL What You DO ! " ...
It is most definitely a time to do, as the poem suggests .....
Jessica Feb 2020

it’s the pounding that comes first
she can hear it
the blood running in her veins
her heart beating like a drum

soon the air will escape her
no matter how fast she runs
the air will always sprint faster
the breaths won’t come easy

her mind will soon join the race
thoughts flooding her brain
drowning out the calm
sending her sanity into last place

this race comes and goes
striking at any point
unpredictable and unstoppable
a battle to win

when the panic attacks come
the gun sounds
and the race begins
Max Neumann Feb 2020
who are we? dead stars
victims of commercial wars
you'll find us in packed bars
lonely on a quest and drunk

it's the best place for us
cause we been fleeing the rat race
don't wanna be part of it
and yet we're all part of it

double standards lead our lifes
we're like you: lovers, husbands and wives
r Feb 2020
Roll up! Roll up!
Examine the corrupt,
the nose, hair, the olive of skin.
Dishonourable, alloyed blood.

Rub, Rub
I can't get it off.
grate, burn, scour,
I can only cleanse, gloss, polish.

Look! Come and see
the fresh, clean impurity.
Lay on the table,
sparkling shimmering.
We cannot control these sinful things.
To all my ancestors who were persecuted for their religion and ethnicity.
Prince Ikpesu Feb 2020
I ‘m the ecstasy of unborn hopes and dreams
The frankincense in the moon
The tide in the ocean
I’m the reason for the morning
The pathway that leads to life
I’ m the epitome of wonders yet to be known

I’m the reason why the world will laugh and smile
I’m the ****** source of fragile dreams
The oracle that holds beauty in her palms
I’m the hope that ferment good tidings

I’m the origin of love and the source of all perfections
The future of the world
I’m the destiny of all human race
I’m the next unrevealed world power
I always carry on me, the color of all days
For all I  ever care, am a ***** and am proud to be
Big Virge Jan 2020
"Yo, for my anger settle,
Man give me a treble !    
Wait, i've got to mingle      
So, give me a single    
in fact, i'll take a double    
cos' this may start trouble !"    
All These DOUBLE STANDARDS ...    
Are Getting Me ANGERED ... !!!!    
From Lawrence To Walker ...    
To ... Christopher Alder ...  
It Seems Some English People ...    
CAN'T Deal With The Evil .. !!!    
That LURKS In Their House ... !!!    
When They Get ... FOUND OUT ... !!!!!!!    
We Blacks Should SHUT MOUTHS And NOT Speak About ...    
The Way We Get Treated In Some English Towns ... !!!!    
Or Speak of Our LOSSES Because of White Bosses ...    
Who've Got EVERY RIGHT ... !?!    
To DISMISS Our Plight of Fighting For Lives ...    
When Police SHINE THEIR LIGHTS ... !!!!!    
Or KEEP Us ..."In The Dark" ... ?    
About .... MONKEY CHANTS .... !!!    
While Black Soldiers DIE On Police Station Floors ... !!!    
They'd Rather Deny How We're Treated Like ****** ... !!!    
AND ... Left On ALL FOURS ...    
While THEY Have A LAUGH In Stations And Courts ... !!!!!    
The Standards They Have DON'T Add Up Like Math ... !?!    
They'd Rather NOT HEAR About The .... " Veneers " ...    
Behind Cover Ups That ... EXPOSES STUFF ...    
About Just How LOW Their Standards Can Go ... !!!!!    
Excuses EXCUSES And YES ... MORE EXCUSES ... !!!?!!!    
Are What They Provide To Cover Their LOOSENESS ... !!!    
"All people do wrong !"  
Is Their NEW ... " HOT SONG " ... !!!  
ALL THIS While ... " Trayvons' " ...    
Are LOST Due To Shots From ... Zimmerman Bods' ... !!!!!!!!!!!!    
"Of course we should *****' !    
Let's erase those chapters !"    
See I'm Down With The Man ...    
....... " Lilian Thuram " ......    
So Take The Stance THAT ...  
DOUBLE STANDARDS Land In The Laps of CLANS ...    
Who Stand Next To Racists In Various Places ... !!!!!!    
But WON'T Get In The Faces ...    
of Those Who Spread HATRED ... !!?!!    
I Wonder Sometimes Whether They Recognise ...    
Or Take Time To THINK ... About ANYTHING ......    
BEYOND .................................... Their Kin .... ?!!!?    
It's CLEAR Most DON'T ... !!!!!    
And WON'T Rock The Boat ...    
When Within Their Folk ...    
They Hear Subtle Jokes ...    
That EXPOSE Attitudes With Racist Styled Views ... !!!!!    
How Many Make FEUDS Within Their Own Crews ... ?    
It Seems There Aren't Many Who TRULY Are READY ...    
To REALLY Say Something They'd Rather Do NOTHING ... !!!  
And Be YES ... COMPLICIT ...    
With Those Who ARE ... RACIST ... !!!!!  
But Are QUICK To Run Lines ...      
And Wanna Start Fights With Blacks Who AREN'T SHY ...    
To Speak On Their Crimes And Bring Them To LIGHT ... !!!!!    
The Question Is .... WHY .... ???    
Their Standards Seem ....... " DOUBLED " ... !?!    
When Their Feathers Get ... " RUFFLED " ... !!!!    
It's CLEAR They Get ... " TROUBLED " ... !!!    
And Just ... WILL NOT BE HUMBLED ...    
I've Said It Before ... I'll Say It AGAIN ... !!!    
It's Like Mos' Def' Said ...    
"When they do it well, It's seen as success !    
When we do it well, It's seen as SUSPECT !"    
But Who Are ... " SUSPECT " ... ?!?    
When Their Standards Are CHECKED ... !?!  
It's Time To INSPECT And Let ME Cut The Deck ... !!!    
I Ain't From Wu Tang But Know About KLANS ...    
And IGNORANT Gangs Who STILL Take The Stance ...      
That ...      
Immigrants Cause Their Country's Downfall ... !!!  
So Let's DOUBLE CHECK And Get This CORRECT ...    
When They Move Around Across DIFFERENT Towns ...    
On YES ... FOREIGN Grounds ...    
Does Their Migration ... ?    
Or ......... IMMIGRATION ...    
Make For ... BETTER Nations ... ?!?    
When How They Get Stationed ...    
Seems To Bear ... NO RELATION ... ?!?    
To ... Living In SQUALOR ... ?!?    
Or BEGGING For POUNDS ... !?!    
That's REALLY NOT HOW They Seem To Get Down ... !?!    
Do They FEAR POLICE When They Walk The Streets ... ?    
Upon FOREIGN Shores Or Live Like The ... POOR ... ?!?    
Their Standards STAY HIGH ... !!!    
Wherever They .......... " LIE " ...........    
Of Course I Meant ... " LAY " ... !!!    
But In The ... U.K.      
Immigrants AREN'T OKAY ... !!!    
And Should YES .......................................... PLAY AWAY .......    
UNLESS They Will Play In Ways That Display ....    
A Wish To CONFORM And NOT Kick Up A Storm ... !!!    
When How They Are Treated Is ... RACISM Born ... !!!!!!!!!!    
I DOUBLE UP My Standards So That They Stay HIGH ... !!!    
And WILL NOT Have HANDLERS Decide How I Ride .... !!!    
And DON'T KEEP ******* Types ...    
Standing .... By My Side ... !!!    
And DON'T Hide Behind Lies ...    
Or ....... IGNORANT Pride ... !!!!!!!!    
Cos' It's Now CLEAR TO ME ... !!!    
Some FORGET Their Manners ...    
And Seem To Be HAMPERED ... ?!?    
When It Comes To Them SEEING ...    
How They ... "HOLD" ...    
.... " DOUBLE STANDARDS " ....
Listen HERE :
Big Virge Jan 2020
You Know It's Funny To Me How Some People Be ...
It's Like HYPOCRISY ... DEFINES Their Breed ... !!!

Like White Girls QUICK To Run Their Lips ...
About Racists ... Who They Sleep With ... !?!

I've Met A Few Who Thought They'd Use ...
They HATE Racist Crews ... !!!!!

They Seem To Think That Talk They Bring ...
Will Make Me Feel They ... KNOW The Deal ... !?!

Why Oh Why Do These Girls TRY ...
When Racism Lies Between Their Thighs ...
And In Their Minds When ***** They LIKE ...
Are ... NOT LIKE Mikes' ... !!!!!

I LIKE That Line Because It's Design ...
Proves That My Mind Is NOT Inclined ...
To Fall For Words That Have NO WORTH ... !!!!

Are You Taking Note Girls ... !?!
Girls of ALL TYPES OH YES That's RIGHT ... !!!
You FAIR Skinned Women Need To Take Note TOO ... !!!
From Caste Systems To ... Light Skinned Crews ... !!!

These Attitudes Are Just NOT GOOD ... !!!
What Makes You Think ... Dark Skin's A SIN ..... !?!

Da BLACKER Da' Berry Da SWEETER The Juice ... !!!
Quick Shout To Alfonso ... I'm Feeling Your Tune ... !!!
That Line Was HEAVY ... Like ***** That We Use ... !!!!!

Now White Girls Are Thinking ...

... " I'm hearing that's true !?! " ...

Well Girls Listen Up ...
This Racism Stuff You Now Need To DROP...
Just Like Those G-Strings For ***** of ... Dark Skin ... !!!

So Take The ... " BIG PLUNGE " ... !!!!!
And You Might Have FUN ... ?!?

But Only Do This ...
When Your Racism's DONE ... !!!!!

The Type That You ... "Hide" ...
Because .... " DEEP Inside " ....

The Thing That You FEAR ... !!!
Is ... This Line RIGHT HERE ... !!!
When Things Are ... UNCOVERED ...

" ***** ****** LOVER !!! "

From Maybe Your Brother ... !!!
Or Maybe ... Your Mother ... !!!!

Or Maybe Your Friends Which Clearly Suggests ...
You CHOOSE To Accept Their Racist Comments ... ?!?

See Wordplay Like THIS Is NOT JUST ... " A Myth " ... !!!
There Are LOTS OF CHICKS Who FEAR The BLACKLIST ... !!!!!!

So STICK To The Zone Where You Feel At Home ... !!!
Face Up To The Person You ACTUALLY ARE ... !!!!
And Keep Your FAKE Sermons And Liberal Cards ....
Where They BELONG Right Next To Your Thong ... !!!

The War's NO EXCUSE To Hold Racist Views ...
Neither's HIS - Story ... Because It's OLD News ... !!!

UNLIKE The NEW SCHOOL Who Happily Cool ...
And Take The ABUSE ... From IGNORANT Crews ...

When They Find A ****** Who's Rich Like Hilfiger ... !!!!
It's Clear These Girls USE ... Professional Moves ... !!!!!

Like ... Paid For Girls DO ... !!!
Take Time Think It Through ..............

Meantime ... " Here's Some News ! " ...

Yes Ladies It's TRUE ... !!!
There Are SOME Black Dudes ...
Who You ... SHOULD NOT Choose ... !!!!!

In Truth ... Quite A FEW ... !!!
But Don't Get It Confused ... ?!?

There Are Some White Boys ...
Who ... You Should AVOID .... !!!!!  

NO MAN Is Immune From Having ISSUES ... !!!!!
People Are People DON'T Let FEAR Deceive You ... !!!

FEAR's NOT A Thing To Be Nurturing ... !!!

See It's FUNNY To Me What Started This Piece ...
It Stems From A Party I Was At Recently ...

A Party of Saffas' Kiwis And Aussies ...
The FINEST Young Lady ...
QUICKLY Spoke To Me About Her Beliefs ...
She Was Doing A Degree In ..... " Psychology " .....      

Then She Started Speaking About .... " Racist Themes " ....
Because Racist Words Had CLEARLY Been Heard ...
From Men Clearly SCARED When We Had Got There .....

I Told Her To ... " Chill " ...
While She Played With My Hair ... !!!
But When THE TRUTH Spilled ...

Her MAN It Was CLEAR ...

When She Started To ***' ...
Cos' Her ***** Got WET Just From Touching My Head ... !!!!!

It's Clear She Is STUCK In A Mental Prison ...
From Which She WON'T Walk Even With Her BIG TALK ... !!!

She's One of The Subjects of This Simple Piece ...
Who's Helped Me  Express How Girlies Like These ...
Can Be So Naive ... And DENY Honesty ...

When Thoughts That They Play With ....
BETRAY Who They ... " LAY WITH " ...

MAN ... All I Can Say Is ...

..... " It's Funny To Me !?! " .....
As said, all this came from a party .......
John McCafferty Jan 2020
With sole and simple focus
heart pumps
mind flickers
continue on until done
though the race is never won
(@PoeticTetra - instagram/twitter)
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