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Emery Feine Oct 2024
I've moved so far through time
But to you I'm still the same
Does years of changing and healing
Only return back to insult and main?

I've found myself, I've grown, I've seen it all, but
Sour-filled hearts are all you've exchanged
And I'll return it with my white and pink lily
I'm telling you all, I swear I've changed
this is my 90th poem, written on 4/9/24
Emery Feine Oct 2024
We have left our past completely behind
No longer able to live in the present
Always looking for something new to find

We've burned our history and its branches that extend
Say we cherish the tree as we bite into its burning apple
And cut it down every day, with no end

We give our attention to a small thing for a day, like the apple now rotten
But the next day our focus will have decreased
And by a year it will be completely forgotten

As a society, we are forced to move on
And wander away from everything we loved
And everything you hold dear is now long gone

We swear, but can't bear the remembrance of all
We lie, we try to forget the small
We leave, we grieve to solely grow tall

And we break, we take from the world we've won
We'd stop admiring, and firing a book rather than a gun
And we've chased, and replaced, to get closer to the sun

And we've forever been progressing, moving farther and farther away
That now, in the end, not even time will be there to stay
this is my 81st poem, written on 2/10/24
Juliana Aug 2024
Looking for a single man for the chance to listen to him play his music, tell him that he did a really good job, talk to him for a while, about school, family, death, life, people, exchange numbers, get a call from him, talk for a couple hours, say goodnight, wave to him the next day in school, share homework, secrets, lunch, fight about if I have the better pesto, tomato, turkey, spinach sandwich, or if he has the better ham, mayo, cheese sandwich, give him some of my animal crackers from the second isle in sprouts that just melt in your mouth, with the possibility to keep this lunching up, ditch school after third period and go to the movies, he drives, hold hands during the movie, the first actual touch, laugh together when we think that everyone else is learning about biological macromolecules, go out to chick fil a, order two chicken sandwiches and two lemonaids, one regular, and one berry, snicker at the nosy waiter who kept looking over at us, entertain the idea of us running for senior prom king and queen, don’t submit our names, cry about how we won’t be together at college anymore, promise to call each other every day, keep that promise, get jealous whenever another name is mentioned in our calls, be it male or female, decide to move back home, soon after, get engaged, plan the perfect wedding with all our old friends from high school, all our new friends from college, with purple flowers, and gorgeous dresses, cry when reading our vows to each other, laugh when the maid of honor, your sister, reads her speech, go on our tropical honeymoon, get really tan, tanner than normal, maybe just a little burnt, but not enough that we still can’t have a good time, stress about worries of life, jobs to do, bills to pay, friends to see, children to make, sometimes it seems like it’s way too much for us to handle, but we do it together, I encourage you to get back into music and you encourage me to start playing volleyball again, perhaps coaching volleyball, we never make it work with a baby boy on the way, I finally find someone I love more than you, you find someone you love more than me, we foster and nurture our baby in all the ways in life, teach him to grow from his mistakes, try not to be too over protective, but sometimes it’s hard knowing what’s out there in the world, have another baby girl that gets spoiled way too much from an early age, watch her grow to be in love the same way we were in love, with a boy that could never be good enough for her, go for long walks at night, get to know each other in a way we’ve never gotten to before, send our kids out into the world, praying that everything we’ve tought them will be enough, retire from our jobs that we never really liked, reilize that men die earlier then women, travel the world, see Costa Rica, Austria, Germany, Japan, Mexico, reminisce on all the good memories we’ve made over our whole lives together, long to see our children that we haven’t seen for so long, find out that we have grandbabies we were never told about, love our grandchildren with everything else we’ve got in ourselves, until we’ve got nothing left, lay on our death bed, side by side, hands holding onto hands for as long as possible, one last kiss, one more promise that we love each other no matter what.
irinia Sep 2023
so hard to comprehend if you
can truly be loved as you are
or we simply use each other
like Seurat used light
the jukebox of desire plugged-in
it keeps turning reality against itself

sometimes  I am dreaming, feeling
crying, laughing too much
I know.
I keep looking at the world
with the terror of being alive
with a look that exhausts love

what if contradiction is the mother
of progression?
Descovia Feb 2021
I opened my heart

To someone who would

Never even open his

Eyes To see me.

You were all

But it was

So easy for you

To watch me fall

I refuse to let you

Carry the pieces of me

Even if I break

I will build myself

From the ground up

with everything you

Fail to Take

My heart is open

My eyes they can see

As long as I keep

Striving and Growing

There will be far more left

Than just mere pieces of me!*

Descovia & Rein
Thinking I have made the best moves
keeps me in an unmoving progression,
of attempting recovery on ground lost
from precipitous decisions I've chosen.

Trying my best yet nothing improves
since I still haven't given a confession,
the one that I'm alive but at what cost
till I do I shall remain forever frozen.

So won't something, anything,
motivate this stalemate I'm in.
I'm need merely a violent shove
to be something I undreamed of.
I saw myself today
It was a startling sight
It takes bravery to look one in the eye

I've spent years rewiring a brain
Trained to believe it was ugly
So to see me as utterly beautiful

Was progress like I've never seen
it was a beautiful progression
Austin Morrison Jul 2020
Forget the old me
We are not the same
I do not belong to you anymore
It's better to be be alive and thriving, rather than being consumed, sick and dying.
Daily thoughts by me
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