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Lizley Apr 2019
Is back
She's dressed in white
instead of black
Faces you with a sweet smile,
Though her tongue
is full
l i e s


© Lizley (Maria Flordeliz Yamog)
The actress.
At my  face you love me
At my back you stab me
Try as I may,
‘till I faint
You’ll always be my enemy
This I have known
But love keeps my hands tied
A beast who came to devour
To prey upon the weak
But took the embodiment of a sheep
Two faced art thou
Of all this...I knew
But love...
keeps my hands tied

Of all this...I knew
But my hands are tied
And heart...
completely shattered
For thou art my beloved.
Mystic Ink Plus Jul 2018
At the end of the day
He asked, ”why we need to sleep?”

I answered,
To dream a better tomorrow.

Try it
Deeper sleep
Yes, you got it

But never pretend
One will not dream.
Genre: Experimental
Theme: Sleep Therapy
SwordNPen Aug 2017
I'm a coward I pretend I can write but I cant
i'm just a kid pretending. Real writing is about
being honest and vulnerable. I haven't been
honest with myself in a long time. Real art takes courage
and that's not something I have anymore. Why does it
have to be so complicated. So after this sentence I'll
be as open as a deep cut so listen to everything that's about
to pour out. I'm a lost boy without Neverland. Im shy, afraid
to grow up, afraid to fail , and afraid to find out who i really am.
For now I'll continue to be the pretender.
Atoosa Mar 2017
I've forgiven you for tearing my heart apart
Pretending to be someone you're not
For swearing eternal love then torturing me with your unique cruelty

I've forgiven myself for believing the performance... the promises
For seeing capacity in you that will never be realized
Wasting my precious life force on someone so undeserving

You never actually asked for my forgiveness
And yet once again, I am giving you something from my heart....
That perhaps you do not deserve....
The weak cannot forgive. Forgiveness is one attribute of the strong.     Mahatma Gandhi

It was much harder to forgive myself....that was the true accomplishment.  Compassion for oneself is SO much harder. Why is that?

We will never be WE again. Maybe WE never were....except in my mind and heart.....and in the poetry of dreams....
ZT Dec 2015
Your Fragrance is spreading
Everyone, you are enticing
But I know your stench is digging
Deeper, into you it keeps finding
Your soul that it will be embracing
Beware. There are people with dark thoughts that masks them with innocence.
Mysterious Aries Sep 2015
Though green his not to *** without love
The feeling of cheers still as hot
After the brawl a trademark left - his evil laughed

Princesses are quite shy at first
But how could they neglect his touch of dearness
How could they've known that they're catching a pretending caress

He  love to hear the sound of those dames while they're tickled
Those are music to his ear
He love to behold the beauty of those ladies while they're naked
Those are art in his eyes

Alas! Thy virginity was taken away
Thy pureness was broken like a glass
To the air thy clamor burst
The adjective left to thy mouth was a cursed
A cursed for him, the BIG BIG WOLF....

Written: July 27, 2001 @ 3:20 pm

nom de plum: Mysterious Aries
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