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girasol Nov 2019
The hardest part is not that I miss you
The hardest part is not that I think about you constantly
The hardest part is not that I fantasize about you
The hardest part is not that I still love you
The hardest part is that you don’t have the courage to fight for me
The hardest part is realizing that although you act like a man, you’re still only a boy
The easiest part is realizing I’ve outgrown you and your insecurities
Rachel Gosby Nov 2019
To be happy.
Not to be sad.
To be loved.
Not to be hurt
To enjoy life.
Not to be stuck.
To be free.
Not to be stressed out.
To be drama free.
Not to be weak.
To do things that make me happy.
Not pleasing others.
To be a leader.
Not a follower.
To be Me.
Not to be someone else.
To be kind
Not to be rude to others.
To live my life.
Not living someone else life.
To keeping my faith.
Not feeling sorry for myself.
To understand more.
Not to be mistreated.
To control my life.
Not let someone take over.
To rebuild
Not tear myself down.
To travel the world.
Not to stay still.
To hold my own.
Not to **** my dream.
To make things happen.
Not to fall behold.
To listen to myself.
Not to run away.

It's my turn to do what makes me happy, and not worry about what makes other people happy.

To be strong.
Too proud of who I am.
To let go of the pain.
To stop crying.
To be patient.
To be
learn that's it's your turn to live your life and be who you are. don't hold anything from your self. don't let anything stop you from living life as you want it
Alex Salazar Nov 2019
Beautiful things don’t ask for attention.
ineffable contours, that cannot be tamed with a wordy depiction.
Like water running through my fingers,
Ephemeral, and leaving me to linger.
Caldera, my steaming  desire.
Instantiates a spy, that is ready to be set on fire.

Daughter of eve,
Carousel of dreams
You’ve drowned my angels
And left me  to die in a reverie.
Alex Salazar Oct 2019
You are,
someone else,
something better.
Something worth of living and loving.

A sky free of judgement,
A land full of green.
An air of honeysuckle,  
A bite of tangerine.

A soft hum of roses, A rising  tickle of joy
A kindness without any poses,
A lover ready to deploy.
Mark Toney Oct 2019
~ If selfishness precipitates, love will evaporate ~

Perfect present from heaven above
You and I, we fit like a glove
Please let's not fight
It's just not right
So happy that we're so in love

Let our relationship grow
               ~love reciprocates~
Let sensation be sensible
               ~kindness mitigates~
Let meditation be met
               ~patience celebrates~
With love that's suitable

Cultivating our love to grow
We must let communication flow
Please hold me dear
You have my ear
Talk to me I want to know

Let our relationship grow
               ~love reciprocates~
Let sensation be sensible
               ~kindness mitigates~
Let meditation be met
               ~patience celebrates~
With love that's beautiful

A three-fold cord won't easily fray
I thank God for us every day
Through thick and thin
You're my best friend
Blessed that we feel this way

Let our relationship grow
               ~love reciprocates~
Let sensation be sensible
               ~kindness mitigates~
Let meditation be met
               ~patience celebrates~
With love that's suitable

With love that's beautiful
With love immutable
1/30/2019 - Poetry form: Lyric - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
Nina Oct 2019
You're not mine to keep
But that won't stop me from loving you
So I'll keep on loving you
From a distance
Watching you
From afar
And hoping
For the best that you'll do
In life
And your future
I love you
Makenzie Marie Oct 2019
You’re so afraid of your security
That you accidentally take mine from me.

I felt secure in you until you changed your mind, repeatedly.

If you aren’t ready, please tell me.

Because I’m afraid to wait forever for you only to find that I’ll never be enough for you.
You’re worth the wait and everyone gets cold feet sometimes. I understand your mind a little better now.
Makenzie Marie Oct 2019
Each day I am with you, you remind me why I am.
I used to get in my own way, questioning if things needed to change, needing to control every little thing.
But at some point there I took a breath, relaxed a bit, and dove in head first. Thank goodness I did.
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