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AE Oct 2020
Although moments are fleeting,
so are worries,
Even summer’s goodbye,
Is a mosaic of pigments
That one can not help but stare
In absolute admiration

Good things end,
and better things begin.
ABIL Oct 2020

How cruel a Mistress you can be.
You touch minds and break hearts.
Yet you think I don't see,
Another victim that you made in me.

                                                                     You took my love
                                                                     And OH, did she leave
                                                                     She was the air in my lungs.
And now I can't breath....

But don't fret
I forgive you still
But I will not forget
That you turned my life into a hill

                                                                     My Dear Love, L......
Abunde Oct 2020
Come forth hither, love is waiting on the ocean shore for you to come explore unknown depths

Come forth hither before I dive in all alone, you will swerve the ocean waves with no moon and hope to find me somewhere soon

Come forth hither before the soft love turns to pain and my heart is hardened by the cruelty of your rejection

Come forth hither, the ocean is not a good place to bleed, sharks will devour me before I am killed by love

Come before my eyes run dry, before all my tears turn the ocean salt less
To my unknown lover who is responsible for all the love pimples on my face,, come
Nikita Sep 2020
When I grew up. I thought that to be respected, I needed to be strong. As hard as nails.

I believed that aggression was my friend, a friend that protected me from men.

Aggression was never a friend, just a women desperate for control. Over time she became a cancer, eating away at my sanity.

She brought chaos and raged storms when she was unsure of what to do.

When she is calm, she draws me detailed pictures of suicide and sings me sweet songs of deceit.

If only setting her free was something I was strong enough to do.
Without patience,
There is no love.
pilgrims Sep 2020
Hunger hurts. I have hunger pains.
Last night in a dream I murdered my mother.
What to do with tenacious voracity?
Uncalm, I wait. Breathing.
Osii Sep 2020
Where do I go
When you're not around?
I've gotten used to watching over you
That I forgot that I was gonna lose you

I'll stay down for a while
Even if no one's making me smile.
Sunflower still grows at night
I'll sit here and wait for your light

To come back.
Oh sunflower, ever so lonely yet still so loyal.
Ken Pepiton Sep 2020
Praise God, did you hear what President Trump just said?

Thus was I greeted on my way to get the mail.
Least said, soonest mended, pokes me below the fifth rib.

Yes, you mock the idea.
The idea that peace may be made by mortals without war.
I should have said nothing, but then
there'd be none of this
ruderous playful joy I feel.

I claim the inheritance of those who trouble
their own house with servants
sent from god, God, the, of thee ineffable name,
who created
messaging means,
literal winds of servitude, ministering spirits,
sent to serve as useful urges to do or say
for them who are about to be
klero-nomeno, clearly named, heirs of soteria?

Useful for what, old man?

Guides, GPS apps in your knower, like a chron job reminder,
do this now, in this situation.
There are gear trains, wheels in wheels, seeing always
at once, if you can imagine,
molecular machines with minds of their own…

watch I say, I just smile, Mona Lisa trick, I look you in the ear,
see what I said. Not in the eye, look fifteen degrees left.
I see as
life and truth, the way they work together
making up minded beings for
narrow focus function,
on off signal send signal accept, receive deceive

connect, reject, find no fault that is not over-seen
as being no hinderance,
to the whole truth.
- It all started with this woman I know is a Trump
- and Joel Osteen fan…
- she greets me, happy, bubbly about how funny Trump
- is, she says,
- he says treehuggers caused the fires, so Californians can pay
- to put them out.
- AH, she pierced my concentration on the point I was making
- What did you say,
- and If, if, if I had said nothing…

A wife, an old, mother of 3.5 children, from three
******, all men are ******, she believes,
why do I kick against them? Hmmm. let me lie
and say
because it is the will of God, my heavenly father, she say,

sashay sassie lassie -- old and grey and given to rants
on Trump being God's choice…

not yours, you tree-hugging *** smoking hypocrite hermit

praying in the wilderness where no man can hear.
Shunning bully pulpit sycophantom spirits
leading silly, in the modern sense, wombed men away.
- I don't say
Peace as made in me, purges hate spewed my way,
venom weakens me a while, then
the idea of stomping snakes,
strengthens me.
I walk away.
This is joy. Winning by default, having nothing to lose.

True crazy, it seems, a certain spirit is on a patience building
angels assigned to poke and ***** and itch like a hair shirt
on an Iberian saint in shining armor.

Have ye no armor, naked ape? Is this not the same as nekkid,
are ye not ashamed,
not even a scapula to hide the demon's thumbprint?
Is this a witch of the west living
for soothing sayings, yet

she mocks my smile, and sneers a wish for my good day.
- I don't say
shall we condemn the claimer to
God's first be-atitudenal blessed class,
Peacemaker, are you allowed to
mock the peacemaker, raise waving serpent subtile digits,
bow and mock as
Protesting Missionaries mock singers of silent songs called

Yes, thank you. I did say.
As my muse told me long ago, both treasure and truth are where you find them, then they be what you make of them.
Erik Luo Sep 2020
I’m waiting for the hourglass window
Singing a song about a widow
It was sad and kinda surreal
Like a good drink taking over your soul

Time is an actual window
Through which I saw the sorrow
Of the quiet peace in my pillow
Speaking to me about that yellow

Oh, I am here
Waiting patiently.
No pain or sadness
Only being

A glass overflowing
A fruit ripe and ready
A sky perfectly clear
A shadow cool and steady

I dreamed of this moment
over and over again
I know you are coming
So I called your name

What I seek is already here
Through the infinite waves of endless love,
I felt you in my body
And I breathed deep into my belly

In eternity I sit
Hearing your voice calling
So far yet so close
As I disappeared,
Into you...
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