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OTP Apr 2019
I saw pictures of my dad today
They were on Facebook I must say
He had no hair, his beard was gray
Nothing like when we used to play
I reminisce of that October day
To be together, I now longer pray
But In my head constantly play
What would have happened if I had a said... "stay".
© 2019 OTP All Rights Reserved.
OTP Jan 2019
With you, I try my best
'Cause you mean more than the rest
To keep you with me is my quest
So I fight and put up my chest
In my heart, you're my main guest
And every time I see you it's a fest
God, I swear I'm blessed.
© 2019 OTP All Rights Reserved.
OTP Jan 2019
Is it possible I feel her from all the way from here?
That I can feel her touch even though she's not near?
If you say no, you're lying, 'cause I swear I feel her hand, and can hear...
her voice saying I love you, like when I'm close to her, right here, in my ear.
There is no such thing as distance, you're everywhere with me.

© 2019 OTP All Rights Reserved.
helena alexis Dec 2017
it was a late Thursday night
and the restaurant was reaching
closing time the petite girl had her
hair in a straight messy bun as she had her earbuds in blasting her favorite song

she was sweeping the floors while dancing as she glanced over her shoulder to see if the tall brown eyed boy she liked had left yet

as she was sweeping she noticed the boy about to
walk out the door to leave

“wait! before you go give me a hug” she said
with a slight shy smile on her face as she walked over
to the boy with his hat turned backwards and his earbuds in

he grinned as he opened his arms preparing himself
got her tiny embrace, wrapping his arms around her
for a quick 5 seconds

“what was all that for?” he asked as he almost walked out the door

“oh it’s just that I’m not gonna see you for the next week so I’d thought I’d say goodbye” she said shyly, blushing a tiny bit

“aw well I’ll see you when you get back and have a happy Christmas” he said walking out the door to his car

being in his arms
made her feel safe
he felt like home
love working with him
Day Nov 2015
And this is your home,
Return to your throne,
And I will fight the ghosts away,
but I'm begging you, please stay.
not mine at all. All credit goes to Jamie Brown
Hannah Lorrelle Mar 2015
What torture it is
to witness love,
only from a far,
and never participate.

I find myself
writing about what
love should be
sharing cute couple
pictures with cheesy quotes
and yet still being alone.

I feel that I am doomed
to be the stenographer
of this little blue orb,
and all that lies outside its walls.
I document but never experience
I write but never feel.

My only regret is
maybe my one true whatever
has already come and gone,
and left me behind,
but wouldn't I know if I had
been in that one true

And so, I will write on,
observe love from far away
and hope for my
Q Apr 2014
You don't ship it like I do
In my spare time (all the time)
Instead of paying attention.
You're not as much of a fan as I am
You say I'm obsessed
I call it infatuation.

You can't fill the hole in yourself
Without a ship but you'd rather not
So you can shy away from shipping
I'm on a ******* yacht.
You don't understand the calling
Which is, basically, at this point, normality
And thus, I have no need for you
Go be a carbon copy.

But I will sail!
I will go down with this ship!
(**** tumblr to hell
For spoiling my ****!)
But sail, I will, even still.
Oh, in my battleship
I'll rip your OTP!
My ship is stronger
My ship is closer to canon in reality!
So yes, your pairing, I will shred, I'll rip.
I couldn't help myself. I'm so, so, so sorry. I couldn't.

— The End —