Kissing my wrist.
1. 2. 3
times. I should
be good for
a few hours.
Then repeat again.
Stumb- stumbling stumble
over ov ov
stumbling over over
over over over
stumbling ov over
my over my
words. Every time
I try to
speak to you.
Kiss, 2, 3.
Now I won't
accidentally hurt you.
Picking at my
skin, pinching, frowning.
Cutting each and
every bite into
a perfect cube.
Into the car.
Kiss, kiss, kiss.
Now I won't
be in another
car accident. But!
Don't forget, don't
forget. Do it
again to be
sure. You have
to or else
you'll get hurt.
Hurt your family.
Hurt someone else's
family. Break apart
a whole life.
I can count
every single calorie
I have eaten
today without even
looking at the
label. I can
taste and tell
you which artificial
sugar is in
my energy drink.
But! I only
drink the ones
with guarana extract.
It's all natural,
so at least
kinda better, right?
FREEZE! Here comes
a new thought.
What if I
suddenly ran out
into traffic, got
hit by a car,
and traumatized someone.
Or, consider, if
I went to
a theme park,
and just jumped
out in front
of a roller
coaster, horribly traumatizing
a whole train
of children. A
huge explosion of
blood and brains.
Don't do it,
don't do it,
Don't do it,
don't, don't, don't
It's a thought.
It doesn't control
you. It doesn't.
Let it go.
Kiss kiss kiss.
Kiss, 2, 3.
Kissing my wrist.