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skye Nov 2018
i remembered the time
when i begged God to stop the night
because it was the closest i got to be with you
and then in an unexpected moment
the wish was granted

the city was still alive
and the electricity continued bursting outside
everything was noisy and crowded
but i got to cherish this lovely silence beside me
when i thought we are always moving forward
never crossing like two parallel lines in a universe
somehow there was going to be a divine intervention
that will keep us together
even in a short period of time

i heard your slow breaths
i felt your fluffy cheeks
i saw you in your beautiful grace
your hair moved in slow motion
and being the fool that i am
i captured every single thing

in an unexpected moment
i got to look at you
not looking at somebody else
like how you stare in awe
at your celebrity crushes

in an unexpected moment
i got to listen to you
not listening to somebody else
like how you still care about what other people think
after telling you there's really nothing to worry about

in an unexpected moment
i got to talk to you
not talking about somebody else
like how you describe every exact detail
of your special friends and families

and in that unexpected moment
i got to love you
not loving somebody else
like how you cry your heart out every night
wishing for that person to never say goodbye

i don't want to end this moment
but if i want to stay with you

i have to.

— parallel
inspired mostly by boy pablo's tkm and a special person in my life

hope you like it
redberries Nov 2018
This moment
Too bold to put in words
Too stunning to be confined in a photo frame

so I tattooed it on my heart
imprinted it on my bones
feel it flow in my blood

I grab it tight
hold it close

I did not let go
even when I reach the end of the fall
and my body breaks into a million stones

There's a time where all I wanted to do was blend in
Then I realise being different gives me such thrill
I embraced it
Then all i wanted to do was stand out
Amanda Kay Burke Nov 2018
One day I hope to wake
Without your name in mind
Not a single scar searing
They say it takes time

I will not write about love lost
Sun will rise without fail
I will live life in your absence
Lungs will gracefully inhale

So let's have a final moment of silence
For the heart torn from my chest
The worst part of leaving over
Now I can move on and start the best
Which would be falling in love all over again with someone new
Jessica Jarvis Nov 2018
It's exciting to live life on the edge,
until you fall off the cliff.

It's exciting to shout from the rooftops,
until you're deaf from the noise.

It's exciting to get caught up in the hype,
until you crash into the ground.

It's exciting to tear up the floor,
until you've dug yourself a hole.

It's exciting to get carried away,
until you're dropped from its grasp.

It's exciting in the moment,
until you realize it's just that.

Here is a list of analogies to emphasize how some things just aren't worth it.
Nobody believes me
My own mind deceives me
Why would you concive me
If your just going to leave me
But I've been alone before
And found it quite easy
Just waiting about for the world to release me
Finally lay to rest in the underworld that's beneath me
Where Mr Reaper will greet me
Whilst demons eat me
Finally breifily we could be at peace .. see ???
lovelywildflower Nov 2018
dancing to alternative music
my favorite
eyes closed
spinning around the room
a pint of ice cream in my hand
feeling myself
what a good moment

lovelywildflower Nov 2018
the gray space behind
crow flys over autumn trees
one rose still alive

Siena Nov 2018
my photos
capture a moment in time
my drawings
capture a moment
i hope to occur
in this life
or the next
one day
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