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Ryan Holden Aug 2018
Always wake with choice
Let everyday be as
Perfect as your last.
Sasevardhni Aug 2018
An omniscient voice said,
We are human beings,
Without any humanity.
Some are spoiling the purity of fertility
******* around not knowing whom to **** around
One speaks nonsense and expects the other to reply.
Each and every one has their wish and will,
Which shapes an individual
But some lovely bodies will do nothing
Instead, keep complaining
About the world being round
Assuming that the hidden truth was found.
Money, food, flesh are the three vitamins
All that one needs in life
Whereas one may just need a knife.
To **** that cliché
To show the life in a sachet.
Forgetting that we in a reverie
Of so-called living.
Ask yourself "Am I living or Surviving? "
The brain will suggest option A
While heart will be throbbing to say "SURVIVING".
The definition of the term ‘Privacy'
Is lost in networks ‘Secrecy'
Videotaping ones ‘Intimacy'
Has become our ‘Fantasy'
How can they be a wrong deed
When they satisfy our need.
Most of us convert money
From foreign to the native currency
Forgetting that we are
Literally converting needs to wants.
The dying proverb
"Money makes many things"
Has become the living truth
"Money is everything"
We all have forgotten to exchange goods.
Is it because the barter system is extinct now?
Where can one find love?
Is it in the self or in the other?
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
How I tamed the tiger

How I tamed the tiger that burns inside of me.
It was not a conscience quest to change,
Life just ripped it out for all to see.
I have only emptiness inside my chest
And all that is left to wait for is death.
This is my only recognizable form,
For human being has never been my norm.

I just don’t understand people.
I only know of loss and evil.
Those who claim to love, but don’t.
I could fall in love, but only if I helped them cheat and ignored my soul;
So I won’t.

Alone I remain, wishing for flames,
To once more spark inside my heart,
But the ignition switch is broken, like my art.
All is dark where light should be;
There is a tiny light which exists inside of me.

I cannot laugh at comedy, because I am so tragic.
I no longer believe in cupid’s magic.
I only believe in the inevitability of the end;
Happiness stolen by ex-girlfriends.
Take one soul, have an affair,
Repeat process without a care.

Love is stood over there,
And I am silent, unmoving, uncaring, and she is unaware.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
It's exactly one year
Since you left
This tiring cold earth
Your death
Gave birth to something deep
A wound, now a scar
I watch and feel everynight
A stubborn scar
That deepens with time
Instead of fading
Today this time
I was in a bus
Coming to your funeral
Disappointed like a dog without a bone
And an actor without a home
It's exactly 366 days since your death
Mordecai Amos Suga Masimbira
Died at nineteen before he grabbed
What he was working for
The Nobel piece prize in physics and chemistry
Even in your death
You're unconquered
And I will make you famous
Because you were denied
A long life
Which you deserved
Because to all you were perfect.
A perfect beacon of light
Through the family's dark night.
Words will never cover your void
And only when we meet again will I rejoice.
You live in my dreams
In my art
And in my heart
Which is still moaning like a dove
Solely standing on a thorny branch
Weeping sorely
With burning hope and love
He was my lil brother, i miss him, i love him and i don't why death took him away...
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

I wrote you this poem, to share with you my feelings;
To tell you how I feel, to say what I've been thinking.
To open my heart, without fear of rejection;
With a hope in my soul, that you were truly listening.

Since the first time I saw you, at that house in that skirt;
I wished I could give you, what I felt you deserve.
But those things I can't afford, your wounds I cannot heal;
I can only share with you, the way that I feel.

Your smile shows your beauty, like a bright neon light;
Your radiance illuminates, even the darkest of nights.
You laugh at simple things, to simply show me your smile;
You make me believe, all the pain is worthwhile.
It teaches us to become, greater than we once were;
To go back and change our mistakes, it teaches us to learn.

I don't know you, yet I like you and I hope you like me.
I believe I could get from you, all that I need.
Compassion and love and a little understanding;
To repair this broken heart, to start again and to begin.
A new chapter in this book, we call love, life and death;
You make my heart skip a beat, as you take away my breath.

But with love, lust and attraction,
Comes a world of confusion.
Are these mixed signals that I'm seeing?
Could you help me to tune in?
To the way that you feel about me,
Without hurting my soul?
If you don't feel the same;
Then I'll leave you alone.

But I can't live another day,
Without showing you how I feel.
I must know what the future holds,
If it would help then I would kneel
And pray to a God, I believe does not exist.
Ask for some sort of sign and maybe a little kiss.
From this woman stood before me,
With all manner of paths to follow;
To show me where to go and what will happen tomorrow.

Will I awake, to another missed opportunity?
Or will she call me at home, just to say hello to me?
The future is uncertain, but my feelings for her are real;
She could be the one I've waited for, for twenty five years.

I have already thought, of fifty reasons why it cannot happen;
But the reply to each reason is to just keep on dreaming.
Maybe this dream will come true and she will feel the same way;
She will want to give it a try.  She'll go out with me today.

One boy meets one girl and they make a connection;
They both feel the same way, so go out for a drink.
One day to show my good points and not scare her with the bad;
One chance to impress her, I must play my best hand.
They smile all night long and laugh through the awkward silences;
They finish the night, with the tenderest of kisses.

I'll call you tomorrow; we should do this again.
I've had a great night tonight, so I'll pick you up at seven.
We'll go to that restaurant and eat the finest cuisine;
Is this foolishness that I speak, or is it a dream?
We could go see a movie first and later drink at the pub;
Then who knows what could happen,
Maybe one day, we could fall in love.

But don't get ahead of yourself, take things one step at a time;
Get to know each other first, with a bottle of wine.
Then fall asleep on the sofa, laying in each others arms;
Then wake up to the alarm and watch the new days rising sun.

(C)2005 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Inside my heart forever more

I want to have you inside my life.
I want to feel you; I can tell no lie.
I want you on the inside; these feelings I cannot hide.
Without you to love me, I will surely die.  

I want you inside me, holding me tight;
I want your love to give birth to my life.
I need to love you so I can feel your light;
I want to feel you inside.

If I have your love, I can keep you inside of me;
If I have you to love, I can forever become the person I should be.
If I can feel you on the inside,
Then I can feel your empathy.

I want to trap you inside my heart;
I want to hold you close.
I want to have you inside my heart forever more;
I cannot let you go

Inside I will keep you and inside I shall feel;
The love that you shall give me will forever remain real.
The love I have to give you nobody can ever steal.
Forever faithful to you I have become
And if we should break, then I will never heal.

I want to feel you inside me;
I want to be inside.
I want to feel your love enter into my heart to sustain me,
So I shall never die

With you inside, my heart can beat once more;
With you inside me, I shall never again need to mourn love.
With your love inside me, my love life will never again be poor;
Because when we are inside each other,
We are richer than any other love that lives on the outside…
So please take me inside my love.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Inside my heart

You are so beautiful to me,
So I need to show you, you are inside my heart.
If everyone else disappeared and I stood here blindly,
Still I would confess my faith for you and show you my art.

I have loved you in a former life
And I will love you in the next.
I love you in this life too;
I love you with my every breath.

There ain't nothing I could ever say,
To make you change your mind;
But maybe with a change of heart,
You could one day become mine.

In the darkest nights I see your smile;
Shining ahead of me, lighting up my life.
Throwing quick glances in your direction;
Trying hard to disguise the look in my eyes,
When I look into your eyes and I see perfection.

Finding beauty inside darkness;
Thinking of how to make her mine.
You're pretty beautiful in my eyes
And what others cannot see, I hold deep inside.
She looks a study of thoughts inside those eyes of hers;
She doesn't know that I have seen her, as she comes and she goes.
Dark paint around the eyes makes me love what I see;
I want you to notice me, because your eyes have enchanted my soul.

Words I cannot speak, for my thoughts I must hide;
But maybe I can show you in another way.
I leap to my feet and lay a rose before you with pride;
Please come with me on this adventure and I shall leave you amazed.

Here I am, come notice me;
Here I stand in need of your love life.
Here I am in need of a little T.L.C.;
It is here I fall without you, my contact high.

I am alive.  I have a life.
Still I am alive.  Still is my life;
Written down in poetry for you to never read,
I have lost everything I need to breathe
And into you I can no longer be,
Because without your love, I am never going to feel free.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
My wasted heart

Growing older, with memories on my mind.
Wishing I could have had more time to share,
With the women I have loved.
Laughing at love with open eyes, now I am no longer blind.
Romantic comedies are my painful addiction
And my love life is so unjust.

Sing me a song and I will take it to my heart.
Let the backing singers sing along and let their voices be heard!
My wasted heart has forever been lost in the dark.
Will you become my guiding light
And let me see clearly through the blur?

I want to find love, so inside a film I look.
Can you help me find the love I seek?  
There are too many books on love.
All I want is you; let me into your life for a while.
Dance with me under a disco ball and I will try to make you smile.

Raise the trumpets, bang the drums;
Clap those hands and sing about love!
Let my wasted heart find those three words it wishes to hear.
Surely I deserve a little piece of happiness too.
Am I ever going to find a real and true love that will never disappear?
Before you depart and vanish from my life,
Let me leave a thought inside your mind…

Could you fall hopelessly head over heels with me?
And could I be someone you could be with?
I would like to know, how do you feel and what do you see?
When you have come to your decision, could you give me a hint?

If we had never met and you had never known of my existence,
Would you have missed out on something that you could desire?
If you were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar
And I had never asked for your assistance,
Would I have made a mistake if I had never told you,
That you are what I require?

Would my love have been wasted, without you to love?
Or would you make the first declaration inside a crowded café?
You can leave and forget me, but I would never give up on love,
So before you walk away and waste my heart once again,
Please remember how you felt when we first met…

Before I become a stranger and I sadly walk away.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018
Sweet little compromise

I love your sweet little compromise.
I love your deep blue **** eyes.
I love to watch you sleep at night.
I love to get between your thighs.

I hate the way you make me feel inside;
I hate the day I love the night.
I hate to hate, but hey, that’s life!
I hate it seems to me all the time.

Your love is my disease; it’s very contagious.
It seems like everyone’s falling all around us.
In love that is; they fall for each other.
Finding their other.  Their favourite lover.

But love’s a disease that eats out your heart.
The day is now over; the nightmares will start.
The hate and despair, will tear you apart,
Until your find your next,
So the love story can restart.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Jul 2018

Love; the possibilities.
Love; and all that could have been.
Love; it’s all you need it to be.
Love; it has a hold of me.

If love could become all I wish it had been,
Would love still have the same meaning?
If love is really all you need,
Then why will love not last for me?

Love; the thing dreams are made of.
Love; you must give it all you have got.
Love; a memory that can never be forgotten.
Love; the two of us have already been chosen.

This love is still the same to me;
Your love is my everything and you are my perfect melody.
This love will last for eternity.
This love for you has been born inside of me.

Love; the cherished beauty and the unforgiving beast.
Love; a starving hearts lifelong feast.
Love; alone no more in this place of peace.
Love; the greatest love stories are tragedies.

Love at first sight can last for a lifetime.
Our love can grow deep within our hearts and minds.
Love can be lost, but still love we are trying to find.
No-one truly gives up on love, so why would I?

Love; the Holy Grail and the saving grace.
Love; a beautiful mind and a beautiful face.
Love; the end of the search and the happiest day.
Love; it is all we require, so love me truly and I shall feel the same way.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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