Get! Past Face..
Take a time out.
Ta get into meh..
Get inside my head..
Before you get into my heart.
Doing it backwards don't make me not depart.
Know me!
How do I really feel
How do I sort this out.
Getting to know you.
Do You really give me that opportunity.
Trynna feel like I am close to you.
Do you make me feel welcomed inside of you.
I'm feeling a come on lets get it let's go.
Sweeping me off my pillow.
When I'm ready to relax and chat.
Telling me it's time to go.
So I hang up and just go.
You haven't spread the right ingredients on the table.
Give me a festive meal I can recieve I'm capable.
I feel I've just been given the page with introductions.
And excerpts from chapter one.
And you say I'm the One.
I'm here with my time willing to give gentle speeches.
But I feel no reaches.
Reach out, reach in, see blindness isn't gonna bring a win.
What do I do for you,,
Do I feel like I've known ya a lifetime.
I'm left feelin rushed and outta time.
Me to chapter two.
Don't assume I'm want me to be.
History provides deeper clues.
People's heart and minds make life changing adjustments.
I'm spiritual, clever and ready for better assignments.
Patience in my shoes.
Get, Ta Know, Who walking in these shoes.
Having paid a lotta dues
I'm easy to love..
Easy to Love..Fun to love..Worth it to Love.
...She's a reach deeper above.
What your viewing on her surface.
Its just the face.
SelinSharday Rose.. S.A.M ALL RIGHT RESERVED 2018
You feel you know me, I feel hurried by you.. get past the surface..get past the face..give me time I need.