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Summarised tone of speech – let me imagine
the heat of your touch like a fine cigarette;
Your picture in my mind is such a drag.

Open ears to your deceptive voice, callous lines
of ******* in your words; so pure in white lies.
To my tough skin, your deceptive voice will
touch me – not in softness, but piercing into my
Conscience; knowing that even the prettiest looking
flowers aren’t the bunch of friends to hangout with.

Liars have the sweetest smiles, the sourest kisses
after the impression of their love wears off –
Like chewing gum, sweet at the start, until that
taste of nothing chews you up.

From the liar's mouth is the war with themselves,
battling with which lie they’ll use this day.
Telling you that they care so much for you -
liars are the sweetest.
All of us
All the time
Is a beautiful luxury
And a tragic weakness
Àŧùl Mar 4
There was a hegemony on the stage,
There were listeners downstairs,
And the latter were Et Cetera.

The stampede killed the Et Cetera,
Not touching those on the stage,
Sparing the spinners of yarn.
My HP Poem #2052
©Atul Kaushal
Slugish Nov 2024
They school is to help kids learn and keep them healthy.
That's a lie.
They force kids to wake up early in the morning ruining their sleep schedule,
They force them to get onto a bus; that they might not get off of in the evening.
They force them to sit in a building with florescent lights; causing their heads to hurt.
They cause them to become mentally sick,
They cause them to get bullied,
They let them get bullied.
They cause them to hurt them self physically.
The kids can't trust the school counselors'
The counselors are only there to take your feelings and tell your parents.
They are the reason kids are always drained.
They sit in a building for hours at a time,
Then send them home with extra work,
The put them on a bus that they might not get off of.
They put them in a building that people target for sh*s
They say its a "safe space" it's not safe.
                      So stop lying and set them free..
school is meant to help you learn but half of the stuff they teach is not useful.
Hebert Logerie Oct 2024
A human being needs to be educated
In order to make the world a better place
An uneducated politician or bully is a serious menace
To our vulnerable society. Ignorance is deeply rooted
In racism, violence, greed, crimes, frauds, lies and deceits
Banning or ending the department of Education
Will cause irreparable harms to the Nation
Most convicted criminals have no advance degrees
Most recidivists and racists behave like animals on the streets
Like wild tigers in the jungles, like sneaky foxes in the prairies
Most pathological liars are hardened criminals
A good or high-quality education can turn devils into angels
Choosing educated leaders are indeed paramount
Well-educated politicians are smart and benevolent
A brain needs the seeds of instruction and education
A tactless or illiterate mind can easily desolate a great Nation.

Copyright © October 2024, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of numerous collections of poetry.
Hello Daisies Aug 2024
You know
People are selfish
And they continue to hurt me
And you could say why not talk to them?
Explain or try?
There's never a point
In trying

They'll start denying
They'll start crying
To your face
While lying
Never making
A real effort
Never bothering
they can't afford
To change

Selfish in exchange
For my hurt feelings
Every single person.
I was born too kind
That's my issue
And it's not
Some kind of self pity

It's true
I am not perfect
By no means
I've hurt others
Who didn't deserve it
I've made amends
I made effort
showed changed behavior
showed I savor
Making them
Feel better

Does the same
Every one is to blame
Small or big
They hurt me
With a grin
They are selfish
I'm so tired
I might consider it

Being alone
Letting my anger show
Telling them all where
To ******* go
Letting go
For once
Not being nice
Being selfish
Like every other

How can you all lie?
How can you all say you try?
And deny
With such a look
In your eye
You don't mean it
You cut me
I'm still bleeding

You are all wielding
The knife
This cold little life
You all play
Like it's a game
You're never to blame

Look inward
You selfish little flames
Burning out soon
Like a lying
Cheating groom
Figuring out
Your next

Look inward
And see
Being selfish
acting carelessly
Gets you nowhere
Well maybe in this life
It'll get you somewhere
Desire is like fire you know
It burns out
Ashes are cold
And alone

So wherever you think you'll go
Remember you reap what you sow
You all told me I'm hard to hold
I think it's you
You're all
Going to be
Lost in the cold

Never looking twice
At your own
I'm tired
Alvin Agnani Feb 2024
As soon as we met, I washed my face with grandeur and politeness.

She did not know how out of place I was. Nevertheless, I managed to fool not only her, but the rest of world in the process.

I'm smiling, gently and tenderly while standing in your presence.

All while [ l o a t h i n g ] your words, your actions and your image.


Anais Vionet Aug 2023
You can lie in Wyoming,
they don’t care in Arizona,
you can mislead them in Mississippi
but don’t mess with Georgia.

You thought us “hicks from the sticks”
but we were wise to your tricks,
we just recorded your words,
now you’ll get what you deserve.

Your threats and fraudulent incitements,
have earned you several indictments.
You came down with your whole freak show,
so they charged you under RICO.

Come back to Georgia, Mr. Trump,
it turns out you were the chump.
Because we’ve got lots of new prisons
and DAs with surly dispositions.

In Georgia we don’t mind high flyers
but man, we hate traitors and seditious liars.
While many, it seems, fell for your blusterous aura,
you ******* yourself good by messing with Georgia.
I thought I knew you but I guess I was wrong
And all the kind words you had were just lies all along

I burned the bridge because I got carried away
I wish you didn't exist in my mind that way

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