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I once had a friend like a shadow
Always together wherever we’d go
Running and tumbling and laughing through life
Always connected, one in the same

But then a cloudy day came
And with no sun to shine
I lost that shadow friend of mine
The darkness rolled in and my shadow friend disappeared
Scared off by the first sign of trouble, the first drop of tears

So I learned my lesson
Shadows are easy to come by when the sun is shining bright
But shadows bring little comfort in the chill of a dark night

And when the storm cleared
And my shadow friend reappeared
Ready to run and tumble and laugh with me again
I had to turn away
And say goodbye
For I learned my lesson:
a shadow is nobody’s friend
Zack Ripley Nov 2023
Things don't matter until they do.
I learned that the day I lost you.
Boris-Bryce Jun 2020
fate crossed our paths and intertwined our hearts
we were once the remedy to each other's souls
until we became each other's poison and ceased to grow
out of love becomes for one adoration
but for the other it becomes exasperation
never enough is my unrequited love
oh - immaculate being from above
when I look at me I despise my own reflection
how then could I ever really perceive your true perfection?
The biggest mistake we make when it comes to love, is making someone else the source of your happiness, an addiction that ends up fatal
I thought I won the crown
So, I prepared the gown
Little did I know
That's the trick of my foe

They prepared a show
In cold winter snow
I'm experienced such woe
And realized I'm just a clown

My gown has turned into ember
The things I could remember
Only rage and anger
Epitome of the raging fire on December
This just my way of expressing my real life experience.
Zander May 2019
I let you control me as long as I could take.

I never let myself get out of your sight,

hiding behind the fact that you wanted the best for me.

Somehow this was all in love and I just couldn't see that until I got older.

But you hurt me.

You went out of your way to hurt me when we had just started over.

You ruined me and everything we could've been.

And it's my fault for letting everyone I love go.

It's my fault for being the one that got away.
Kimmie May 2019
All have diffrent problems
All struggle everyday
You can't make other people be like you
To think and do things like you do
Mama told me that
To just accept and respect them
Leave them all to God
To not stress out myself
blackbiird Mar 2019

the worst mistake was loving
you when your heart loved someone else.

دema flutter Dec 2018
I thought you were trying to make me a better person,
I thought you knew better than I did,
but you don’t,
and I know I’m better off without you,
because all you have been trying to make out of me,
is a person you can control.
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