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Dazed Dreaming Mar 2018
F. Scott Fitzgerald said it perfectly.
"And in the end, we were all just humans.. drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokeness."

I can say without a doubt Fitzgerald  knew his fair share of love and love lost.

Just like me...
Loving you, was my greatest lesson.
As I learned that even though you are broken my love, as endless As it was for you... I could never heal your brokeness.
Mystic904 Sep 2017
Those happy and the lovely faces
Like brothers we roamed around places
All those good times together we spent
those memories now aren't worth a cent
At least their true faces they showed
The glamorous garden at heart they mowed
So much in my mind for them had I planned
Criticized me, left the blame in my hand
Didn't see the glimpse of how much I cared
All those useless and useful things I shared
Forgave and forgave because I don't mind
A point just came, had to say am not blind
I may have left marks but never the scars
Had I been hurt, still do I see them as stars

'Toleration' is what people lack
Tolerate, wait, take a step back

c. FATeer
With respect to the former best friends.
A common sentiment, but remember; this world isn't  your friend nor an enemy, it's a place of toleration(sabr) and a place waiting for people to make it a better place :)
Jas Jul 2017
The good guys can still do bad things. It's our job to determine who we want to be and discern whether it's the whole character that's poisoned or just the faults.
Sometimes I forget that not every mistake has an alter ego. It was simply a mistake.
MIA Apr 2017
Her venomous lies as numerous as her hair.
Can turn any man to stone with a simple stare.
That's how I found myself in the position I was stuck in.
Was tired of digging through the rough when I thought I found my diamond.
But that fake glass shattered in hand and the pieces they dug in.
Now when I feel things, I do it with caution.

— The End —