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Payton Hayes Jul 2018
I thought after
all these years of
being bitten and scratching sores,  
I'd eventually grow a thick enough skin
to keep out the mosquitos.
I was wrong.
Even so, mosquitos are nothing compared
to the itch I've got for you.
You see, mosquito bites are only skin deep,
but I've got this ravenous hunger for you,
gnawing at my bones.
Gail Hannon Jun 2018
And my legs itch,
Inside, like ants crawling in my veins,
Like an energy being held down,
Held back.
The itch,
That never goes away,
As I try to remain still,
As I try to focus.
The itch.
As if I wasn't meant to remain this way.
As if I was meant to travel and move.
As if I was meant to change and evolve.

And the itch is not just in my legs.
It's in my soul.
As I look out a window on a sunny day,
Or sit within the confines of a stagnant building,
Or look at the sun twinkling on water,
Or look at the stars waltzing in the black velvet of night.

I itch.

I feel
the itch.
Anthony Mayfield Jun 2018
I’ve got a tender itch
Itching for more sweet bliss
Just one temporary fix
Of a sublime runaround
I just really need
That one true special thing
We can be all this world needs
Or we could die so young
It doesn't matter if we live to see our dreams come to pass, or if we die chasing our dreams. All that matters is that we dream at all.
Anthony Mayfield Jun 2018
Touch my heart
Scorch my timbral heart
Teach me to be smart
Make my brittle brain start
Give me some dreams
I need
I need something to break
I need something to heed
We all need something to live for. Whether it's something tangible or only a dream. What is life for if there's no dreams to reach for?
Anthony Mayfield Jun 2018
I’ve got a hunch that we maybe can fly
I’ve got a notion to outreach the sky
I think that we’ve got this
We’ll be like rain
Just fall down
Drown the world below
We could die
Young enough to maybe build us a bridge
Travel somewhere beyond the boundaries Here
Storm the tower
Tumble the walls down
Stand on the mountain peak
Scream “here we are!”
We can fly in the sky, or we can freefall like the rain. Either way, we're in control of our destiny.
Mister J Sep 2017
You're under my skin
Worming your way beneath me
Can't avoid your sting
A poem about an itch.
Something that won't go no matter what you do.
Just like someone who you can't just forget.
John McDonnell May 2017
The itch
of poetry,
I had it bad once,
Like a teenage allergy that bedeviled me
and then it was gone.
I thought I’d outgrown it.
No words
could make me sneeze
or make my eyes water.
I went many years immune to beauty,
with no urge to speak.
Never so much as a phrase, a word,
tickling me.
But I can feel it coming back;
the itch of words
that must be scratched out
or they will fester.
Come back Muse,
and scratch my back.
Essen Dossev Mar 2017
In a dystopian future where mosquitos have been all but eradicated, manual injections of anti-coagulants are a luxury in which the rich partake. Demand is high and access is highly restricted. On the surface, this is justified through religious ideologies, but at its core it is driven by class discrimination; it is a way for the wealthy to give yet another hearty ****-you to the poor.

As often happens in the case of substances which are both in demand and restricted, a thriving illegal drug trade has emerged. Low-quality anti-coagulants trickle down to the poor, but are, of course, subject to higher sentencing, for the safety of those taking them.

People share needles. Facilities for safe-injections exist, but mostly people prefer to attend ‘injection ******' where they literally scratch each other’s backs.
An itch from a bug bite
I scratch and scratch
A ***** with a red light
I went too fast
Skipped the warning
Got the ticket
An inconvenient bill, a note that states you went for the ****
I'm bleeding
It pours from my limbs
My heart still pumping blood
A scab to stop the flood
Hardened yet still fresh
Don't pick at it
Unless you want a scar forever
She has bug bites too
Doesn't even bother to scratch
Says she doesn't want a bruise
What a difference
We don't handle our hurts the same
A time consuming uncertainty that burned me like a flame
A flame
A flame that started a forest fire
It burned down all the trees
Now there's nothing left but ash
A darkened, withered, dusty substance that once used to be
A bright, powerful, warm, hungry fire
A forest filled with lucious green trees that kept growing higher
And now
I feel as if she's tired...
My bug bites still itch
And she
Threw out the matches...
Kewayne Wadley Nov 2016
I had this incredible itch in my ear
To much dismay everywhere I looked I couldn't find a Q-tip.
My fingers were much to big to reach in and grant any kind of relief.
It just happened out of nowhere, this incredible irritation.
The longer it went on, the more irritating it became.
If it were anything else I wouldn't have considered it a blessing, then there it was.
A Q-tip. Laying on the bathroom counter.
All my life I never thought I'd be so happy to see a Q-tip.
In much delight I grabbed it and inserted it into my ear.
Almost teasing myself first going around my ear then sliding it into my ear-hole.
Twisting it left then right, eyes rolling back.
If you could feel exactly how I did. Reaching that one itch that would drive a sane man mad.
Any amount of money, hell even *** at that point wouldn't do any justice.
Twisting that Q-tip left then right.
I couldn't help but smile.
It wasn't until I pulled the Q-tip out of my ear when I saw a note attached to the end of it.
Wrote in real fine lettering.
I had to squint to read it.
Although I couldn't completely make half of it out, the last part was clear as day.
Out of curiosity. I laughed grabbing the other end of the Q-tip placing it back in my ear.
This time I felt a real sharp pain accompanied by a loud sound.
I instantly threw the Q-tip to the ground.
It didn't make sense to me then, maybe not ever.
But next time I know.
Never disturb a Minotaur while he is trimming the hedge in his labyrinth.
Especially after being warned the first time
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