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Free Bird Mar 2017
Over time I've realized I'm the type of person who can draw anyone in
Mysterious, yet comforting to be around
An altruistic listener, an effective conversationalist, a trusted confidant
Modest as I may be, I do understand where I stand with most people
I'm the person you call when you're having a bad day, or need a ride, or even to bask in the glory of your successes;
a promotion at work, a new fling
I'm that person
The person to go to with your something;
your need, or your news
Intriguing from afar
Many want to delve into the depths
Uncover the story within
Until they realize that there's more
There's always more
Like a black hole pulling you in
Only to find that it's expanse goes on indefinitely
After a while my quips, my quirks
become exhausting
To others
No one can fathom traveling the distance
So they don't
They turn back
I willingly release them
of my gravitational pull
Then we both float on
In opposing directions
It's funny how one can be too much
Yet somehow, never enough
The ramblings of my mixed up mind. Trying something different.
Let me fly toward the horizon,
where the night lies down on the sea
and the mountains wrinkle the sky,
where the dreams assemble
and the boundaries fade in the wind.
I'll alight on that thin ribbon,
precariously balanced
between myself and the infinite,
my eyes slivers of blue,
clouds my wings.
And to hold me,
only the rhythmic, unceasing beat of my heart.
Kelly Ichinose Feb 2017
These lonely, driving nights
A teal blue sky fades to black
A dinner plate moon
Hanging crazed in the sky
I feel strangely full
Like I can go anywhere
On the fuel in my heart
February 17, 2017
afteryourimbaud Feb 2017
He is immune to things that could shake him
for years and years
like the rohypnol, cotton bleach, light beam
more tears and tears
been shed upon the Christ's myth
and nothing could indulge in more width.

He can never lie in the bunk
throughout the summer, forever
a thousand of ships have allegedly sunk
into the oblivion, since we gather
in the acrimonious way in withholding
the frivolous conviction that we refused.

He missed thousands of roses, lilies, daisies
He stepped on it, he couldn't resist
when they arrived to announce the capture from the harem
he departed just to leave a terrifying mark all over them.

He dragged his soul through the abandoned street
street of hope and lie that forget to greet
tend to set ablaze any shape of territory
Inferno's fault is that it never told us the whole story.

He is now dancing alone on the sacred mountain
savoring the peace that he thought he could never obtain
horrendous mistake when they set him apart to be blamed
even Abraham made up something to take everyone's sight off the frame.

They shirk their responsibilities resulting in the furor
he wished that he can never be bothered anymore
for John, Donald, Henry are passersby in waiting
and the Sun now, seems to be brighter and deafening.
Àŧùl Feb 2017
I love your divine face,
And also your sweet smile.

I will take you to a divine place,
And let us walk for an infinite mile.
My HP Poem #1429
©Atul Kaushal
On my journey through the Unsocial Anarchy,
I could see the crooked dream.
The tranquility I felt was infinite.
But though crooked, it was impervious.
Yaz Dincer Jan 2017
Few years ago I lost my grip on earth reality
and dwelled in a place where tears of bliss filled me daily.

I remember so vivedly,
as I had never felt so close to insanity.
My heart imploded and I cried happy tears for what felt like eternity.

I was so confused at what was happening, having never experienced such ecstacy for no such reason.

I remember telling myself, whatever happens from Now, it doesnt matter.
For experiencing this, nothing will shatter.

It comes unasked, unmasked, unnoticed.

Complete surrendering presence.
It could not be understood or named,
Only dwells in sweet deep silence.

And when I read of mystics who speak of such experiences,
I cant help but weep from rememberance.
Cierra Hope Jan 2017
I don't know how to describe how I feel but even if I did,
I still don't think you would understand.
But I have to say it anyways.
There's a hole in my heart where you should be.
While walking to any destination, I only long for your presence.
I long for our body's to touch.
I long for your warmth.
I long to fall asleep on your chest to the rhythm of your heartbeat.
I desire to fall asleep and wake up next to you.
I long to hear your voice.
I long to go on a drive with you, blasting country music,
with the windows down, singing at the top of our lungs.
There is no way to explain how you made me feel,
except for saying that you made me feel infinite
and if you have never felt that, you'll never know why I'm broken.
Youdont Needthis Jan 2017
He exists in ****** duality
Dwelling in ******* lips and tongue
She is born of blackest dimension’s strum

When the rifle conquest bellows loud
And slaughter’s hum be murderous roar
It rivers in winding bends
Of purest human shale
The destroyer’s chorus in innocent’s wail
Clammy skin of mistresses pale

Chant in rounds this king curse brain
Her obsidian Charon
His violent game
It thousand claws
It needle veins
Sand drowning corpses in rotting flame
It eldest spirit from ancient plains
She blood unholy
He flesh unchained
Forever wholly thirst insane
Dismembering life
In nomine
athena Nov 2016
the most crucial thing
in every existing connection
in the boundless hoop
would be time

it could start and end
if it wants to  
it wouldn't care and pause
for your overflowing
blob of emotions
drowning your lungs
along with your organs

let me tell you,
i was a victim of time too
but oh, there are things
you don't deserve to know
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