A father to his daughter, A sister to her brother, a mother to a son, and from me to you:
“if you ever find yourself alone then follow the light of a million stars and you’ll find your way back home.”
I’d watch a thousand stars with you
Hand in hand, watch you gaze into the sun
And write your words into the sky
Look right through you into the future
Watch you grow and watch you fly
Imagine that you become your dreams
Carry you on my shoulders when you fall
And follow you up when you want to walk
Then let you run into a sea made of a millions stars
And I’ll wait here, with my hand reaching out
If you find the darkness, then follow all the city cars
The streetlights and the moonlit faces
Think of my hand reaching out
As if we’re walking up that hill
Think of all those starry nights, and follow all the way to the sun
Lastly, be your own light in your darkest hour, and the world will be yours