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I cradled you, I cared like you were mine
Yet I never got the care back from you
When someone asks if I’m ok, I say fine
But where is the melody we danced to?

You can’t clot hurt the same way you can blood
Yet everyday I strive to stop the pain
You killed my light, and it fell with a thud
I look down at myself and see your stain

But in the distance I see a new light
A new chance for me to stop at nothing
I want to care for someone but they bite
Just like you, so often that it’s numbing

So maybe it’s not you who doesn’t try
Maybe I was just built to care and cry
I don't think you'll ever be sorry though.
Hlelolwenkosi Feb 27
Pieces placed on my palms
As I try to rebuild what I've broken
With glue as my conscience
Of never keeping anything altogether
Being the wrong ingredient in a well constructed recipe
I never had to take accountability
Was deemed as the suspect already
Gave birth to my fear of touching anything
As my guilt surrenders to each piece of broken glass
And sometimes I wonder if I really love him
Or I found some sense of belonging within him
An expirement of my capability to hold something safe
To find closure in knowing that for once I'm not the danger
No sight of warnings signs
Upon the close proximity of my presence
A young girl who was never given a chance to explain. Her clumsiness being her worst enemy as she has developed a fear of holding anything close to her. So she tries to eliminate the possibility of destroying everything and everyone around her.
Saanvi Dec 2024
Empty letters
erase my sin
and my shame
on a piece of blank paper.
Hollow words try their best
to redeem my former glory.
I sent you an envelope
with an empty letter inside.
There were no words written
but the blank sheet had captured my tears.
That's why it was wet and smooth with no ink.
The ink would have been washed out by my teardrops.
So I wrote nothing on it,
And let the empty letter
stand alone on its weight.
As a testament,
As a silent apology.
Do not be mad at me for this
because words can still be empty letters
if not filled with the right feeling.
And an empty letter can hold within it a thousand regrets,
If carved with shame filled teardrops.
Empty Letters try their best to display my pain
Maya Fields Sep 2024
it feels like,
is of 3 three things.
You get hurt,
and they walk away fine.
they get hurt,
and you walk away guilty.
or occasionally,
not common.
and rarely to ever happen,
you both,
walk away forcefully
knowing that you both have torn each other's heart
knowing that you truly want to be together,
but it's not worth It.
and now you both, are hurting.
Zack Ripley Aug 2024
The world is 8 billion strong.
That number growing every day.
So please believe and understand what I mean when I say that some people
will always have it better,
and some will always have it worse.
That doesn't make your struggles any less valid.
You don't have to feel guilty for being human.
Lexi Snow Jul 2024
How could you!
You showed your true self
I'm not angry about that
I'm angry about how you handled everything
How could you!
I thought you cared
You Manipulated Me!
You Blamed Me!
Anger comes in different shades
Francie Lynch May 2024
Some people can wait
     Before they die;
Hold on for a loved one
     To say Good-bye.
To have one more Spring,
     Or any Season,
For Love or Closure,
     This we reason.
Now many can leave
     This coil of doubt,
Guilty they heard,
     On all thrity-four counts.
All praise to the New York Justice System. Well-done.
Jeremy Betts May 2024
Am I guilty?
We all are aren't we?
Literally everybody?
A rarely talked about reality
But a reality none the less surely
Find it in every living things history
Trying to hide it is silly
It's no mystery
It's humanity
A flawed design set free
It comes with the territory
But the what for,
Now that's a bit beyond me,
If I'm forced to go by what I see,
It's exactly
What y'all do too actually
But how can that be?
If you would please,
Explain it to me
And do it slowly

Zack Ripley Mar 2024
It seems like it's getting harder to know
if it's OK to say or do something these days. Maybe it's because I'm getting older.
Maybe it's because I care more.
Regardless of why, I must admit I find myself somewhere between sad and scared.
Sad and scared that I can't keep up.
Sad and scared that I'm slowing down.
Maybe you are too. If that's the case,
I'll tell you what I've been telling myself
when I feel this way: it's healthy to be sad.
It's healthy to be afraid.
And if you're being healthy,
you don't have to feel guilty
or let it ruin your day.
Josie Mar 2024
I've been caught
In a spider's web
Guilty as charged
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