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Tamera Pierce Jul 2018
I'm ***** once again.
Grime that was once scrubbed away
has crawled back onto my skin
and made itself at home.
As if it never left.
Antonia Caldow May 2018
Avoiding the eyes, the arms and legs
the charity seller eagerly awaiting
I look about but all I see is a sea of bodies
polluting the streets, the skies, their minds
move on
making noise, make less noise
fill the silence
take a breath of air, all the way down
take a pause
there's time
no need to rush around
pounding the chewing gum streets
The grime of life is on your skin now
embedded in the layers of filth
the coffee stains and late night bars
the early starts and frown lines of life
are on your face now
that's life now
make change and waves in the noise that was your life
where silence pounds the chewing gum streets of your mind.
blushing prince Feb 2018
I got braces when I was 16
that year I never kissed anyone
but I made boys steal things from pricy bookstores
I measure time by my teeth
every year they get more crooked
the older I get they seem to shift back to old territory
old habits

now even smoking cigarettes feels boring
when I walk into bookstores
I leave sticky notes with advice I wish someone would have told me then

they did
but maybe if I had found it somewhere I was looking
I might have paid more attention
my retainer sits in a shelf collecting grime
I have a chip in my front tooth now
it's all good though
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
reaching deep down in
grime between your nails, between your fingers
trying to reach all the way down but
your arm doesnt reach/ your arm doesnt reach/ your arm doesnt–
but you still reach
because there has to be something within your reach
instead, something reaches you
your arm is no longer there
a jagged toothed thing took it away

you reach in with your other arm
Zero Nine Mar 2017
Sin again
Gestures of genuine penance,
all shall be refused
Jaded to the long term touch
I shall now renew
Balcony beckons escape to only fetishists' invites
God would not rain *** and skin in test
Aniseed Nov 2016
Your hands are probably cold
Holding that "Anything Helps" sign

At least I hope it's the chill shaking them

Sitting at this glaring red light watching you;
Waiting while this red light is judging me,
Condemning me as I squander time
Sizing up the hunch of your posture
And the vacancy of your expression

Thank god you didn't look at me
I couldn't have taken it

And as the light turned green, I realized
That the shower waiting for me at home
Couldn't possibly clean the grime I accumulated
Just by driving away.
Homelessness is a serious issue here, but so is theft and drug addiction. Self preservation and guilt often go hand in hand.

While striving for human decency, I never claimed to be a good person.

Better title pending.
KarmaPolice Nov 2015
Cold grey exterior,
Weeping acid rain,
Condensated glass,
Rotten window frame,

Drum and bass lines,
Speakers on the floor,
Tired mother screaming,
Kicking at their door,

Abuse laden vocals,
A wolf pack circle round,
Commotion on the stairwell,
Falling to the ground,

Blood soaked footsteps,
Muffled voices flee,
Sirens in the distance,
Mother cries for me.

Drum and Bass lines,
Speakers on the floor,
Orphaned son is weeping,
Mother screams no more.
Prabhu Iyer Sep 2014
A raga of another time, from another day,
plays in the head:
grime of the day, stuck on my hands.

You shot an arrow across the eastern skies.
Senora, a hundred cries you carry
in your womb, yet I never
found you in the peasant woman
in whose arms I fell asleep, when
at noon you disappear at the horizon.

Maiden of the moons, at dusk I lost you
to the trail of lotuses blooming westward.

It is raining in gusts but this storm
cannot wash it away:
Guilt, like turmeric, stains the soul.
A raga is a mode in Indian classical  music and different modes are sung at specific times. So a morning mode that plays on in the head late at night, arouses a sense of nostalgia...!
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