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Alicia Moore Sep 2020
I’m grateful for the
calm winds of stoicism
exhaling from you.
Cerulean Sep 2020
I say.

Please don't go,
            I beg my grandmother
        when her breath wavers
                   and her milky eyes
                                land on me.
Please don't tell them,
                   I cry to my teacher
                when she caught me
                  smoking a cigarette
              on the empty rooftop.
Please don't break my heart,
                     I whimper to him
                       when he cradles
                               my wet face
                               in his hands
              which feels like home.      

Thank you
I say.

Thank you for coming,
                    I greet the visitors
                        dressed in black
                  when they whisper
         and peer at my dry eyes.
Thank you for everything,
                       I tell my parents
                    when they left me
            at the boarding school.
Thank you for the gift,
                         I smiled at him
                     when he gave me
                           pearl earrings
                                     to adorn
                  my unpierced ears.

Of course,
        Please and Thank you
can be
                            beautiful too.

I say

Please keep him safe,
                        I plead to God
            when my brother left
                     to join the navy.
Please come again,
I called out to the customers
              when they stroll out
               of my bustling café.
Please buy me ice cream,
                     I grinned at him
               when he waved me
                      ­   over the fence.

Thank you
I say.

Thank you my dear,
     I chuckled at the little girl
           who said I looked like
                                       a fairy
            in my wedding dress.
Thank you for the surprise,
  I cried with my best friends
       when they bounced into
                                 my home
                             with pots of
                          birthday food
                      made with love.
Thank you for life,
        I whispered to the trees,
                   ­      sun,

They are manners,
but they are also much more.
     tell someone
    and thank you

this is to the simple yet beautiful words that I say without much thought
Mrs Anybody Sep 2020
Dear diary,

Today I
simply am
for being

For experiencing
nature, love
friendship & happiness,
but also
destruction, pain
hate & sadness
also check out my other poems!  :)
Payal Dhiman Sep 2020
I wish when it rains you watch it with someone by your side
I wish when you are running away from yourself someone is making sure you don't fall
I wish when you laugh someone is there to share the happiness
I wish at times when you are crying someone is there by your side
I wish you are never alone at times when someone's presence will make a difference to go through it .
So I planned on posting every Wednesday WORDS THAT MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU posts and I wish they actually do so. I hope you like them❤
Payal Dhiman Aug 2020
For the sky in me
For breeze in me
For the care less child in me
For the warmth in me
For the joys and changes
for all the things that makes me feel alive
I'm grateful.
I wish you always find a reason to feel grateful.
Andreya Celeste Aug 2020
why wait for the afterlife
when we can make our heaven here?
Make the most of what you have and start each day with a grateful heart.
Erik Luo Aug 2020
Maybe I loved you
But is time to go
The beautiful life is waiting
And I hope you can find it too

The struggles and pain
of our story
is there for a reason
I know

The being of my love
is there forevermore
But my body can't be here, aching

So it's time to go
On this journey
And let life guide me
Through it all

I think I still love you
But I no longer think about you
I'm not over this
But I need to go

Stay true my love
For you are strong and enough
I'm sure you will find
Yourself and love

Maybe one day we will meet
Again but without any pain
Then perhaps I can give you a hug
And thank you
for all that you gave me
God I love writing, feels so good, let me know if it resonates. Take care.
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