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anna 21h
We knew each other before.
We lay under oak trees,
scattering the sky with leaves
and rotted together into the dirt,
as the moon scattered the sky
with stars. Flying stars.
I see your face in
reflections across water,
two boughs,
one canopy,
glimmering in vibrant colours
against blue. As we lay, you grew
flowers - Peruvian lilies - from
the soil that became of your palms.
Ever the giver.
izzy 3d
i sit here, waiting
waiting for the right words
to come to mind.
what could i even say?
you’re gone.
not the dead kind of gone of course,
the gone that makes me never contact you
the kind of gone that
makes it hard to look in your direction
i never truly expected you to be out of my life
well, not like this at least.
you were the one person i trusted
with my whole heart too, you basically had it in your hands.
now that it’s over however; i see
every red flag that was hidden from my eyes
i was blinded, but this time not by love
this time is so very different.
you were my friend, the one i trusted
the most.
now, every memory is fading away slowly.
i doubt you think of me
but i will always remember you.
I wish I could tell you,
and have you understand—
that you are you,
and I am me.

We put so many years between us,
and in all that time, you’ve changed nothing,
while I’ve had to change everything about me.

Just please understand—
I am a locust,
and you are a tree.

I lay dormant for years,
by your side, if only by circumstance.
I shed my skin again and again,
while you sat still—
unrelenting in your ways,
unmoving through the seasons,
resistant to the surrounding decay.

I pray you understand,
as I only have this to say—
you and I were born in the same forest,
and you expected me to stay?
Melanie 5d
I would rather be your friend, I think
Than nothing at all
but perhaps ceasing to exist
to one another is better
bellamy Feb 22
I would love to say our friendship is inherent. To say that our hearts beat to
the same pulse, that we have the blood inside us in common, and that our
words blend into each other perfectly seems like the right thing to say.
However, I would be lying. I have to fight and beg my emotions to reveal
themselves to you.
Trying to write about us feels like drawing water from a frozen well.
Miscommunications happen often and it's difficult to tell what you're
But still, we are us anyways.
The water in the lake we grew up around knows our lives well. If its pebbles
and sand could speak, they would recite our every word back to us better
than we could.
The moon knows how much I care about you because I tell her often. She
shines brightly at our stories.
Even when I don't understand you, my mind pleads to.
My hands write the words I can't tell you, and the world of poetry knows
how desperate I am for you to know these things.  
My art glows with my expressions of you. It tells visual stories I have never
We are not inherent. I have never been able to tell you exactly how much I
care about you. I am terrified of confrontation and disagreements, so I don't
always say exactly what I think.
But I'll always try my hardest to show how I feel. You may never read these
words, but I hope you somehow feel them anyways.
Mri Feb 22
We are apart, the frayed red string is broken
One soul now scattered, across two galaxies
The ocean of my heart , with a tsunami can't reach yours
Ego refused to sail the boundary, leaving us with cold memories.

Tinted sky sets with warm sun,
I sit in peace, miss my shoulder with your head
Flowers of Magnolia are, scattered on the field
Your tresses in the air, the beauty you won.

Who will now embellish you?
My fingers , your hair , is now a wide divide.
My smile, your talk, is now faded apart.
My hug , your warm, is now gone from my life.

Is this what you've decided?
How do we embrace the ever changing tide in our life?
Níla Feb 20
It used to be your pleasure I soaked up with the tissues
Now they can't seem to get enough of my tears
Sometimes I let them be when I lay down to sleep
They roll down my face as if in a race and I'll bet on which one first reaches my ears
It's the only thing I haven't been wrong about in years
Níla Feb 20
I wanted to tell you about him
After all, what are best friends for if not the confessions of sins
But that´s how you made me feel
As if he was the devil and if I put my hands on his body then it´d be just so I could rebel
Out of spite, you said he was fine for a night
A benefit for bodies with no feelings in sight

But I did not want a night
I longed for a chance at forever
The slightest hope at something that will not pass like the weather

I wanted to tell you about him
But there was something about the secrecy
His smile against my mouth and his hands on every part of me
That made me want to shut a door
Cause that would mean I have the key
And I did not want you to have a spare
At least not in the beginning
Because what if it turns out it´s not love after all
And all the door is good for is to hide my sinning
Archer Feb 19
If I take one hand, and place it in yours, are we sharing hands or are we sharing a moment?
It seems that so many times, one person may not see enough of the other to truly respect and understand the intentions and thoughts of each other.

We may be frightened and lose sight of the goals and opportunities we are presented.

I look forward to the future, don’t dwell on the past, and cherish the present.
And it is all already with you.

So frequently one may be clouded and not see the beautiful things and beautiful people around themselves.
So frequently we convince ourselves of worry and angst and
so frequently we blind ourselves of any escape we may have.
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