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Aya 6d
I woke up feeling like nothing…
No one’s saying nothing...
No one’s doing nothing….
I  woke up wishing something was done, to stop this
I woke up wishing something was done, to stop this
I woke up wishing there were no more decapitated heads…
no more…lifeless bodies…
Make it stop… make it stop…
Nobody is doing nothing to make it stop….
I woke up wishing there were no more incinerated bodies..
I woke up wishing there were no more corpse …
I woke up wishing that the genocide in Gaza was no more…
It’s now more than 16 months of carnage…echo of death pierce my soul...
No one can undo what I’ve seen…
I feel like nothing….
They say nothing and do nothing, to make it stop…
This suffering lingers…
I feel like nothing….
Aya Mar 6
How can this be?
Too deep to understand, too deep to digest.
How can this be?
How can you turn away, and act as if you were blind to babies being burned, and buried in the rubble, decimated lifeless tinted souls on your vision screen.
There aren’t enough adjectives to describe the horrific images.
How can this be?
The screams of death in realtime stays with me.  
For I will never forget.... you too should never forget.  
The screams of death echo and rains on me like the blues.
What a tragedy.  
Too deep to understand, too deep to digest.  
How can this be?
Arthur Vaso Nov 2024
How many can you count
before your ****** hands
become conscious
how many limbs
must be torn
            burned crisp
that your tears will flow
young soldiers died long ago
so this wouldn't happen again
and again and again
your silence sings
more, more ****** genocide
More children have been killed in Gaza, than in the last 10 years of all wars, 50% of the deaths are kids, never mind that 100's of reporters are also intentionally slaughtered. Hospitals and churches bombed, complete villages razed to the ground.
Tariq Al Jun 2024
She breathes in smoke
It deflates her spirit;
She then exhales a flame
While her eyes are red

The world is a strident grave
And life is a pungent breath
While anonymity is her steed
On the highway to a promise

God forbid, it vanishes!
Her soul, the little grace
A mourning dove reveals
As traumas darkest secret.

Heaven, in silent grief
Adorns a rosy crib:
Her feet at its river
And her head by its sea!
Tariq Al Jun 2024
We gave them day
They gave us night;
It was not forthright
They bore a disguise

Where is delight?
It fled, with them in sight!
Where is mirth?
It wilted with plight!

There is plague:
A demon’s hour,
A century’s fever,
Unkind to all men

The wells run dry
The olives take flight
And heritage – lies
Everything – dies

What is this Hour?
We’ve been disowned:
Citizens of paradise –
Al-Aqsa is our Home!

Our refuge with God,
Our shade under wings;
A symphony of hope –
Trembling in our souls:

‘From the river to the sea
From the river to the sea
Palestine will be free –
From the river to the sea!’
Tariq Al Jun 2024
The Pharisees casting stones
In ostentatious long white robes
From where they don’t preach – that
Mighty ain’t made from sword.
Drab be the low – dusted!
A modern day they call it:
So they drop shells and bombs
We wait for the Armageddon
Bound in our own backyards
For it will not be too long
From wonted neighbor to vile foe
A wild cry: Long live to none!
Or so it shall be, for all mortals.
sofolo May 2024
But a dream-prayer clawing its way into corporeality

A curse cast to plunge the heads of every deathmaker onto the spikes as a reminder

A rebuke of the money-monger celebrities
who remain silently complicit as thousands of mothers let out

A guttural scream for the severed limbs & excavated hymns of the blessed children

A plea for justice
A song for peace
Sprouting from seed

“Bury Zionism under the rubble of my grief”
she says, as…

[the invocation eclipses into a tangible thing]

“The Nakba is over…”

Palestine is free

[the soft sun rises over Rafah]

‎ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ


From the river to the sea
Ashwin Kumar Dec 2023
Killed, have you, thousands of innocents
Truly, are you Satan's agents
Destroying an entire nation
In the name of counter-terrorism
Completely abandoning rationalism
And carrying out mass slaughter, with chilling precision

You call yourself a democracy
Yet, you show absolutely no mercy
Even when it cometh to children
Your humanity is absolutely barren
When we call you out
"Anti-Semitic", do you brand us, without a second thought
Jesus tells us to love even our enemies
However, your sheer hatred never does cease

You pretend to be the victim
However, filled to the brim
Is your cup of everlasting greed
As you continue to occupy land after land
And never allow the world to take a stand
Even as there are millions to feed
While the genocide reaches a fever pitch
Because, always functions, does your killing machine, without a hitch

You are so evil
That you **** and ****
Without giving a dime about incurring the wrath of God
Over goodness, do you run roughshod

You think you own Palestine
However, enough have we seen
And enough have we had
The world is mad
Soon, will you pay the price
For your insatiable avarice
Your days are numbered
Soon, will the tide be turned

You may continue your state terrorism
Which you call "counter-terrorism"
However, it is only a matter of time
Before there is divine retribution
For the numerous crimes of your so-called democratic nation
Viva Palestina!!
Amen!! Hallelujah!!
Poem denouncing the genocide of Palestinians being carried out by Israel.
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