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Dear Earth,
It is my, fault and
my biggest regret,
I owe you an apology, because
you didn't forget,
I owe you for the things
that has happened to you,
So, I am Appoligizing
on behalf, for this apology is due.
The people of this world
has done you so wrong,
Run-a-muck and done foolish things, and just strung you along!!
The people of this world today,
do not deserve you,
They waste and they damage, and
They don't have a clue.
They can't get it right,
They're polluting the Lands
Is where I Step in and take a big stand,
I see what they're doing from the heavenly skies,
I'm writing this letter
to let you realize,
On behalf of the Horizons,
As we so sincerely oblige,
from the bottom of our Hearts,
we sincerely apologize!!!

Sincerely yours,

The Blue Concerned Skies!!!

Date: 3/20/2025
There are a lot of mysteries, anomalies and such,
things that seem to have no explanation why they are.
One of these (above the rest) that makes me wonder much -
is how the foolish crowd is made of people who are far
from being foolish on their own. Yes, people who are good.
Yet somehow when they’re in a group, mysteriously they change.
It’s something I suppose just really can’t be understood.
Yeah, something that is general and it’s nothing short of strange.
For every group of size (the more there are, the more it’s true)
is full of gossip, foolishness, and cold judgmental spite.
The group does things that what its members on their own would rue.
Collectively I guess they lose their sense of wrong and right.
And this anomaly has been the case throughout all time.
It’s something that will surely drag you down, if it’s allowed.
So maybe it is time to get yourself out of that line,
and make sure that you’re never part… of the foolish crowd.
Was it obligatory
Or stupid - to call out
  A man - yet his doings
  Proved mere - point in
    Scheme - was his ambition
    Ruling stood cold -
    Peering in - to disobey
    And to conquer -
      Ones mind and ones soul
      Fears and freedom - at last
      Boredom - has moved
      One peculiar sight
        The girl in black
        And her blossoming
        Dreamers' kite
          Cutely eye-rolls
          Thin fingers and
          Shoulders - striking
            Pale - she smiles
Jeff Bresee Mar 2
They say that the truth is a hard thing to take,
but maybe it’s time that we see
that we as a people are nothing but fake,
ensuring that’s how it will be.
We stand up demanding there’s tolerance,
doing so with our fists in the air.
It’s truly the oddest dance ever been danced,
hypocrisy beyond compare.
We claim we want peace, but we seek the next fight
as we keep our guns close to the door.
Convincing ourselves that we stand for what’s right
when the truth is we’re actually just bored.
We say that we want to be free men,
while we ride our past into the ground.
We claim that we run from our demons,
but we really just keep them around.
And we live our lives waiting for the next offense,
needing others to kindle the flame.
We’re a common collective without common sense
like the scarecrow not having a brain.
So, let’s go on pretending we live for the truth
but the truth is we’re living a lie,
for each soul who actually lives for the truth…
we find a way to crucify.
Jeff Bresee Feb 28
What in the world are we doing?
Who are we trying to beat?
It seems like we live our lives running,
as if we are losing our seats.
We never stop building up towers.
We never stop spinning around.
We never stop piling up into piles
everything that we’ve torn down.
Is it that we are pursuing
happiness, like the old phrase?
Or are we chasing the concept of such
blindly straight into the grave?
Somebody please in all honesty
look me right square in the eyes
and tell me the lifestyle we base it all on
won’t ultimately lead to demise.
It’s happened throughout all of history,
each nation eventually falls.
So, history repeats and we all lose our seats...
chasing happiness into the wall.
Ylzm Oct 2024
Don't quote but be

Don't preach but do

Don't teach but live

Be a book unwritten but read

Be a word silent but heard

Be the spirit unseen but known

The fool parrots as the parrot speaks

The wise walks and grasps the unspeakable

And art crafts the void and silence to affirm
Alan S Bailey Mar 2021
I stand between myself and this constant struggle
it goes on in my mind without end,
when you sit before the mirror and see
you're not always the one but that just might depend.

I can once be allowed to rest these bones,
true talent comes from getting back up
even when you fallen and you're alone.

It's this path I'm on, it twists and turns.
When I'm sad does it not show?
Tomorrow? It's faster than the speed of light,
Past is still here yet I'm well beyond anyone's sight.

You get lost in truth or fiction and decree
it's following you though it'll always be the one
to let me be. I'm here in the shadows yet
you see me aware-you got me caught in the
hatred-lost in a path that isn't fair.

If only we had tomorrow, a million tomorrows!
I would sing to the sun and breeze that yesterday
would become a mystery and I could still keep all my
memories! But tomorrow never changes from today.

I guess that's what they all know-once it comes to the end
of the play...
Ken Pepiton Mar 2021
Add your spit to my ocean, it's a game,
inherited from the ancestors
who added value, shipped worth as far as
worth was
this is worth that, and so on
until I decide to add a little shine
on mine,
I shine you on and say I'll keep both.

-watchew mean you think I said
I'll keep your attention, but I'll not pay ye mine.

-run the BG attention economy
we are the world we wanna buy a Coke®
for for for the whole world, like
flash falfash iony meme you remember, taste each
memory verse, did you
words un-accounted for go idle?
Dear reader, done is done, the reading activates the will
to know all things, or die trying…
- facing lies as the evil, not as dragons, nor bogus science,
- since hubris lets me say I know
Yes, each lessoning of the pre-surity
piled on children intended to be
us until we are old and grey,
the unnecessary extras, in the casts of thousands,
now digitally cloned in a virtual reality we can
live in, really,
we can live and breathe and have our being
in any bubble informed after
the sufficiency of evil declaration- simplification,

**** happens, and that's not evil.
What you do with what passes through you,
gut level wrestlings with ifery wasery failures
fallen angels, lame ideas, used
to manifest
the Manichaean evil that ate Tim McVeigh…

thank God, I did not pull the trigger,
and I am glad the other guy
did not die…

by killing the I instilled in the mind of a warrior,
2021 PS5, no jive,
meet me after school.

It's cool, this cyberspace superthoughttrain,
global brain, working on
bewhole be all you may imagine
on behalf of the priesthood of programmers
the guild of data gathering slave owners,
bit-coin level carbon footprints,

lo, look at those foot prints in the sand,
there went a bare foot boy,
see the softest sand where the ants expand the way home
year after year in the desert, from here
to Tucumcari .

Ease your mind Jung-man, remember who the hero was,
he who survived
the making of the peace,
the institution of wisdom in the nick of time,
first mark
before ever the earth was or even the initial Higgs field
an after thought, wisdom,
a primal
need for anything to matter, it turns out.
Consistency, I think some good could come from an art-if AI recommends I give the artists intuition free rein reigning over wrong --- turn dead ends. Sorry.
Heidi Johanna Oct 2020
When my foolishness
Turned into wisdom
I was in love

Even the sunset
By the evening
Held my flaws

There was certainly no way
I could have left
Without a burning heart
Saïda Boūzazy Aug 2020
I feel deep in my brain
I feel I'm insane  
I feel the pain digging my brain
I feel inside my brain
I feel I'm insane
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