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SC Kelley Jan 2019
Skin like flowing flames
Eyes like infernos
Lips that make you spill every drop of your desires
Soft sharp fingers brushing sins into your soul
A voice like boiling honey
Promises of wild fantasies
Contracts in blood
All tricks of the Devil himself

~S.C. Kelley
For the curious sinners
Worst Nightmare Jan 2019
The more I live
The more I am compelled to admit
That the happiest moments are those
I lived with you by my side.

The more I travel
The more I realize
That the most beautiful place in this entire universe
Is right in between your arms.

Oh, the sweetest of the sweet devils
Break me into pieces
Coz I am best when I am at my worst.
Amanda Jan 2019
Kicking the leaves under the tree
As we laugh out loud with abandoned glee
I can smell the dirt as it fills my nose
And the falling leaves cover my toes
Listening as the forest creaks with dancing beech
And the Oak branches stretch up out of reach
Games played where we each take a turn
At seeking and hiding amongst the fern
The forest is our play pen, we visit each day
It’s the magic kingdom of fantasy
Where stories of our younger years
Can be brought to life without any fears
Knights can battle with shield and blade
And pixies are found in a hidden glade
Dragons fly and giants stomp around
Battles lost and won and kings are crowned
Then the day ends with a sunset dusted in gold
And we are brought back into realities cold
Jupiter Dec 2018
dripping decadent words
laced with poison
down the throats
of her lovers

she watched as their fantasies
became their nightmares
and laughed
while they screamed
Kleigh Dec 2018
In the world of reality
You are like a royalty
In a fairytale story
On our story, I'm a frog whose ugly
And you're a perfect prince charming
My life unexpected greatest blessing
Despite of what I am you still kiss me

Look on the mirror on the wall
You'll see a man admire by all
Who is lovely and white as snow
I never expect you'll love me more than I know

If fairy god mother really exist
I will thank her atleast
'Cos I have you more than an evening
And you find me even the glass shoe still missing
We live happily never after, as I wake up daydreaming
You're fantasy in my reality
Syv Elena Dec 2018
She fell from the sky
She clipped her wing
I brought her food
As much as I could bring

But food she did not need
Twas gold she craved
I went to the castle with mighty speed
And gave her the coins that I had saved

She's ran across the island
She flapped her giant wings
Getting the greed somewhat frightened
They were blown back by the wind

A lovely friend
A trusty companion
Loyalty that will never end

Star Scream; the Griffon
I've streamed Kingdom on twitch and I gave my steeds names. My favorite is the griffon. I named her Star Scream.
blushing prince Dec 2018
a kingdom of rotten tomatoes
they spit their seeds for the harvest of tomorrow
one over the other they topple
waiting for instructions
"i'm waiting for the day to live"
one says over the other
one over the other

a red pool of friends
everything's my favorite
in between the cumbersome vines they hear
of the escape
the hand that reaches up into nothingness and picks the chosen one
ripe for plucking, into a palm if you're lucky
a unexplained romance to be devoured
don't leave us here to fall, they cry
berry of the nightshade come closer
their potassium-deficient king
is lifted from his ill-ridden bed and fed
feast into the sweet juice of a fruit ready to die
'a milky embrace between the tomato queen and i'
a poem about tomatoes
Aa Harvey Dec 2018

The grief of loss, when death is the cost,
Is soul destroying, when you know they are gone.
We used to cross the water together;
We ran so fast in any weather.
We will have our place, forever and ever
And nothing will replace those memories.

We built a bridge to cross the river.
We created a land called Terabithia
And now I walk here with my sister,
Where once upon a time my love walked with me;
Now I only miss her.

I haven’t cried this hard in ages.
It breaks my heart to turn the pages.
I want to see beyond this end,
But the story has not finished yet.

I cannot talk to her anymore;
Where once we ran through our own world
And now she is gone, the beautiful girl.
The Dragon Flies that kept us safe; they are flying no more.

(C)2018 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Donald Maher Dec 2018
Snit and Snat
      Part 1

    Different from me!
From a very young age, I was told what to think
What to do how to do it how to dress how to drink
When old enough to know all about this and about that
I was told by my father to watch out for the SNATs!

He told me such stories he stoked all my fears.
I just could not sleep right not for nearly a year
After all, he had told me that we were all SNITs,
We live a good life here down in the pits

Our people don’t mix with the SNATS up above
We stay down in our pit that fits us like a glove
The SNATS live above and control all the land
Some live by themselves in holes in the sand.

Some live in villages infested by rats
They eat crazy food and they even have cats
Don’t venture they said don’t stray way up there
They will soon gulp you down without even a care.

The noises they make shake our homes way down here
It makes our young children cower in fear.
Being curious I said, “I just have to know.  
How do they live and where do they go?

I must find this out I must venture up there
And find the true story, what why and where.”                                   I climbed out of the pit and on to the sand
Strange sounds I soon heard from way cross the land

It was the sound of a SNAT making way through the gloom
“SNAT! SNAT! SNAT!” he growled as he ran toward my doom.
I climbed to a place, up atop a great tree
The SNAT followed suit and sat next to me.

His skin was all furry his eyes were bright blue
He looked down at my feet and he took off my shoe
He let out a SNAT laugh and ran down the tree
I soon followed quickly and what do I see.

The SNAT was now dancing and singing with glee,
As loud as he could, SNAT! SNAT! SNAT!   1, 2, 3,
I climbed up that tree and watched for a while
The SNAT just kept dancing and showed a great smile

   He was wearing my shoe as he danced through that night
He didn’t even stop when it started to get light
He sang that SNAT song over and over
It stuck in my head even when I got older.

But what happened that day I remember like new
The SNAT stopped his dance and gave me my shoe.
He pulled me aside opened his mouth up so wide
I fast pulled away and tried hard to hide.

Was he trying to eat me, would I soon meet my doom?
I tried very hard to get out of the room
He grabbed hold of my hand pulled me out on the floor
Before I could blink, he was dancing once more

Snat showed me some steps he took it quite slow
In a very short time, I was ready to go
I grabbed the snat's hand and showed him my moves
Before very long we were hitting our grooves

He sang his Snat song, just as loud as can be
But then he just stopped and started looking at me
He grabbed my 2 hands, forced me right out the door
A tear fell from his eye and he dropped to the floor

What mystery is this? What is that Snat doing?
It was easy to tell something new was now brewing
Snat thought and thought, this I cannot admit
Had I just become friends with a Snit?

What is this now? How can this be?
Snits cannot be my friends they are different you see.
As a small child, things were made very clear
Stay away from the snits run away fast in fear

They‘re skin is not hairy their eyes are not blue
They do not know how to dance, not even soft shoe.
Snits live in a pit, Snats live on the land
Snats play in the woods, Snits play in the sand

Snits are quite different I see that is true
But just underneath they are much like Snats too.
I don’t care what they do I don’t care what they say
My new friend is a Snit I declare that today!

The Snat then approached me and made it quite clear
Saying, “I am your friend!” This was good news to hear
We sat and we talked about this and about that
He showed pictures of family and even his cat

We planned great adventures where we should soon go
Go out to the beaches and even see snow
I will tell you these stories when they do unfold
Exploring our world’s see, what treasures they hold

Now my adventure, must end I admit
I must go to my family way down in the pit
Just as I was climbing down in the sand
Snat was singing a new song as he traveled the land
Snat! Snit! Snat! 1 2 3  Snat! Snit! Snat! You and me!
Snat! Snit! Snat! 1 2 3  Snat! Snit! Snat! You and me!
Part of multi part epic
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