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Zywa Jan 2022
A small hatch opens

in the fog, there's a small hand --

waving a little.
"Nevel gumt alles boven de grasvlakte uit" ("Mist erases everything above the grassland", 2012, Ellen Deckwitz)

Collection "Held True"
Girl I wanna see you smile
I'll drive the rat rod several miles
Just pick up the phone and dial
Haven't seen you in a while

The Rat Rod is a metaphor
LONDIN Dec 2021
How am I dry
When years of anticipation are melting like a glacier?
All I’ve ever wanted
Is standing at the end of my bed
With his cold hands
pulling apart my thighs
So why am I fighting so hard
To get out of my head?
When he looked into my eyes
I saw guilt staring back at me.
When he kissed my lips,
He hated that they tasted unmistakably mine
And not of his lovers.
Our timings never been “okay”,
I should have taken that as a sign
To keep this a fantasy.
Jade Dec 2021
If you think about ***
while getting your eyebrows threaded,
it doesn’t hurt nearly as much.
CarolineSD Nov 2021
All is quiet and
All is still
And the thick curvature of these hills
Rolls on against a starlit November night.

Spirit boy
Draw me in
Hands gentle as the midnight wind
Caress the contours of my chest
Like earth against my skin

Or flames that lick
And bend.

You are born where mountains begin
And your soul is both stone and sky
And quiet laughter ringing through the infinite galaxies
Of your eyes.

Spirit boy
I can feel
Your heart is beating


And I am pressed against your wildness like a desperate tide

And I will spread and rise and crest and break
Against your hardened precipices like the raging river
Against the rocks.

And when
From the highest perch above the valley
And the untamed horses run

I will grip these sheets and scream

And lose my breath
When you press into me,
Like a heavy mallet
On the sacred drum.
I have known you long and not at all, wild one.
I S A A C Nov 2021
I feel stupid I feel dumb
I won but what
did I really win, you are so childish
had to cut the strings, can no longer cradle it
you are a baby, so immature
you are such an actor, improve king
scratch that you are such a clown
a king would have a crown
but you cannot face what you were born to be
rather keep yourself like an oath, just to not rock the boat
but I cannot be your baby only in the moonlight
in daylight, you are scared to touch me
it rubs me the wrong way, you love me the wrong way
I pictured us as more but you pictured me as decor
a vessel for your fantasy, a trophy nothing more
then you block me on everything because I won’t allow you to keep vanishing
encore encore, but you are still so unsure
fix yourself, please
maturing can be a breeze
when you take accountability
Luvanna Nov 2021
it was your sweet lips
sugary words drip
your eyes, your gaze, make me twitch
a knot in my stomach
when you flirt
when you touch my sensitives
all the small gestures
and your act of service
suddenly I'm your Queen Bee
I'm in a sugar rush
addicted, obsessed, hooked on
and I just ignore all the nutrition facts
Zywa Nov 2021
Lying and cheating do start somewhere
in beauty, making something more beautiful
than it is, just take a look
at yourself

everyone and everything that is offered
to make money, even ruins
are more with a little fantasy, so
buy a ticket, look, hear and shiver

near the pet crocodiles in living rooms
clearing their throats inside chests

at a boy between the hunebeds
drowning anxiously under white veils

from the delayed boom after the whizz
of the widow's dropping blade

at the eternal whining of the sailors
in the captain's gin bottles

with the jubilant angels over the baby
in the manger, and smell the dung

drink the romance of
imagination in power
with the hard facts as a decoration
for those interested
White veils: mist experienced as white fairies
The widow: "la veuve", the judicial name of the guillotine
The captain: saga ("what they say") of the "Flying Dutchman"; for tourists, his home is located in several places in Terneuzen
Baby: live nativity scenes

Collection "Mosaic virus"
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