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ApocalypsenoW Mar 2019
All conflict fade in light
Of what is yet to come
I fear muself sometimes
Destroying all i’ve done
Confused by feelings, old and new,
By deamons i create
My love, i wish you only knew
What rages in my brain.

One second passed and all had changed
I am not ready still
To just enjoy the things i gained
The bliss i yearn to feel
Feelings of Love obscured by Fear
Of all that is unknown
Of monsters dwealing in the deep
Of deamons i had known

If you to ask me weeks from now
About my deamon friends
Ill lauth and tell you that right now
This deamons have no chance
But in this constant solitude
In castle made of Ice
I lock myself so far from you
Stare into deamons eyes.
Candi Mar 2019
We were not meant to be friends
But somehow we became
But becoming is not enough
And we have failed to maintain
Her Mar 2019
Max Mar 2019
Don't worry if things don't work out, you just gotta have a plan B.
Especially for relationships
s Willow Feb 2019
Second in two years.
God either has a plan for me
He loves watching me suffer and doesn’t want it to end.
Desire Feb 2019
Study hard, hours long
You're likely to succeed
'Cept college quizzes question you
on things you've never seen
ClawedBeauty101 Feb 2019
I'm sorry that I try my dang hardest and best...
And still manage to fail... and make you fall..

I'm really... sorry...

...I cant seem to stop apologizing.. and I cant lie when i say I am afraid... and I'm fighting to be comfortable and brave again..

I'm so sorry
A Simillacrum Feb 2019
Was I
ever wrong?
You're asking me?

I was
wrong nearly
start to finish.

Could I
make amends,
I wouldn't try.

I can't pretend
what I've
done is some

thing I can fix.

Don't erase
all the pain,
all the hurt -
you know it was me.

My failure
of feeling,
of motion,
and failure to see

You, as you, without
my perspective skewed,
without my intent
slipping from
and into

Darling, the
dead night,
the lonely
fit my crime
fine, but
are not
Angelo A Feb 2019
I'm climbing this mountain
even though it scares my skin,
and turn the breath that I exhale
into a cloud that spells a name.
A name I'm not allowed to hail
or it will keep on echoing.
Now the wind kept on whispering
to just leave the mess I'm in
because it knows that I'll fall again
and go back to the beginning,
and it'd be easier if I just let go
the painful grip of this solid rope.
I don't see a glimpse of hope.
Good thing I wore an extra coat
even if I look like a joke.
I won't think to walk away
but now the sky is turning grey,
the ground I'm on starting to fade,
the stars above start to awake,
the moon says it's now too late.
I know it's fate to fail to get on top
but still I'll fight, for faith will not.
Then, tonight the wind just stopped.
Now it's silence that whispers "stop".
It begs for me to let me drop.
I start to ask myself on why,
and what's waiting on that height.
If I reach the top tonight-
I would forget the name, I might.
Although unsure, it's worth the try.
So I then pull with all that I can.
This time I chose not just to stand.
This time I might just win this one.
I can feel excitement in my hand,
Everything is going just as planned.
With so much determination,
fortunately, the sun is on horizon.
To add, I chanted all my motivation,
every word that I know is inspiration.
"Rejection", "Redemption", "Salvation",
"my friends", "my hobby", "my family ",
I went on until I accidentally
said the word that was keeping me
from ending this entire journey.
Your name, your name so heavenly!

The ground I was on became icy flat,
the sky darkens and began to spat,
the wind angrily began to flap.
I tried to hold myself intact
but the rope I held began to snap.
I screamed but there was no sound.
I couldn't see below, the ground.
Is this my end, the final round?
Well at least I die being proud
that I fought despite all my doubt.

Then I wake up, body in pain.
Why am I here, is this the way
to where I'm wanted by my brain?
I don't see any road nor highway.
All that is here is this rope and this mountain.
could i forget if i can't remember?
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