Mind and spirit, the principle of human being...
This is not what one has known to be simple,
Yet advanced as we are, the truth still eludes,
An everyday individual, yet what are they?
Simplicity is found in the reality of our youth,
Is this life just a concept of time and space?
Were we really brought here by some sort of
Alien space ship, or a genetic miracle master race?
I wouldn't assume anything. Sitting under the pine tree,
You can see every last hue as perfect, as real as time made
It out to be, just as light takes time to reach you,
Was brought to your eyes so you could truly see,
See that which is actually a part of you and me.
To be one with environment, you see the unruly storm,
You see the hot dust of the desert, you see the ice of
The glacier, the mountain and it's frosty height, or the
Beautiful garden and all it's delights, if you can
Look closely, a person falls asleep, dreaming,
*You can see it all living within their being...
Just saying-we must be part of the universe, our emotions and human needs can not exist if we are greater than the whole of all we are given, our natural needs-to survive