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The stars will always shine.
They'll keep shining relentlessly.
You shouldn't ever forget that,
Because in hard times there are little things.
These little things we learn to hold onto.
They can help keep us from falling apart.
Take the stars for example;
They'll still always be there
And they won't ever give up.
You should make the same efforts.
To make everyday be lived and loved,
And also to not ever
Give up.
When shy girls lick their lips
When brave men cower
When the astrologists no longer believe
And the world stops rotating
When the clocks quit their ticking
When fingertips stop feeling
When the stars burn out 3 thousand miles away
And you can no longer smile
When denim jeans are all faded
When love letters are all burnt
When glass is shattered
And hearts stop beating
I will still go on
Thinking too deeply hurts too much
Life is a dream!
NeroameeAlucard Dec 2014
Somedays life will
seem like it's going all uphill
some nights you'll cry
screaming as if you wish you could die
sometimes your heart must break
sometimes you have to make mistakes
life isn't all cake and roses,
but those that I'm speaking to already know this

I know it sounds like I'm living a cliche
but you can't have the rainbow without the rain
you can't have a day without the night
so please keep going, don't give up the fight
I'm not saying that to sound preachy
I'm saying it because I almost ended it recently

I looked deep into my soul and saw my family
though they arent perfect they were there for me
not just my blood relatives but my family in ink
you're never alone, no matter what you think
Marquis Hardy Nov 2014
Please, I implore you do not come any closer.
Now is the time I must sleep for I've used all of my energy sleeping. I'm not sleeping because I'm tired but to tame the parasite living within me feeding on the joy emitted from all around me. Please, I must be alone!
I must be alone to think about what it is that has made me this way, what it is that has taken this day and made it into a perpetual night. I must be alone because I owe that to all of you. Every one of you convincing yourself that I'm worth the time to convince that your sympathy for me is convincing. You must understand that there is nothing that you can do, nothing that you can say to alter the prison I've surrounded the joy in my heart with. The prison made of my darkest memories, my longest nights, and my loneliest days; The prison guarded by sentries of lies told centuries past that have slithered their way past histories grasp. Here must I lie alone. Here behind the bars of my truth alone I must lie in my loneliness to decidedly die alone. So let me sleep. Please, you must not cry. Here in my obligatory solitude is where I find my peace, so please let me sleep.
Balaguer Oct 2014
I pretend you died.
This way,
It's easier to breathe.
My envision was getting married,
after seeing you,
walk down the center of a Castle in the middle of an island.
There was a day in a year,
My envision was lost.
The day you left,
I lost faith in life.
My imagination,
does not run without you.
Now I live,
with a loose bull inside me.
After you,
My red cape.

I've been sleeping inside the dream,
of one day having you.
Lena Bitare Oct 2014
People speak when they want to
People act when they feel to
People say things that can tear you apart
But as long as you know your heart

Don’t give up..
It’s a dark world after all
Let your light shine upon them all..
Just keep walking
*I originally posted this poem here:*
Terry Amos Oct 2014
Thinking can be a good thing
But it can also be a dangerous
A thought can get the girl
It can make new friends
It can take over the world
It just matters what you do with your thoughts
Turn your thoughts into dreams
And achieve them
And never let anybody tell you that you can’t do something
For only you know what you’re capable of
Terry Amos Oct 2014
Your life is turning into death
Your thoughts have turned into plans to **** yourself
But you can't give up
You know you have to change the world
You know you have to make things right
You know there is a girl out their you have to love
Don't give up
Keep on moving
For the world isn't a nice place
But sometimes you have to brake through the terrible things
And think positive
At least your on
The Green Side of the Grass
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