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It's better to be be alive and thriving, rather than being consumed, sick and dying.
Daily thoughts by me
Bitter sweet air fills my lungs with dignity and doubt all at once.
And although my head knows what needs to be done, the voice inside can no longer be contained.
It screams for a way out.
How can it be? She whispered in silence.
That I have allowed my body, my temple, to be denied of the very things in existence that it needs to survive.
One of my favourite pieces that I've written.
Starve your brain,
alluring pain.
An induction that never ends.
The longer you go,
there will be nothing but just a trail of hideous brittle bones.
As your body begins to deteriorate,
your body will eat your own organs and flesh.
Not so pretty anymore I see,
nothing but a disastrous mess.
Michael R Burch Feb 2020
for anyone struggling with self-image

She has a comely form
and a smile that brightens her dorm . . .
but she’s grossly unthin
when seen from within;
soon an entire campus will mourn.

Yet she’d never once criticize
a friend for the size of her thighs.
Do unto others:
sisters and brothers?
Yes, but also ourselves, likewise.

My lovely wife Beth has struggled with an eating disorder for many years. I wrote her a poem titled "Is the Mirror Unkind" soon after meeting her. She was always much lovelier in my eyes than the reflection she saw in the mirror. And she was always much more generous with other people than she was with herself. The flip side of the golden rule is that we should treat ourselves as well as we would have others treat us! I hope anyone struggling with "self reflection" problems will be as generous to themselves as they are to others. And anyone who can sympathize with Beth can sympathize with themselves (hint, hint).

Keywords/Tags: Self Image, Mirror, Anorexia, Anorexic, Eating Disorder, Inferiority Complex, Low Self Esteem, Self Worth, Self Harm, Cutting, Anxiety, Depression, Hopelessness, Suicide
Naked and so very cold on the floor,
Lost in the volatility of my emotions,
Consumed by the forest of my thoughts.
How I long for the solace of sleep,
If only the medicine would kick in,
Pulsing through my veins for the last
Weary bit of my mania,
Attempting to reduce the heat under my overflowing ***.
Dying feels like a release from this hell,
An in between of too much and not enough.
With a coin in bipolar coffer,
My soul springs free,
But I have already given so much.
I do not travel there,
Near the edge,
For I am so excited by possibilities,
But my chest aches with the sadness of this cycle.
I miss me.
If only I could find her.
Sirae Feb 2020
Dear Sirae,

One. Two. Three. Wait. No. Restart. One. Two. Three. Get it right or do it again. There is no way of gaining happiness without me. Look at you, you’re so foul and huge. ******* disgusting. So do it. Kneel on the cold tile. Feel your hair sweep forward and brush against your face while you bend over. Don’t be weak, push yourself. That wasn’t enough that came up. Again. Again. Again. I own you and you’re not leaving.

- Bulimia
Yash Feb 2020
Summer reds, winter blues.
Day flashes, night breaks.
Ever swinging pendulum.
Creak. Childhood swings,

sky highs and dirt lows.
Adrenaline rush, knee stump.
Back and forth, back and forth.
Push it harder, papa.

Touch and go, relay race.
Newton´s cradle, click.
Back and forth, back and forth.
Momentum, please stop.

Tick tock, grandfather clock.
Death´s clock, tick-tock.
Life and death. Like a pendulum,
It all comes back around.

Reincarnation. Old life, new vessel.
Crash! Comes the wrecking ball.
Destruction, demolition.
Overnight breakdowns.

Broken clocks, stuck time.
Keep my seconds, metronome.
Music of deathly nights,
noise of bland days.

Spring dreads, autumn excitement.
Flipped, the reality of retina.
Swing, its a pendulum.
Serene sadness to hearty happiness.

Friction. Broken. Crash!
Dawn of downfalls.
Agent of adjustment.
Home of homeostasis.

Pandas and penguins.
North and south.
Cracked compass, Haywire.
Manic. Bipolar,

Gemini destined, Janus faced.
Tragedy & Comedy.
Welcome to the
Theatre of Two lives.
juno Feb 2020
just keep eating until you throw up,

until you can;t,

until you cant feel anymore
Asominate Feb 2020
Honey to my eyes,
Liquor for the soul.
The chicken soup has lost its taste,
The peas porridge lies cold.
Skin stretched across the ribcage,
Brains rid of juices; lotion:
Twas a death so dramatic
She died in slow motion.
Dam you, anorexia!
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