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Kai Kai Sep 2015
I realize that no matter how big our hands is, Or how wide we stretch our finger
Our hands will always be too small
To hold everyone we love
So if someone you loves leave your hands, say thank you for the valuable lesson they had taught you and continue to hold on to those that still stay with you no matter what happen.
Kai Kai Sep 2015
We’re just two different clock that
Tick at the wrong time
Yume Blade Sep 2015
You ! the in love one !
What's a tearful new for you ?
is it the death of your love ?

You ! the enraged one !
What's a tearful new for you ?
is it the animated life of the others ?

You ! the sad one !
What's a tearful new for you ?
is it the happier life of your enemy ?

You ! the depressed one !
What's a tearful new for you ?
is it the problemless life of your friends ?
What's a tearful new for you ?
Did you ask yourself this question yet ?
NO, you didn't ?
So do it know !
before gettin' hurt worse than you could  imagine.
Kai Kai Sep 2015
Am I the only idiot
Who's still holding onto the past
For someone who had already left?
Macy Harnois Aug 2015
Cold medicine
Is it a sin
To take more than they recommend?
Once they go in
I'll forget where I've been
My head will begin to spin
Macy Harnois Aug 2015
Mr. Know It All
You don't know anything at all
You saw what they did to me
I begged to be free
My hands were tied
My eyes were wide
Your pride urged you to lie
I was pleading for the key
Now there's nothing left of me
Elizabeth Jul 2015
I'm just so sick of people, I mean not the world nor animals nor air nor sea nor grass, just people but again in night I found myself scared of them.
I'm thinking that our is maybe the only one that can hate or be afraid of our own kind.
Just how terrible we are that we are afraid of ourselves?
I sleep but don't dram at night, I'm afraid about so much and I care about so little but again, the things that I do care are things that I can't protect, that thought scare me the most.
Chloe Jul 2015
They tried to tear you from my brain,
But my heart wouldn't let you go,
Although I may have forgotten your name,
Butterflies in me remember you so.
My grandfather was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's, this is for him.
Peanut Jul 2015
I Still Have These Pictures Of You On My Phone
Nirvana Jun 2015
My heart still feels the same for you
my eyes still cries for you
my thoughts still linger around you
my lips still speaks about you

with every passing day
my heart brings me utter dismay
all I wanna do
is endlessly talk to you

it all started since the day
you smiled to me in irresistible way
though this I always knew
that I'll never deserve you

But I just can't stop dreaming you
I just can't stop thinking about you
all I wanna do; is to be with you
coz I just wanna worship you

you said you don't wanna be with me
but I never did forced thee
I just wanted to befriend you
so that we can keep talking as we do

my heart is still burning for you
my eyes are still wetting for you
I don't know if you ever care to;
look into my eyes and read my feelings for you

you're no more here with me
but our chats and your memory
they just keep haunting me
one day I wish I'll be free

but today I've to live
with your thoughts and grief
let me drown in your thoughts so deep
that this insane heart cries to sleep

I wish you could lend me your shoulder
I wish I could have got a bit bolder
to share what I feels for you
one day with a smile all this I'll surely do

but today let me enjoy this pain
I know its weird and insane
I wanna cry out loud
but my ego will never allow

with your memories and thought
everyday I fought
I may never forget you
that's simply I'm incapable to
P.S.- I still have got those feelings but now I just share them with myself.
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