These Days I Hear... Opinions...
From Lots of Adult CHILDREN... !?!
About How Their Lives...
Have A UNIQUE Definition... !!!
They BELIEVE In EQUALITY For... " ONE And ALL "... !!!
But Seem To Fall short When Their Name Is Called...
Their Talk Is FALSE And They Make NO APOLOGIES... !?!
I Must Have Something WRONG With ME... !!!
To Have The SIGHT To SEE That Their Definitions REEK... !!!
of NOTHING More Than... " Pretty Speak "...
From Government CHIEFS...
To Their Aides Who PREACH ā¦
About PRESERVING Peace...
By USING Money To HELP The Hungry... !!!!!
Something Seems WRONG When Corporate THIEVES...
Create PROBLEMS With Their POLICIES... !!!!!!
And Leave The Poor With Nothing More...
Than STRESS and GRIEF And VIOLENT Streets... !!!!!
THAT To Me Is... HYPOCRISY... !!!
Just Like The Peeps Who DEFINE Their Breed...
As SPECIAL Because of Their Beliefs And TENDENCIES...
These Peeps' INDULGE In..... " FANTASIES "..... !!!!!
Like Making CLAIMS Where Sense ABSTAINS... !?!
So Here's A Verse of TRUTH...
That Should Confirm MY VIEW...
"Hey baby girl, how'd you view the world ?
Let me quiz you quick, are you a Muslim Chick ?"
"Yes I am Muslim, Asian parentage, but am not devoted."
"Not devoted, dunno what that is ?
but let me ask you this, is your parentage Arab ?"
"You could say that's my patent,
but i'm human before i'm anything else !"
"If that's your source, then that bodes well,
so you'd sleep with a brother, and make him your lover ?"
"Why not, if he's one of us !"
"SORRY, Exactly, one of who ?
If he's not Muslim, he can't be human too ?
Such words give clues, that what you said before,
i'll now ignore. See, to me, being human,
means dealing with people equally !
Not by creed, or by religion,
to me, it's these positions, in peoples' dispositions
that keep minds conditioned !"
It's Time To Set A Rhythm ā¦
Where We OPEN Our Visions...
WITHOUT Fear of OPINION From Minions Definition... !!!!
DEFINE... " A Woman "... !?!
DEFINE.... " A Man ".... !?!
These Days I FIND Definitions LACK...
Anything Resembling A SOLID STANCE... !!!
Questions With Answers Now Leaving Us MARKERS...
About What's DEFINED ā¦ In MODERN Day Minds...
It's Clear That Some Find...
That When They're DEFINED...
And EXPOSED In The Light...
That They Are... MUCH DARKER...
Than... " Venom FILLED Parker "... !!!
DARK Like The Knight of My Design... !!!
ACTUALLY... That's NOT Right... !!!
I'm... " The Dark Knight of a Different Type "... !!!!!
Whose Now Bringing A SMILE...
To My Face As I Write About DEFINITIONS ā¦
Have You People... " Listened "... ?
Or If You Are Reading ABSORBED What Is Written... ?!?
My Wordplay DEFINED CAN'T FIT On One Line.... !!!!!
It's FILLED With Punchlines And CLEVER One Liners... !!!
It's A Style Kinda' New But I'm An OLD TIMER... !!!!!
And Poem Designer With Rhymes Like HOT FIRE... !!!!!
Defining... " INSPIRE "... !!!
I Hear These Critiques From People Who FEEL...
That They Get Who I Be Cos' of My Poetry...
"He doesn't like women !"
"His anger's pernicious !"
"He thinks we're all *******,
with all kinds of glitches !"
THAT Last Line... IS TRUE... !!!!!
But Here's Some Virge TRUTH...
I'd Leave Y'all In DITCHES NEEDING Nuff' Stitches... !!!
" Can I Get A Witness ? " ā¦..
DEFINING The Slickness ā¦
With Which I Drop Lyrics... ?!?
.... Here's MY Definition.... !!!
Big Virge Lyricism...
There's Something You're MISSING...
If You THINK I'm Prisoned And ANGER Conditioned... !!!
My Lyrics Paint Pictures...
Through THESE Written Scriptures...
Sometimes They Are... DARK...
Sometimes They Are... LIGHT...
Meantime They Feed BALANCE...
Because They DO CHALLENGE...
IMBalanCES Shown In How People ROAM......................
From Colour To MONEY MAN People Act FUNNY... !!!!!
DEFINE How You FEEL About Life On The REAL... !!!
Would It Be................................. .. FAR AWAY...... ?!?
From The Things That... I Say... ???
... If You Spoke The TRUTH... !?!
My Written Inscriptions Are Just Giving PROOF...
That I Deal In Descriptions of Life That When Written...
OVER Truth And................
....... " DEFINITION "........
It only takes a conversation sometimes, but, when you hear peoples' opinions, sometimes you really do have to wonder what has defined them ?