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HOOPS11 Feb 2015
Would you call me a criminal if I did something wrong,
you can't blame it for the way I was born.
I trespassed into private property where I'm not allowed,
the police were called which was all that I can endure.
Would you call me a criminal if two police officers had to drive me home,
to get me away from the trouble that might foam.
Would you call me a criminal if I said I went back,
they called the police again,
then I ran on a different track.
I got caught on the way by two police cars,
they put me in the van and drove me to the station behind bars.
Then we got to the station where an officer asked me questions,
but I refused to answer and tolled lies which ended up in ruins.
I am a criminal as I was in trouble with police six times,
the only way I know how to express this is in these words and rhymes.
personal experience
Ember Evanescent Jan 2015
I would make SUCH a good criminal. It is a shame I have parents and integrity. Well, some integrity lol. :P
seriously, I am a GOOD liar (which is bad, I know) and I am SO good at plotting some things...
Kate Mikaelson Dec 2014
If I ask you about your favorite sound,
which one will you choose?
To me and Greg, it's those girls rhymecal screams.
Louder and Louder , they hit the perfect note.
But sadly it is only a one time show,
Because sooner or later they had to die, to feed the devil inside.

Me and Greg, never been any girl's first choice,
So we decided to be their last.
Well our innocent faces always spell the charm.
The girls happily hop into our car for a last drive,
Unaware of the hidden surprise.
As soon as they become comfortable, We offer them drinks and pizza.
After all it's a norm to feed your prey before you cut them into pieces.
As soon as the poisoned drink start its work,
One of us hop on the back seat to satisfy the lust.
Turn by turn we feed our self.
And enjoying those screams as we cut them.
Feel really bad because each one of them was a master piece.
But soon we manage to forget the pain and prepare our self for another game.
Kate Mikaelson Dec 2014
I am a collector,
Collect coins, sculptures and more.
But the highlights of my collection are human souls
Whom I collect every night from the road.

Drug addicts and homeless are the best for my collection,
Because they never ask stupid questions.
With a wide smile on my face, I spread my net to catch the fishes.
And for some money, drinks and for a comfortable place they get ready,
Get ready to fill the void in my collection place.
As soon as the night gets darker, I polish my instrument to carve my new soul.
Tie them to bed, perform different experiments on them.
Pushing them to death and bring them back.
And whole night we play the same game back to back.
I took picture and take record to mark their pain and store their memories in my brain.
Till now nobody survived till dawn .
So every night I drive on the foggy road in search of a new soul.
Let's steal cheap knock offs from Wal-Mart
And return them to customer service for gift cards
So we can buy the real things

Let's drive unregistered vehicles, WITHOUT insurance
And lie when we get pulled over by the state troopers
So all we gotta do is pay a little fine

Let's get paid to buy alcohol for minors (like 17+, cuz you know that's not so bad)
And party with them until just before the cops show up
So they're all too drunk to give the cops our names

Let's sell some of our food stamps for cash
And use it to buy tobacco and tubes and make our own, non taxable cigarettes
So we can sell them to the neighborhood for cheaper than the stores

Let's be a modern day Bonnie and Clyde. Let's only steal from wealthy cooperations and the government. Let's be bad, but not so bad that if we get caught we'll go to jail, cause you know, I wouldn't want that.
Sam Knaus Nov 2014
When I was young
I learned how to dive into my emotions
I learned how to wrap myself
in my regret and fill myself
with relics of isolation,
I learned that my tears
were to be compared to the bottom of the ocean
for both the saltiness
and the amount of them.
I learned how to cheat my way
into straight A's
because suddenly I wasn't at the top of the class
I was diving to the bottom,
with the druggies and the criminals.
I learned how to move my fingers
along the fret board of another man's "love"
and how to make him sing louder than a microphone
would ever allow for
I learned to dive into what most would consider immorality.
I learned to inhale whatever I could,
tobacco, ***, and whatever lingered in the oxygen in between
and I learned to dive through the labyrinth of smoke
that it would produce.
I learned to steal for what I needed
because I didn't have the money to eat lunch
or for new clothes
I learned to dive into the world that I'd scoffed at
a year ago
the world of the beggars and the choosers
the stealers and the 'losers'
called out by self-proclaimed winners.
I learned to trace raindrops on a window
and recite my dreams in the form of broken hearts
and song lyrics
I learned to dive into myself.
C J Baxter Jul 2014
Ive got a fool proof plan; play the fools
till we prove that we can.
no one will know quite where to stand
No one will know who's in command.  

They wont expect this from our own hands
its just a whisper.
something you couldn't hear
but you were jealous of the listener.
something they didn't fear,  
they forgot there were prisoners with
questionable marks on their fists, cementing as they blister.  

We broke walls when they stared at the blueprint, never stalling
nor stuttering our movement.
they’ were left chasing to our amusement,
like they were crawling and crippled with confusion.  

then we moved with the wind and its demands,
just a whisper
to every corner of the city
and the pockets of bitter history.
picking the tongues of the witty-
the lost voices and the drifters -
We’ll take the eyes of the pretty,  and the patience of the listeners.
TD Rucker May 2014
Now I wonder how high the flame
when I think of those of Fame
how much better shooting ice
I draw it up and roll the dice
I register a fluffy vein
excitement excuses to pinch of pain
the flow is felt from pinch
to brain
and not just one
but every vein.
the burn in my body
is a foreshadowing event,
up in flames my will is spent.
I use to desire
"nice" and "higher"
now my soul wants ice
and it better be fire.
my life is gone
full of despair
only mama prays
or even cares
of course
she only prayed twice
since I died
from the
fire ice
Pardon me, but is something amusing you?
Must you mock everything I say and do?
Do you treat everyone you pass this badly?
Didn't anyone teach you how to behave properly?

One night, I could've sworn I heard you crying.
And yet you were still effing and blinding.
When in God's name will you mend your ways?
You're driving yourself to an early grave!
Based on a true story. Nothing more to say.


© Jordan Dean "Mystery" Ezekude
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