Maybe I could write a book all
Stares of people creamy tons
Eating dark bonbons
Find your nitch and call
The silk milk switch
The"Cat Eye"
People come and go
But the sunset stays
The play up or play
down the love of life
An eternity of hearts
of your wife
The family
The boy ship ahoy
(Patch-eye Pirate)
Robin Almond Joy
And she just loves
them Tomboys
all lacey eyes
"Almond Eye's
flavor of soy
Lactose tolerant
Paintbrush deviant
He is so creamed for her
Dark sunset stimulant
Come on drink it all
Inside of my mind do
you dare to wink
and call
Take a look?
Are we losing
our scruples
Coconut milk
Smiles and dimples
A mystery of
illusions more darkness
of confusion
The plain ordinary people
So on and then on?
Met our confusion of people
Right on # target_
Are we still creamy
stir it on
Darkest sunset
way beyond
Soothing so distant and just
like that
We cannot click on
anything creme
De La Creme
The computer magnet
like a crazy clone,
all lost being alone
Staying obedient trying to
find the way
(No God) what
No Man?
The cream in your cafe
The Prince
She's the angel dust
hair rinse
Creamified sonnet
Dark sunset Jade Hornet
on so on her lips so on etc
They met the sunset
head on right time
She's on
All Laced
He's on
What a kisser
Is right time on?
Did he miss her?
My heart was on
the line
Robin birds of throbs
Losing so much time
being robbed deplorable
Like an abysmal
Disgraceable hum
Shady money sum
Banging drum yum
Dark sunset color gum
The dark silhouette
The sin or the sunset
Being straight jacket
Minds breakdown
Heart Silk Crown
"Pennywise clown'
*** in the Cat milk
Remembering the
The seventies
Peace signs and
My sunset dreams
Was this the book
I needed to
be completed
How I armed myself
Finger lake creamy
Fate and time stood out
My brain was fried
But sunny side was up?
At midnight rambler
The Brooklyn Bridge
sunset heart dividers
Cosmic globe riders
Dark spell mentors
Spilled the creamy
Goddess of darkness
This ancient Roman sunset
The lover of Darkness
Lace me the darkness hour
The tower high rise sunset
bad spirits gave us
wits to live it
We have it made what
we see
Sometimes Illusions
Creamy silk hands and
The rock bands
How her Darker?Cream
Saw the sunset in between
lips met
Face to face they land
Her place lacy demands
Her spell eyes of a bet
Her lipstick on his collar
She was ready to set
He see's the specks of colors
Through her headset
He yearns for her to
The peek reddish
The darkest of sunsets
"Freshly Raw' she sipped his
Sunset drink
When our light will come
will be
Forevermore patiently
The darkness became us
the goodness
Of a better time of rising
The darker the sunset the sweeter place love was perfectly set