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For the past two years, he has steadfastly remained at my side. I hope I did not offend when I told him he had come too late.

"I died many years ago, " I said playing with the handkerchief I held in my hand.

He looked at me, and put a smirk on his face, 

"Yes, I know.  I hear your silence.  I cannot ****, what is already dead."

"So why do you stay? "

"To keep you company."

Our silence, once again, returned.
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
There are no words
in any
that will help me describe
I think I will have to make
some new ones
in order
for our conversations
to continue.
You are too good for any words!
Mary Mar 2019
I think I'm good at communicating
And getting my point across
But by the time I'm done drafting and analyzing
Sometimes the point can get lost
   in my head
And I forget why I wanted to talk

You don't seem to mind though
You listen anyway
To my rambling, rambling, rambling...
Like now
chitragupta Mar 2019
Why must you always reconcile?
Do you not have a sense of self-respect?

You see, wise one,
I used to believe that
I'm not the only one who cared.
I know the heart is but a poetic device. These conversations all happen in my head. But a well rounded conversation is more fun than a superb speech.
All in my opinion.
Christina Maria Mar 2019
Words are a complex problem
You can say one thing but mean another
You can lie and people will think it's truthful

What's the point in talking if you just talk
Just using words to get to an end
Why not use words to go further
Rather than straight to the end

Why does no one want this anymore
All we do is talk to an end not further

HJV Mar 2019
"Oh hi, hello poetry! You're safe and sound I see."
"On this odyssey, we're companions aren't we?"

"uh, yes I'm quite sure we've met!"
"When? Uh, from before I was dead."

"You mean to tell me you don't remember?"
"All the words we shared before life's ember?"

"Yes, yes I know you're old and sometimes forget."
"Sorry, didn't mean to scold, please don't be mad.

"I know I'm just one of your many friends,
the beauty on the uniqueness it depends!"

"You know what poetry, when I'll be long gone."
"I'm happy that with another you'll move on"

"Goodbye poetry, goodbye words of ours."
"Hello poetry, every letter amongst the stars"
First day on HelloPoetry and it made me realize that poetry is not something we have, but something we tap into.
annh Mar 2019
You say: I’m impossible,
You say: you can’t talk to me any more,
I say: I listened, I replied, I gave you my opinion.

You just didn’t like what you heard.
‘There is no conversation more boring than the one where everybody agrees.’
- Michel de Montaigne
Lauren Faith Feb 2019
Move on  
Just move on.
Come on you can do this
You didn’t really love him

It's not like you spent months planning
The rest of your life with him
Just move on.

It's simple
Find another boy and move on.

But just to humour yourself
What if he made a mistake?
What if he regrets it?

Maybe it's not that simple,
One person's life is complicated and
adding others just makes it worse
So how can it be simple?

What part of relationships or
A lack thereof
Is simple.
s Willow Feb 2019
Can we talk?
We need to talk about what you did.
I know you don’t care but it hurts me.
Nowing that I’m not good enough for you.
It drives me crazy.
Get out of my life.
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