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Kurt LaVacque Mar 2015
Soaked on the feeling
The longing for something different
From where?
We don't know
From who
We don't know
The difference between there and here
Isn't what is better
But what is right
We have fallen a sleep for far too long
To still be dreaming

We must fight
For our right to be awake
We must fight
For the truth that has been hidden from us
Locked in a safe
The key lost without a trace
Today is not the way
Nor was yesterday
But tomorrow could be
And thats ok

We will see past all the walls that have been constructed
Obstructing the visions of the future
We must stand
We must hold true to who and what we are
We are the creatures of Mother Earth
We are the key to life beyond birth
We can be the savior everyone deserves

We just need a little help
Everything can be right
Everything can be sane
If we all stand together
And walk between the w indow panes
As a single answer
One consciousness
One heart
Infinite love
Now is the time to start

From the very depths of our consciousness
Within these precisely tiled rooms
We live among things
And we dream about doom
"When will the clock say something different?"
I asked, still waiting for the answer
"When will we all realize that time is forever?”

And what we do with the time
Is not
What we do is not important
What we do is irrelevant
If all we are doing is blocking out the light to our eyes
Hoping that one day we will hold our heads high
Above the ashes of our past disaster
Then it does matter what you do

But what do we do?
When only questions exist
What do we do?
When only time is the answer
Can anything change?
Can we change anything?
Is whatever were doing
What we should be doing?
What should we do?

Today children we will climb
We will climb to the highest peaks of our minds
We will let our worries be free
And our desires will be lost at sea
Fold your fears into books leave them on the shelf
Deconstruct the structure we've been told
To a be the truth
It's getting old

Rewrite the stories of the universe
Starting with you
And me
Transcending to a new breath we breathe
Tell them we are strong
Tell them we are brave
Show them we can do anything
The world only tells lies when you do
Fairytales  are only fiction because we say so

Don't let them tell us our dreams are unreachable
Don't let them tell us our goals are unscorable
We will beat them
We will love them
We will conquer the fears left from their mayhem
We already have
And we always will
Let it be your thrill

Live life how its suppose to be
Live life as in the dreams you wish to seek
Let them be
Let it be
Let him be
Let her be
Let the world breathe deep
With lungs filled
Let everyone grow into the mountainous tree
They are meant to be

Let it be known that rules don’t apply
I understand
You are afraid of the secrets that they hide
But don’t be
Don’t let them win
Don’t let them begin again
Shower them with love
Wipe them clean with care
Let them know w e are here
And we are not scared
" she just comes up to me and I didn't wanna say nuthin' to her
so I'm just like: 'Hey man, I'm just some dude.'
I wasn't lying, man, I mean, right? We all just dudes, right, man?
I be like 'Check it, dude; hows I sees it is: all us ******' dudes is equal,
and it make no ******' difference whether you got ovaries or testicles or whateverthefuck in between. **** like that is just a bad excuse to hate a ******* for no good reason. There's no need for that.
You best be hatin' a ******* for the right ******' reasons
if you gonna be hatin' on a ******* at all, naw'msayin'?
There are too ******' many good ******* reasons to hate on a fool
to let that silly, lame, petty childish **** cloud our judgements.'

Dude's a dude is a ******* dude no matter ******* what, man.
On a cosmic scale, I will have you know, gender really ain't a thing at all.. yo.
(Not at all to be confused with ***, which, as it says here:
"can surely be cosmological in effect, assuming proper conditions.")
A genuine dude ******* can't be trippin' on petty ***** **** like what the **** is or isn't between your legs! Seriously: grow the **** up.
I mean, if I may, there be bigger issues at hand here-
bigger players in play, as it were, than
what the **** side of what ******' line on the beach you're from,
or what ******' skin you got,
or what genitalia you have,
or what genitalia you like,
or what words you use,
or what the **** versions, translations,
or versions of ******* translations
of whichever-the-**** books
you do or don't happen to respect, man.
Just remember we all just dudes, man, okay?
That's all, really; Just be cool, and we cool.
It's really very simple and could be easy.

Now, I beseech of thee to dig it, dudes:
yea, though it would surely seem
we are physically different dudes,
there's really just this one Dude
with a capitol muh'****** D, right?
That ******' Guy is really every-******'-thing else, man,
and we're all, like, little dude fractals and ****
aspiring to be spiraling out of his head and **** like that, man,
and Mr.Dr. Big Supreme Badass Cpt.******'Everything Dude's all like:
'Go for it, my dudes! ******' right! Rock on! Yeah!! Get some!'
and I'm here to ******' prove it, man,
but, I mean, we're all here already, dudes,
and that's really all the proof of my point I think I need:
it's the Dude that's ******' everywhere, all the ******' time, man,
and, like, we've just gotta recognize that ****, man,
and reflect it. We gotta respect that ****, you know, man?
It's, like, soo super ******' far out, man,
that it's really just super ******' far in, maaan!
It's all the same, dudes.
Dudes. Hear me out, dudes.
It's all just ******' fractals and crystals and vibrations n' ****, dude.
Reflections of Dude everywhere, dude.
I am Dude. We are Dude.
Dudes ******* abound, dude.
Keep bein' dudes, dudes.
Be excellent to each other. Party on, dudes.

Hey, woah man, what's that like?
I heard about that..
Pass that over here, dude, would'ya?
If you're into it, I'm curious...

..aww yeeeah.. thanks, man.
I appreciate it. Respect.

where was I..
****. I lost the trip, man. Oh well.
There was gonna be a point to that,
but I forget now. ****, man.
I feel like an idiot. I'm sorry, I just wasted all that time!
What were you even asking me?
I get a bit carried away at times.
Oh, yeah, its'..uhh. about three-fifteenish!"
I will have you know, this is easy to say but hard to write, let alone read aloud. Seriously. Try it. Please. Just this once, for me, baby, please?

For this trip, we're gonna need a ******' translator from Californian to Greek to Aramaic to Latin to Saxon to English to Arabic to Spanish to Ancient Egyptian to Hindi to Afrakaans to Portuguese to French to German to Norwegian and then to Russian and tradtional Chinese before coming back to Japanese and then proceeding south to Nepal and staying for a layover in some tiny ******* village that uses bad-******'-*** Nordic lookin' Runes somewhere long enough to become fluent before finding another person who speaks Californian just to make sure if I would agree with myself, if I needed to, man.

-Context is Key!
So much colloquial *******!
May this serve as a glimpse into the fine vernacular often drawn upon by the folks characteristic of my brand of Northern California as interpreted by a, at this point, raving ******* lunatic.
Is it blasphemy if it means well?
I'm almost in disbelief that I wrote this.

I hope at least one of you is laughing as hard as I am now.
If so, I like to think I've done my job, man.
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
The infinite light
Find its way
Through my window
To the soul
Wakes me up
From a slumber
With a dream
Floating among
The rays of light
Light as feather
I feel free
Light finds its way
To the inner
Corridors of my life
The glow
Throws light
On my consciousness
Making me aware
Of the realm
Where true hearts reside
The joie de vivre
Is so attractive
I cannot stay away
But join them
Amy Perry Mar 2015
My thoughts are chemicals.
I am made of recycled cells
That I ingest, I take in what's best
For optimal health, active or at rest.

My DNA as mysterious as the Cosmos,
The Cosmos less of a mystery than Ocean floors.
I come from the Ocean, an awesome notion,
A family with all others, every Thing is a cousin.

My ancestors all made it to reproduction.
I am assembled, through history, through selection.
My traits have been crafted, positively reacted.
Nurtured by Nature, genes that have lasted.

I am made from the stars,
Drink water that passed through dinosaurs.
I experience Life, though filled with a bounty of strife,
Through eyes of a Human, intelligence my paradise.

And though my species feels more advanced
And in control of a world we craft with our own hands,
We are not self-efficient, resources increasingly deficient,
A virus to be easily shaken, in which the planet would not be missing.

I have a fleeting gift,
Amidst the destruction that here lives,
And that is my consciousness,
No fear of abyss, no promise of bliss,

But in my spark of a lifetime,
Seemingly insignificant, and that's fine,
I have inside endless thoughts with my mind,
No need of afterlife with a gift so divine.
Casey Carter Mar 2015
I know you have a dark side
Although you hide it well
Life as tectonic plates
You choose your show and tell

I know you have a dark side
I know your heart means well
Concepts and beliefs
Removed experience

All things
are functions
of consciousness

I know you have a dark side
The way out is through
Integrate dualistic self
Taste the answers you seek
Woods By Day Bars By Night © 2012, Casey Carter
Amitav Radiance Mar 2015
Empty yourself of the worries
Let them brim over and overflow
Fill yourself with nothingness
Feel the freeness in your soul
Not bounded by any constraints
Connect with the harmony
When the paradise is nurtured
See many flowers of hope bloom
Smeared with aromatic concoctions
You can see light in a new way
Shirley Mar 2015
Thought catalyzed by stimulus.

A change in electrical impulses which burst and branch from outstretched, pink-tipped fingers.
Signal which travels thousands of multifaceted miles that curl and weave amongst themselves as highways of
Nerves act as roads that facilitate reaction.

Conception born from vibrations, undulating and deepened waves.

Concept begot from color gradients.
Cones, rods, and darkness absorb light into their small oblivion.
Each detecting.
Reflection and refraction of pure white—

Electrical signals, as firecrackers, flicker and ignite a flame within the mind,
The cytoplasmic, grey mass.
A paradoxical recognition of self.  
Beings of electrical processes and mechanics.

The subconscious acts as a blueprint in its seemingly endless convoluting of chemical coding.

Consciousness spirals out to the depths within what is unknown,
A place with no agenda and no aspiration.
Until the mind recoils back to the comforting space which encompasses the forefront of one’s faintly
Surfacing thoughts.
Fallen Angel Feb 2015
His jealousy is like a poison in my blood
I can feel my limbs getting heavy
in my attempts to ease it
but it just gets stronger.
My limbs are like dead weight
sinking sinking deeper
drowning in the water
unable to rise
unable to feel.
I fall to the ground
so deep I can feel the hounds of hell breathing
breathing me in
the way I breathed in the smell of my coffee
the smell of his blackberry tea.
He prefers tea to coffee
it has a better taste to him
he only likes iced coffee.
His presence has gone silent
he no longer speaks.
I don’t hear from him
he’s done
he just disappeared.
It’s like it never happened.
I never watched him play
with his tea cup after it was gone.
He never kissed me.
He kissed me...
Maybe he did have a right to be jealous of him.
Maybe it made sense...
I just don’t know.
I wish his presence would come back.
I enjoy talking to him
seeing him
being around him.
But I also enjoy being around the other.
How can I expect him to not be jealous
when I know how he feels,
but I still tell him when I hang out with another guy?
Like Eli and his blackberry tea
his blackberry tea and my coffee.
My coffee I sipped at to make the moment last longer.
I’d been so scared he wouldn’t like me.
I was already wondering why he wanted to hang out with me
he’s a freshman in college I'm a sophomore in high school.
The only conversations we had before then
was always about poetry
But what did I do?
Why did he just stop?
All I did was say I couldn’t hang out that night.
He asked at eleven at night.
I was already lounging around.
I was watching movies.
I had to work in the morning.
Why did he wait till eleven at night to ask?
I was free all day
but he waits till its dark and I can’t leave.
Why does that give him reason to ignore me?
I guess two can play at that game
but its a little harder on my end.
When you’re already being ignored its hard to ignore them
especially when you just want them to talk to you.
Talk to me.
Talk to you.
What am I talking about?
If he messaged right now
we all know I’d answer.
What’s a girl to do
when she wants to be around the person
that’s ignoring her?
Before you ask
no, I don’t like him like that
at least I don’t think
I don’t know.
I don’t know what I think.
I don’t know anything.
I don’t know me.
I don’t know you.
I don’t know her .
and I apparently don’t know him either.
But I know the other.
He’s still there
watching quietly in his jealous stupor.
He’s still talking to me
but that has made no difference.
Especially when he quotes my own poems back to me
“‘This inexpressible, uncontrollable feeling
for you
only you
no one else
just you

I don’t know how to respond to that.
how does he expect me to respond?
I don’t even know anymore!
This is a stream of consciousness poem that I wrote in my writing class. We had about 30 minutes to write and we had to write the whole time so I just let my  mind run with this the whole time. So I'm sorry it's kind of long
Jack B Feb 2015
sometimes the last line appears first.
organization is fictional anyway.

what does it look like when your heart explodes?
does it paint the town red?

this is our adventure.
our bodies- untamed wildernesses.
for only the most fearless explorers.

come come now,  get to know me.

just follow these ole laughter lines.
argus Feb 2015
Who knows?
None but myself.
Who has experienced?
None but myself.
Who cares?
Surely, none but myself.
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