Did you moan my name by mistake?
Did it catch in your throat,
get tangled up in the lie,
stick to the roof of your mouth like something foul?
Or did you forget me completely,
just for a moment,
just long enough to let her pull you under?
I bet you touched her the way you used to touch me.
Slow, deliberate,
like you wanted to make it mean something.
Like you wanted to convince yourself
this wasn’t betrayal,
just… something that happened.
You’re a ******* joke.
Did you kiss her after?
Did you pull her close like she was yours?
Did she believe you
when you whispered the same empty promises
you spoon-fed me?
I wonder if she smelled me on your skin.
If she felt my ghost in your hands.
If she knew she was just a grave
you were burying me in.
And then you came home.
Sat in our bed like nothing was different,
like the sheets weren’t stained with your filth,
like you weren’t rotting from the inside out.
Did you think I wouldn’t notice?
That I wouldn’t taste the decay
in the air between us?
That I wouldn’t feel the way your love
curdled into something sour?
You want to lie?
Choke on it.
Rot in it.
Drown in it.
But don’t you dare touch me with those hands.
Not now.
Not ever again.