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Dina Aug 2014
Look at how I've controlled your little mind
I find humor in when you think that without me you won’t please yours or any other eye
I can manipulate you into believing that in my absence that word pretty you will never define
Chanel, L’Oreal, Maybelline
what else of me have you  prioritized
of what I offer, you own a collection so wide
from your dresser
to your pocket
or in that bag you carry by your side
contouring so you can attain that distinct jaw line
or black winged liner to change the shape of your eye
why haven't you realized?
that you're gradually making me a necessity in your lives
of this you have no clue
due to your false judgment which has convinced you to assume
that your flaws should be hidden because they don’t make you, you
The richness of the colors I offer
will keep you satisfied
The cherry red on your lips that feels every breath
you take in
one smudge and you’re ready to reapply
do you act as if nature has done some sort of crime?
Let face it if there’s anyone who should be fined
it is I
for deluding you to ignore the innocence of your face
whose beauty you've chose not to embrace
and have resorted to me as your only escape
leaving  with what’s beneath to suffocate
making you confident
like fulfilling some need
only for a period of time
I succeed
so on me don’t be too dependent
for I’m just a temporary lie
step outside
keeping in mind
that true beauty radiates from what’s inside
don't take to heart on what they criticize
do not get used to me
because dear
I do not define
Talk incessantly.
Dwell on temporal affairs.
Ask friends for advice; ignore it.
Air out perceived problems constantly.
Respond defensively.
Never take criticism at face value.
Write off whoever won't humor you.
Accuse others of misunderstanding you.
Build your lifestyle on whims.
Presume entitlement to *** for "being nice".
Choose an inappropriate diet for your body.
Avoid personal responsibility.
Refuse to own your failures and errors.
Justify behaviors that create conflict.
Rationalize unfruitful thought and action at all cost.
Dismiss what contradicts your prejudices.
Compare yourself to Jesus.
Insist on your specialness.
Insist that others acknowledge it.
Don't communicate your expectations.
Blame others for your bad choices.
Fish for compliments.
Use sentiment to ply others.
Use sentiment to ply yourself.

Subject anyone to yourself
while the above applies to you.
It's called a "toxic person", ladies and gentlemen.
Elijah Corbeau Aug 2014
Once a Man stared over the sea
And contemplated the Forever.
He decided there was beauty there,
So he set to crosssing over.

For years he worked his simple hands,
With his mind set to his task,
Working tirelessly towards his goals,
He continued, on and on until-
It stood before him.
The Bridge sailed beyond the sunset,
And landed somewhere in heaven's fence.
He was sure he caught forever there.
Isn't that something? Something to be shared?
And share he did, with his closest friends, but
They scoffed, and laughed, looked at him
As if he was crazy. But then
They saw it for themselves.
The fretted and played, terrified
Of what they might find in crossing,
Who wouldn't be, you see?
Forever's a mighty long time.
A mighty long time, indeed.
So to comfort them, he set them up
Two by two to go.
Then watched as they crossed,
Hearts hopelessly lost-
Until they faded, far from sight.
The man looked around, proud of his deed
His friends had finally been shown.
Then started to cross, but stopped-
He had realized forever was a mighty long time-
And he was now alone.
A moral there is -
Hannah Beth Aug 2014

                              She ached for identity like a lover for their flame
  but lay despairing and dejected
                                                  When she couldn’t find her name.

One of my favourite shows  deals a lot with the issue of identity, character, etc, and it just got me thinking a lot about the whole concept and obsession people have developed with finding out 'who you are'. Identity's a tricky subject to write about but yunno, a girl can try
Some people call having lived many years "old". I refuse to think that way. Living a long life creates a beautifully diverse soul.
Lauren J Feb 2014
Because I have had nothing, I am generous.
Because I have been mistreated, I am kind.
Because I have been lied to, I am honest.
Because I have been foolish, I am wise.
Because I have been hurt, I am happy.
Because I have made mistakes, I have succeeded.

Because I have endured, I am strong. ♥
Just a thought lately, hardship only defines character. -L
Ozzie Smith, Yazstremski,

Dave Stieb and Robin Yount

these men were of a special group

It's one I'm proud to count

There's players who achieve a goal

While others just achieve

They set a standard for the rest

In their heart they just believe

The game is full of heroes

Men depended on each game

They all have certain attributes

And we all know them by name

Kaline, Ripken, and Wade Boggs

The Carters, Joe and Gary

They're men who inspire us

They have a reputation tough to carry

To be a man of character

You must be better than the rest

You have to be a leader

If you ***** up, you must confess

Baseball doesn't make you one

For character's within

You just learn how to channel it

Bring it out from where it's been

Now, Cobb, Ruth and McLain

Were characters as well

But, not the kind of characters

That we are here to tell

They had a reputation

One that is not lost upon the game

But, to say that they had character

Then you would not speak their names

Tom Seaver and Clemente

Thurmon Munson, Sparky too

Were men who set examples

Of exactly what to do

To build a reputation

One that shows character and heart

Is something time consuming

It's built of many parts

To do the right thing once

Is not the thing I want to see

But to do it right consistently

That defines character to me

There are so many examples

Of players in this group

But there are ten times as many

Who miss the homer with a bloop

Baseball brings it out in you

It doesn't put it there

You show what you are made of

By be fair

Williams, Maris, Dimaggio

Robinsons, Jackie and Frank

They played with an integrity

You could take it to the bank

If you want to be a winner

Please do this if you can

Be a man of character

Not a character of a man.
Andre Baez Jul 2014
You're my soulmate, it doesn't mean that we're lovers, it doesn't mean we're family, it means we complete each other
If the other stuff comes true, it's part of what's due, truthfully I don't mind being apart of you
Not all consuming your heart, just a branch, or a twig, maybe even some leaves or bark
It's a start, and that's all I need, I've long been dispelled by notions of greed to feed me
Sit down and eat with me and I'll laugh with you, take a part of my soul, and I'll take part of you
Even if it's a simple image on my screen, it's the picture of you, which fills up my dreams
I'm an open canister, and you're my lovely banner, never tempered by tantrums
You hold my heart ransom, in the light with my soul, never give me up for some silver or gold
Likewise I carry your heart in tow, I own the greatest prize, so what the hell is silver and gold?
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