I work at the edge, where the light of Awen beckons,
Drawing me back to the warmth of this earthly life.
Foraging into uncharted realms, brambles cross my face,
thick and wild,
An unyielding maze where the shadows of my demons linger;
they are a little messed up.
Yearning to retreat, to find solace on familiar ground.
Visions of a goddess pulse an existence, so inspired
I stand tall, defenses at the ready,
Nurturing the delicate blooms of change within.
In the quiet moments of within myself, I gather strength,
For transformation requires time, patience, and grace
I humble my mind.
One day, I will rise, petals unfurling to the sun,
To bring forth my gifts, sharing the beauty of my journey
With the world the seed is broadcast, as I climb steadily from the dark.
She of three stands before you