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Marie-Chantal Dec 2014
Observing Raven feather-full,
A gleam of blue on black.
The beady eye could look at me
And widen every crack.

Mocking with
Hollow call.
Watch! Don’t let that feather fall.
Promises it’s not hole.

The Raven whispers thoughts of doubt,
Insides sobbing “let me out!"
A thought indeed bizarre
But one can only think that...
“Maybe these birds are?"

A glooming sense of winged wisdom,
Although black and beady eyed,
It would not come as a shock
That their little birds, they never cried!

One cannot help but wonder
If they can see indoors?
Of course it may not seem so
but they always come in fours!

Look out the window frame,
Take a peek!
Observe the Raven’s coarse black beak.

*Just mind he doesn’t watch you back,
Or he will widen every crack.
I have always had a fascination with ravens, and I just found this and edited it. It's been a long time coming, I think.
Emanuel Dec 2014
Separateness is a lie. We never die. You can lie in the sky. The pizza is a pie. The horse is the guy. Rangers are spies. Children are flies. Telephones tell lies. There is no surprise. There's truth in demise. A house cannot fly. Our home is alive.
Eva Louise Nov 2014
the onus of breathing
the duty of eating
tasks of a desk job
the burden called living

humans clicking their tongues
and making mouth sounds
speaking rhythms and tunes
that mean nothing to me

I bury my eyes,
swallow my voice
just stop existing
"be a good boy"

let me fall asleep
wake up 6 feet underground
i'll be smiling
with no feet above me
Edna Sweetlove Nov 2014
My toothpick
Is impaled on the wall
Of goatiness
This a rabbit's prayer
Nor will I
Heed Thee
When the cat
Walks through the dark
Cushion of hate
Let me know
I pick big fleshy
Mucus from my nose
Chewing noisily.
Silence Screamz Oct 2014
Slip knotted into my past,
blood soaked cloth covers my eyes.
You are uninvited.
This is bizarre. Am I going crazy?

My paradise is lost in the deep,
no survival or sunset.
No headlights working,
the black balloon burst.

Swallowing broken glass
and coughing up crimson.
I lay on bed on nails
with a thousand holes in my back.

Excepting my realities,
is it all lies in my head.
Not knowing the truth,
my memories are a myth.
What you've been waiting for.
The irresistible minerals of our afterlife
Awakened them from their recurring coma.

Radiation descended toward jagged terrain.

A deer was calcified.
I would be too if I was that genuine creature.
Pleading just pleading,
The impact depressed the earth,
Taking me down underground.
I'm outside of your eyes.

(c) 2014 Brandon Antonio Smith

(Originally written 12/4/10
Revised 9/24/14)
k Jul 2014
shrouded by the freckles on her cheek,
i watched the shadows of the settling day fall over her
skin and i forgot what it meant to dream,
for she was the epitome of an easy saturday morning that you never
wanted to wake up from,
she was in my blood and she was a spaceship that would never take off.
i screamed for her to take me away,
abduct me, make me one of your species,
make me love you even deeper than is possible for a human being.

she tethered me to her with her restless spirit;
i wanted to keep believing in her for an unsettlingly enormous infinity,
i wanted to lay by her side and chase the shadows on her back for as long as i could remember.

opening her lips, she burned an image in my mind of her, and i shoved it down my throat and into my heart,
burying her in my soul with dirt under my fingernails,
with blood crusted in my eyes.
this is for you
nadya s Jul 2014
Are you ready for a nightmare
Which comes every night
Presents the unwanted fairytale
They call it,
Arrival of The Dark Fairies
That allegedly can depress you
Drives you crazy
Destroys your soul into pieces
Makes you try to **** yourself
Knocks you out
Into the abyss of darkness

They vowed to torment humans
and will never let them go...

One day
A poor little girl dreamed
She nestled coarsely
By the fairies
And they asked her,
"Are you living,
Or just existing?"
This is the most bizarre poetry ever. Please correct if my grammar was wrong. Bcus im just 13 years old. Comment pls! Ily guys
Whiskywolf Jun 2014
We look to see. judge with our eyes upon a face or disguise. Voices are the truth what we can say sets us apart from others not the curve of our nose nor the scars we may bare. We all have battles many of mine have been lost, I am no defeated man I am no bitter solider. I am lost in an abundance of foul play and bizarre nature.
Dear Emma Watson -
Shall we make love
The object of
Our spiritual quest

Surely an altogether
Better option
Than pairing you off
In a commentary box
With one John Motson
Discussing twenty two
Pairs of socks
Chasing a piece of leather?

If spiritual questing
Is not for you
I will make do
With tightly tied pairs of shoes
Existential emus,
Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes.

Whilst hoping you find
Your Sherlock Holmes,
Miss Watson
I will content myself with
Cataloguing my collection of
Black and white combs.

I also have plots on
Which I need to work -

Wednesday Addams's love of
Moon dried tomatoes

Or Erica Roe
Somewhere in Portugal
Growing sweet potatoes
For sale.

Don't let anyone tell you
There ain't no perks
To being an Omega Male.
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