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Em Sep 2015
Once upon a time, we gave each other the title "best friend".
To me, it meant so much more than it did to you.
It meant acceptance, openness, honesty, love.
To you, it was just a title.
You told me once that we would always be best friends,
That nothing would ever change that.
I was ignorant enough to believe you.
Even after you played games with my heart and mind,
I still believed you.
Perhaps, it was stupidity at it's finest.

They say your first love isn't necessarily
The person who shares your first kiss,
Or the person you marry.
It's the one you compare everyone too.

You are my first love, though, you never even loved me.

You put me though so much unnecessary ****,
And every time,
I continued to run back to you.
Because you were my best friend.

You will probably never understand the depths of my love for you.
But it's okay, because I don't either.

I just wish you knew that I choose you every time.

I've cut off all possible traces that could lead me back to you;
Because it's not worth it anymore.
I'm tired of being ignored.
I'm tired of being taken for granted.
I'm tired of you getting the final say.

Wanna know what I say?
Written 09.24.15
nina Sep 2015
I love
Every last detail about you
From every curl on your head
To the tips of your toes

I can feel your love
And it makes me ecstatic
Knowing that no matter what happens
I'll always be in your heart
Just as you'll always be in mine

I am unconditionally in love
With you
My life will never be the same now.
And even if we're apart, you will still be a part of me
Christy Avery Aug 2015
Most people hear that word and think of school
A cheap, meaningless word
Until you find the real teachers

The people who teach you about life
Teach you about love
Teach you about yourself

You don't even know it
Did you suspect it would turn out this way when it all happened?
Did you ever think that you wouldn't completely destroy me?
For a while I was a mess
Crying, wishing you to say
But knowing you wouldn't.

One thing I learned was that you always kept your word.

Slowly, slowly
I kicked and screamed my way out
I wasn't trapped by you anymore
I didn't know what was happening.
You ******* everything up and made a mess in my life when it didn't even involve you

Another thing I learned was that someone else can create the demons, but you can make them stay.

But now?
I'm okay.
Not fine, but okay.
I'm over you
That part was the easiest- I know I'm better off.
But I'm still picking up the pieces of the mess you made in my mind.

But if there's one thing I've learned
One thing that overpowers everything
It's that I've found myself
Losing you was worth it.

So maybe a broken friendship wasn't my teacher.
Maybe I'm teaching myself.
Charlotte Aug 2015
Covered in gasoline
holding fire
their bond got stronger.
Little did they know
when it broke
they were only covered in water.
AM Aug 2015
She's my first tear catcher
my personal mood charger
we share stupid laughs together
and become each others' healer
she's the coolest life teacher
my idiotic picture liker
helping me to be a better stalker
each time my ex has another girl
she's the angel and the devil
knows me better than a fortune teller
she's my best of friends
she's my forever
When others asked me
Who I thought to be my best friend
It was not the name of a sister I uttered
It was yours I would speak clearly
I was proud to call you my best friend
I felt such a connection
And I knew you felt it too
But somehow in the mix of life
We separated
Though not by my will
I did take that last step though
But all I had asked from you
Was a simple request
But you refused
And I snapped
Leaving us standing on opposite sides
Of the line in the sand

This doesn’t change
That my heart screams to be near you
What I would give anything to have you here
To speak with in excited tones
Of all that has occurred

I can hear your laugh as if you are here
Surrounding me as I tell you
Of what I have done
You would chuckle
Tell me that I have done good
Wrap me in your strong arms
Before you hand me
Whatever pison we chose for the night

I can see the looks of amusement
You would give me
As I told you of my adventures
While we sat cross legged on your bed
Your cat between us
Food you made before me
As you make sure that I eat something
Me failing to get you to eat more than a bite with me

But above all else
I miss you
I wonder if you would answer if I called
You are like a sister to me
We have grown up with each other
From as close to day one
As you can get
Without being real sisters
I love you with all my heart
And I know none of this is intentional
But we seem to be drifting Dear
It’s been twelve years
And the laughter is now forced
Though only in front of others
We are still sisters at heart
And behind closed doors
But why can’t that be
In front of your friends?
Why does the laughter
Have to be forced for them?
Why do I have to feel like
Second class around them?
I wish it could be like it use to be.
danny Jul 2015
Between two people
best friends
they said

And time passed
They loved every flaw
about each other.
They knew each other
Like the back of their hands
best friends
They said

He fell
She fell
And they both knew that
They were slowly falling in love
best friends
They said

He didn't wanna give it a chance
She was up for it
He was afraid
Of losing her and their bond
She knew nothing was permanent
best friends
They said.

Until she gave up
And he did too
Their friendship crumbled
To pieces
Without them even knowing

best friends
They said.
Erin Jul 2013
You've been there for me
since the start of junior high
You've watched me as I smiled
and you comforted me when I cried.

You write better than I do,
your poetry soft and quaint
You draw with such lovely style
whether it be pencil, marker, paint.

I used to hate you touching me
but now I find I crave it.
I love the way I feel about you
although I don't understand it.

I devour each one of your poems,
love that simple poetry
so perhaps you'll try to think it's fine
when I pretend they're all written for me.
July 30, 2013 /itsjusterin
Friends since elementary school
Stuck with me even when I acted like a fool
A soccer star
Beat me in every scrimmage by far
I went to hra
Our friendship turned to grey

Two years pass apart
I figure he had no room left for me in his heart
I miss that laugh and smile
But then I see him at legacy practice and he says "it's been a while"

That night he's in my dreams
We dance forever it seems
I wake up all cheery and glee
I find out that next day, he had dreamed of me
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