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hkr Jul 2018
I was infatuated with you in another life
and by “another life” I mean
last week.

There wasn’t much between us, but
you are the only one who’s ever made me wet
without touching me.
So, it was good to see you
and it is good to see you
and it will probably always be good to see you
the way it’s always good to see the sun.

Sunlight brings my freckles out,
but it makes your entire body glow
until you’re the brightest thing in the room,
the center of the universe for the day.

But I’m a Cancer, baby.
Like the moon,
I revolve around the earth,
not the sun.
Not you.

So why can’t I look at you
without feeling like I missed out on something?
awknight Jul 2018
I write the unspeakable
I see letters capitalizing
the things I cannot say

To look at you and whisper
“I love you”
rises fear from
deep within my soul.

So like the rest of my fears
I wrote them down

Only this time,
I laid it in your hands.
lilhadi Jun 2018
Aries– No matter how confident they appear, they constantly need reassurance that they’re doing okay. They want to know that their friends and family are proud of them. They thrive when those they love are proud.

Taurus– They are a lot deeper than they let on. They feel so much. They’re like the “parent” friend but they get tired of being so responsible all the time. Believe it or not, they love being taking care of.

Gemini– THEY’RE NOT THEIR STEREOTYPES!!!! Oh my god they absolutely are NOT their stereotypes. They care so much. They obsess over things very easily but it’s endearing. They’re the best communicators of the entire zodiac. Listen to them.

Cancer– Sometimes they can seem a bit selfish. They aren’t. Literally everything they do is for other people. Love is the most sacred thing in their lives. They’re at their happiest when they’re making their lovers and friends happy.

Leo– They’re waaaaay more emotional than they let on. They don’t like to express emotions for fear of seeming weak, but if they love you, you know it. They’re blunt as hell, and you may think it’s because they’re being mean but it isn’t. It’s because they want you to succeed.

Virgo– Similar to Leo, they are bluntly critical of their friends but only because they want you to be thriving. They are arguably the smartest sign. Listen to them. They also aren’t ALL neat freaks. Yes, some are. But not always. Their lives can best be described as “controlled chaos.” It works for them.

Libra– They’re so much more sensitive than they let on. They come off as the most confident of the signs though. They appear ditzy but they aren’t at all. They’re the signs that can be friends with anyone. If they ever appear “fake,” it isn’t because they are fake. It’s because they want peace, balance, and for everyone to be happy.

Scorpio– For goodness sake, they aren’t ALL dark and brooding and mean. They’re actually one of the most sensitive signs there is. They take things so incredibly personal. They’re made to laugh easily. Not nearly as intimidating as they appear to be BUT, that doesn’t mean they can’t become mean as HELL when they want to be.

Sagittarius– They don’t do well with emotions, only because they have so many inside of them. They don’t MEAN to come across as a victim, but they do sometimes. It’s only because they have a hard time with communication. They want someone who’s going to take care of them no matter how much they try to push you away.

Capricorn– They have such a guard up, but they’re so cute. God SO CUTE. They come across as the “class clowns” and it’s mostly because they are afraid of letting people get close to them. When they do get close to someone though, they’re incredibly smart.

Aquarius– They do want you to love them, no matter how distant they can seem at times. They’re the masters of making you think you know everything about them when you actually don’t. They give off a vibe that makes you feel comfortable enough to tell them everything about you. They’re great listeners, but they want someone to listen to them too.

Pisces– They can read your mind. Don’t even doubt it– they can. They tune in to your feelings, and they understand you more than you know. Take everything they say seriously, because every single one of them has immense wisdom beyond their years. But love is something they fear

awknight Jun 2018
What if
in every black hole,
created by loneliness
and forgotten words,
lies a galaxy
created all its own —
remnants of the implosion
scar the beauty
but will
remain a perfect
of the new creation;
from what was believed
to be nothing emerges

Structured by the hands
of a god,
a perfect tracing of
what is needed --
survival is not an option.

Lose yourself in me.
Hello Brain
awknight Jun 2018
Dearest Lover,

I write because I am scared
to speak.
Taboo to the world, I have
within myself become closed.
I wish so badly to tell you to run,
run from who I am —
even though you claim to know.

If you do, why are you here?

I see the moon in upside-down phases,
the sun does not shine through my
***** windows.
I wear the universe on me
and keep it within me.

People have thrown me to the
skies, thinking I would not shine.

Looking back, they see my gleaming
light shooting at them faster than
their mind can comprehend.
It is only then they wish to pull me
close — pull me from the sky they
tossed me too.

Dearest lover,
join me
I can be your Regulus.
are we ever not afraid of ourselves?
jonni inferno Apr 2018
their readings ruptured
now run around
in panic-stricken circles

How can this be ?!!?
What shall we do ?!!?
Ceres is Gone !!
Now Pluto too !!
Who shall be next ??!!??
Jupiter ??
Neptune ??

We know their plans
and they've been confirmed

- No -
it's not Saturn...
- sshhh -
Be quiet now
- Please -
Do Not Squirm
They only want

from a planet
to a planetoid
and if they keep going
a lowly

just a comedic finish to "Pluto, Thou Hast Fallen"
included the link to the pic/poem at the end
Sally Apr 2018
He was the brightest light that I ever known.
Warm, powerful and full of passion.
We bonded over our love for physics,
Little did I know that the forces of gravity were at work.
Pulling us together like 'fate' was written in the stars.
I couldn't stand to be apart from him.
When he smiled at me, and said 'I love you'.
I knew that he was the one.
Through every lifetime,
On every alternate universe.
Aries, I would love you until time and space dissipated.
Death may separate us, but in my heart - you are immortal.
I am forever yours.
- Libra.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
A perfect beauty

A perfect beauty could be different beneath the skin.
They may be beautiful on the outside,
But dark secrets may be hidden underneath.
The person we desire could be blinding us from their faults;
The lover we require may be a detached love so far away from us.

In silence we remain alone;
In voice we give birth to love.
Without a love of our own,
We remain less than we should have become.

We have to see past lust
And delve deep under to find love;
Because a love built solely on lust,
Will crumble and become lost.

If we remain true to love and do not just accept anyone;
We will find what we need, if we are lucky enough to find the one.
The words have already told us,
That love is everything that we need.
So stay faithful to your faith in love
And you will find your real love, eventually.

Obsessing over beauty will only leave us so sad;
We may miss out on love, for them and they may never know.
If you think they are the one,
But then you see the flaws they never had;
You will regret what you did or didn’t do and you will end up alone.

Be open to love, for every love is a gift;
Do not take anyone for granted, or they will soon be gone.
Throw your arms around love; do not let it be missed,
Because you cannot change what you have already done
And if they really are so perfect, then why are they alone?

A flawed beauty is what we should desire;
A painful past will bring you closer together.
A love full of lust burns the brightest fire;
A lust without love, will never last forever.

Being honest to love is not such a risk,
When you compare it to being honest with only lust.
Love will protect you every hour, in every kiss;
But with each lover, you wear away love and away goes the trust.

In stars we search for understanding, for meaning and for sight;
In songs we find understanding, true meaning and insight.
In marriage we become new beings, living a whole new life.
A beauty without flaws is called perfection; it is also a lie.

Seek what you want and accept what you will;
Profit where you may and put your trust in who you want.
Desire all you can have and let no tear ever be wrongfully spilled;
Live for lust, or lust for love;
Live for love and you will find that you are now at one with the one.

(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Mel Kay Apr 2018
Perhaps you and I are an eclipse
and our life spans are the time before and after it. As to make sure it only happens once.

And we will glance at one another for a long moment before our fingertips slip through the space between our hands like desert sand.

One last time I will tell you how the stars were always just the light in your eyes, shining through the cracks in my bedroom ceiling and I was merely the darkness inside the room.

If I could stand on my tippy-toes, the way you like it, I would lasso planet HAT-P-7b and place it in your chest between those stars that made you.

But you will vanish from my sight and take my universe with you. And I, spacebound, will travel another 7 years into the next lifetime to find your arms around me in the morning.

Even if our next eclipse lasts only 7 minutes and 31 seconds.
if you like astronomy you will know why that planet is so special. ***
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