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Zywa Mar 2019
He dressed you in underwear
lightly twisted the left foot
then compromised the leg

I stopped for a few seconds
because where did the idea come from
that you might be the same

You both stare through me
so independently and quietly
what is there to see in my soul?

I was looking for a difference
you look so much like her
by then, the window dresser was ready
Collection "Greeting from before"
Emily Miller Mar 2018
The smell of salt water invokes the image of the sea shore.
The flush of red in lips makes one feel lustful.
A rocking sensation reminds one of the comfort of the womb.
But here in this bar, the sight of that Jameson bottle on the wall makes me think of nothing
But you.
Unholy you,
With one hand brushing back unruly locks,
The other fiddling with a half-empty glass,
And that look on your face
Because you know exactly what’s going through my mind,
And that green bottle perched on a shelf.
The bartender tries to hand me my gin and tonic,
But my eyes hover above her hair,
On the dim haze of a gleam on the dusty glass,
And suddenly the haze becomes hazier,
Blurry with the unexpected moisture pooling in my eyes.
Because it’s not just from you anymore,
The **** thing is a part of me,
Because I’ll never forget when you said my eyes are the color of the glass,
Your favorite bottle,
With your famous mischievous grin,
But a softer look in your eye,
So that I know what you really mean.
It’s not just that subtle bottle green color,
It’s the fact that you can’t get enough.
Drink after drink thrown back,
And just like your glass,
You throw me down,
And you say
“I’m thirsty.”
You consume me as easily as you consume whiskey,
And I’m an essence in a bottle to you.
Bought and sold,
A commodity to be replaced,
Because you’re insatiable...
But as I stand here with my eyes on that bottle,
I realize…
I don’t want to be your addiction anymore.
Lauren Prather Mar 2017

You can get one drift of a certain scent and it will leave you thinking for hours.

As a little girl, I remember the sweet and bitter smell of the tangerine trees in my great grandmother's barren backyard. The smell lit up the entire neighborhood.

The smell of my sisters perfume. She used to give me just a squirt every time I saw her because it was so expensive. I was just a child, I didn't understand.

The smell of the ocean my aunt used to live by. The salty sea and sand aroma filled the open windows in her house mixed with the chlorine from her one person sized pool.

The funny thing about scent is it never goes away. I can still smell the tangerine trees, her perfume and the beautiful mixture of the oceans salty breeze and chlorine.

These scents make me believe these three incredible women's souls live on past their time. I can still feel their presence with me with each aroma
aniket nikhade Nov 2016
Hope and luck have got one thing in common,
both have an association with an uncertain future.

Somewhere down the line
Somewhere along the way
Not exactly sure,
when and where,
but sometime, somewhere met with an uncertain future,
which had got the following things to say,

Here I am back again,
telling you the same thing again,
which was told prior,
I am telling you again,
so do remember and keep it in your mind for the longest period of time,
if possible forever.

Ups and downs
Highs and lows
Yes and no
Success and failure
Everything and all of the above are part of life,
will remain in life as life will continue along with the same.

The only thing that needs to be kept in mind during all the chaos and confusion of life is to make sure, not to give up in life at any point in time.

Continue with what you have got in your mind,
continue with the same.
A moment in life will come when one thing will follow the next and everything else will fall in it's respective place,
the only condition that remains then is not to give up in life till that moment in time becomes a part of life,
however again life will continue with the same.

Ups and downs
Highs and lows
Yes and no
Success and failure
Everything and all of the above,
life will continue with the same.

Life goes on
Life continues
Life follows,
the moment that has gone with regards to the moment that is yet to come and become a part of the present moment in time in the present,
exactly that moment is yet to arrive in it's requisite place.
Life continues.
KM Abbott Sep 2016
A moth
A rat head
      ­  spit
        sliding off
        a bedpost
A cross
        a convenience store
        back-lit display
        dissolving two-dimensional
        Charlie Brown
feed your dog
        shaking, dry-ice
Find the bed and
        Close and rest on
        pillow lips
Slick black
        gossamer shell
Red light
        always on
        always seeing
        always waiting
what do I see?
        manipulated mutated
I see nothing next
        to nothing.

                **** mirror.
Atypnoc Jan 2015
Descending kind of flight
Of thought
Associated free
Comprehending blind of sight
We sought
Delay of anomie
Pretending find the right
Forgot that
Which we can't agree
Defending lined the fight
That bought
Every hidden fee
Made into the song "Anomie" by Atypnoc and Anomic84
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